Alex Laskey: How behavioral science can lower your energy bill
Alex Laskey: Como a ciência comportamental pode diminuir sua conta de luz
Alex Laskey helps power companies to help their customers cut down -- using data analysis, marketing and a pinch of psychology. Full bio
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Harriet passou a prestar atenção.
de ciência comportamental
recados nas portas da vizinhança
desligassem o ar condicionado
US$ 54 por mês esse verão?
sobre economizar dinheiro funcionaria melhor.
e ligam o ventilador.
o que os vizinhos estavam fazendo.
funcionam muito bem.
ela pode ser uma força poderosa para o bem.
meu amigo Dan Yates e eu
e fizemos parcerias com concessionárias
de energia doméstica
em casas de tamanho similar.
de ciência comportamental no mundo.
com mais de 80 concessionárias
luzes acesas em cômodos vazios,
quando ninguém está em casa.
cientistas de materiais do mundo
quando os consumidores
por ajudar os consumidores a economizar.
do uso doméstico de energia.
investiu em ciência dos materiais,
recebemos uma carta
duas vezes mais energia que os vizinhos."
que podem ajudar a responder essa pergunta.
Alex Laskey - Energy software makerAlex Laskey helps power companies to help their customers cut down -- using data analysis, marketing and a pinch of psychology.
Why you should listen
What's a powerful way to help people use less power at home? Pit them against their neighbors. As founder and president of Opower, Alex Laskey helps utlity companies show customers, right on their utility bills, where their own house sits on the spectrum of neighborhood energy wasters -- and how to beat the game. It seems silly, but the large-scale reductions in energy usage are no joke.
Opower works with more than 80 utilities on three continents, and serves over 15 million customers. Since its launch in 2008, it has cumulatively saved utility customers more than $200 million and 2 terawatt hours (TWh) of energy -- enough to power a city of more than a quarter million people. It's all through a powerful combination of behavioral science, data analytics and good marketing.
In the next twelve months, Opower is on track to save another 1 TWh, equivalent to more than one half the generation of the entire US solar power plant industry in 2011. In May 2016, Opower was bought by Oracle.
Alex Laskey | Speaker |