Jamila Raqib: The secret to effective nonviolent resistance
Jamila Raqib: Rahasia dari perlawanan non-kekerasan yang efektif
Jamila Raqib works on pragmatic approaches to nonviolent action for activists, human rights organizations, academics and governments globally. Full bio
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since I can remember.
hidup saya sejak saya bisa mengingat.
just six months after the Soviets invaded,
hanya 6 bulan setelah invasi Soviet.
to understand what was happening,
untuk memahami yang terjadi,
penderitaan dan ketakutan di sekitar saya.
and the fear around me.
on how I now think about war and conflict.
cara pikir saya akan perang dan konflik.
sesuatu yang sangat penting dan mendasar,
have a fundamental issue at stake,
bagi sebagian besar orang,
to resist and to fight back.
untuk menolak dan melawan.
and terrible violence is,
destruktif dan mengerikan kekerasan itu,
satu-satunya pilihan mereka,
with the level of violence in the world.
dengan tingkat kekerasan di dunia.
that violence is morally wrong.
bahwa kekerasan itu salah secara moral.
menawarkan mereka alat
and as effective as violence.
dan efektif seperti kekerasan.
di dunia
situations around the world
non-kekerasan untuk mengontrol konflik.
struggle to conduct conflict.
with Gandhi and Martin Luther King.
aksi seperti ini
nonviolent action for thousands of years.
sudah digunakan selama ribuan tahun.
that we have today in this country --
yang kita miliki saat ini di negeri ini --
orientasi seksual yang berbeda
with the environment --
dengan lingkungan --
oleh orang-orang yang berjuang
who fought for them
from this history,
dari sejarah ini,
is widely misunderstood.
of Ethiopian activists,
dengan sekelompok aktivis Ethiopia,
that I hear a lot.
sesuatu yang sering saya dengar.
tried nonviolent action,
aksi non-kekerasan,
mereka mengadakan protes.
and that was the end of that.
dan itulah akhirnya.
is equivalent to street protests
setara dengan protes jalanan
way to show that people want change,
bisa menjadi cara bagus
orang-orang ingin perubahan,
actually create change --
membuat perubahan --
people what they want
apa diinginkan demonstran
by destroying an opponent,
dengan menghancurkan lawan,
that an opponent needs to survive,
yang dibutuhkan oleh lawan,
pada sumber kekuasaan tersebut.
those sources of power.
can neutralize the military
dapat melumpuhkan militer
through strikes and boycotts.
melalui mogok kerja dan boikot.
government propaganda
propaganda pemerintah
that can be used to do this.
untuk melakukan hal ini.
aksi non-kekerasan.
of nonviolent action.
by corrupt former military officials
oleh mantan pejabat militer yang korup
kejahatan terorganisir.
to do anything about it --
just 12 regular people,
hanya 12 orang-orang biasa,
to their friends
memegang papan dengan pesan:
holding signs with a message:
as protests spread throughout the country.
dan protes menyebar ke seluruh negeri.
to various government buildings
ke berbagai kantor pemerintah
from running for office,
yang korup dari berkuasa,
tidak akan pernah mundur.
tidak bisa hanya terus memprotes
that they couldn't just keep protesting
untuk mengundurkan diri.
terpaksa mengundurkan diri.
the country refused to work.
menolak bekerja.
and schools shut their doors.
dan sekolah tutup.
memblokir jalan-jalan utama.
blocked major roads.
pejabat pemerintah lainnya,
government officials,
of people using nonviolent action
di hampir setiap negara di dunia.
are confused about what to do with them.
mau diapakan babi-babi itu.
the color of the ruling party.
dengan warna partai yang berkuasa.
are getting better at grabbing headlines,
dalam membuat tajuk berita,
sangat sedikit berdampak
dari strategi yang lebih besar.
his troops into battle
pasukannya untuk berperang
untuk memenangkan perang itu.
nonviolent movements operate.
gerakan non-kekerasan bekerja.
as military warfare,
sama rumitnya dengan perang militer,
and have clear objectives,
dan memiliki tujuan yang jelas,
of how to achieve those objectives.
tentang cara mencapai tujuan tersebut.
over thousands of years
selama ribuan tahun
dedicated to understanding
didedikasikan untuk memahami
is rarely systematically studied,
jarang dipelajari secara sistematis
in the world who are teaching it.
yang mengajarkannya di dunia.
approaches of dealing with conflict
lama kita dalam menangani konflik
challenges that we're facing.
yang sedang kita hadapi.
dalam perang melawan ISIS.
in its war against ISIS.
using nonviolent action.
melawan ISIS
pada bulan Juni 2014,
in place a new public school curriculum,
kurikulum baru bagi sekolah umum,
anak-anak mereka ke sekolah.
homeschool their children
anak-anak mereka di rumah daripada
of just one act of defiance
dari tindakan pembangkangan
of nonviolent resistance
non-kekerasan lainnya
was part of a larger strategy
adalah bagian strategi yang lebih besar
that ISIS needs to function;
daya yang dibutuhkan ISIS untuk berfungsi;
untuk menghasilkan makanan;
to extract and refine oil;
untuk mengekstrak dan menyuling minyak;
and communications networks
dan jaringan komunikasi
yang diandalkan oleh ISIS?
that ISIS relies on?
to imagine defeating ISIS
membayangkan mengalahkan ISIS
the way we think about conflict
cara pikir kita tentang konflik
untuk menghadapinya.
nonviolent action has worked
di mana aksi non-kekerasan telah berhasil
membuatnya lebih ampuh,
systems and technologies
sistem dan teknologi lainnya
untuk lebih memenuhi kebutuhan manusia.
to better meet human needs.
nonviolent action
aksi non-kekerasan
used in place of war.
digunakan untuk menggantikan perang.
could then be abandoned
dapat ditinggalkan
seperti busur dan anak panah,
with weapons that are more effective.
dengan senjata yang lebih efektif.
nonviolent struggle more powerful
perjuangan non-kekerasan lebih kuat
yang terbaru dan terkini.
technologies of war.
lies not in condemning violence
bukan terletak pada mengutuk kekerasan
kekerasan menjadi usang.
Jamila Raqib - PeacemakerJamila Raqib works on pragmatic approaches to nonviolent action for activists, human rights organizations, academics and governments globally.
Why you should listen
Jamila Raqib is the executive director of the Albert Einstein Institution, which promotes the study and strategic use of nonviolent action worldwide. Since 2002, she has worked closely with Dr. Gene Sharp, the world's foremost scholar on strategic nonviolent action. Together, they developed a curriculum titled Self-Liberation: A Guide to Strategic Planning for Action to End a Dictatorship or Other Oppression. The publication is intended to provide in-depth guidance for planning a strategic nonviolent struggle.
Raqib represents the Institution at a number of domestic and international forums such as the Oslo Freedom Forum and the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations. Her work centers on presenting a pragmatic approach to nonviolent action to activists, human rights organizations, academics and governments. She travels throughout the world conducting consultations and workshops for individuals and groups seeking to achieve diverse goals such as opposing dictatorship, combatting corruption, attaining political rights, economic justice, environmental protection and women's empowerment.
She holds a B.A. in Management from Simmons College in Boston, MA, and is a Research Affiliate of the Center for International Studies at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Jamila Raqib | Speaker | TED.com