Michael Rubinstein: See invisible motion, hear silent sounds
Michael Rubinstein: Privește mişcări invizibile, ascultă sunete silenţioase.
Computer scientist Michael Rubinstein and his team have developed a "motion microscope" that can show video footage of barely perceivable movements, like breaths and heartbeats. Full bio
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microscopes have revolutionized our world.
microscoapele ne-au revoluţionat lumea.
of objects, life and structures
a obiectelor, vieţii şi structurilor,
to see with our naked eyes.
to science and technology.
în ştiinţă şi tehnologie.
to a new type of microscope,
un nou tip de microscop,
like a regular microscope
precum un microscop obişnuit
and image processing
şi procesarea imaginilor
and color changes in objects and people,
for us to see with our naked eyes.
cu ochiul liber.
in a completely new way.
ȋntr-un mod cu totul nou.
changes its color very slightly
ȋşi schimbă culoarea foarte puţin
look at other people,
sitting next to you,
la persoana care stă lângă tine
or their face changing color.
schimbându-și culoarea.
it appears to us like a static picture,
ȋl vedem ca o imagine statică,
through our new, special microscope,
prin noul nostru microscop special,
a completely different image.
o imagine cu totul diferită.
in the color of Steve's skin,
ale culorii pielii lui Steve,
so that they become visible.
pentru a deveni vizibile.
Steve's heart is beating,
cât de repede bate inima lui Steve,
that the blood flows in his face.
curge sângele prin faţa lui.
to visualize the pulse,
nu doar ca să vizualizăm pulsul,
recover our heart rates,
şi fără să atingem pacienţii.
and without touching the patients.
we extracted from a neonatal baby
al unui copil aflat in perioada neonatală
with a regular DSLR camera,
realizat cu o cameră obişnuită DSLR,
este la fel de precisă
with a standard monitor in a hospital.
folosit ȋn spitale.
înregistrarea noastră.
a video we recorded.
with other videos as well.
şi cu alte video înregistrări.
din filmul „Batman – Începuturi"
from "Batman Begins" here
he's wearing makeup,
we're able to extract his pulse
am reușit să extragem pulsul
in the light that are recorded
în timp
so that we can see them.
ca să le putem observa.
are extremely subtle,
sunt extrem de subtile
when you try to separate them
când ȋncercăm sa le separăm
image processing techniques
de procesare a imaginilor
of the color at each pixel in the video,
a culorii fiecărui pixel din video
changes over time,
of enhanced videos, or magnified videos,
clipuri ȋmbunătăţite sau amplificate
not just to show tiny changes in color,
nu doar pentru schimbări infime de culoare
that gets recorded in our cameras
ȋn camerele noastre
of the object changes,
culoarea obiectului se schimbă,
when she was about two months old.
about three years ago.
to make sure our babies are healthy,
că ne sunt sănătoşi copiii,
that they're alive, of course.
pentru bebeluşi
when she was asleep.
with a standard baby monitor.
cu un monitor standard de bebeluşi.
there's not too much information there.
dar nu ai prea multe informaţii.
sau mai folositor,
or more informative, or more useful,
at the view like this.
and I magnified them 30 times,
şi le-am amplificat de 30 de ori.
era cu adevărat vie și respira.
daughter was indeed alive and breathing.
in the original video,
nu vedem prea multe,
the breathing becomes much more visible.
respiraţia devine mult mai vizibilă.
a lot of phenomena
cu noul nostru microscop de mişcare.
with our new motion microscope.
are pulsing in our bodies.
pulsează ȋn organismele noastre.
are constantly moving
right after my daughter was born,
la scurt timp după ce s-a născut fiica mea
too much sleep. (Laughter)
că nu prea reuşeam să dorm.
we can extract
small facial expressions.
microexpresiile lor faciale.
our thoughts or our emotions.
mechanical movements,
and diagnose machinery problems,
identifice problemele maşinilor,
sway in the wind and react to forces.
şi reacţionând la forţe.
knows how to measure in various ways,
ştie să le facă ȋn diferite moduri,
este una,
motions as they happen
this new technology,
această nouă tehnologie,
utilizeze şi să-l experimenteze.
others could use and experiment with it.
even created this nice website
au şi creat un website
and process them online,
și procesa videourile online,
in computer science or programming,
ȋn ştiinţa computerelor sau programare,
cu acest nou microscop.
with this new microscope.
just a couple of examples
a YouTube user called Tamez85.
de un utilizator YouTube, Tamez85.
movements during pregnancy.
ale pântecului ȋn timpul sarcinii.
pulsing veins in their hands.
pulsul venelor de pe mână.
unless you use guinea pigs,
până nu-i testată pe cobai,
is called Tiffany,
porcuşor de Guinea este Tiffany,
it is the first rodent on Earth
că e prima rozătoare de pe pămant
by a design student at Yale.
mi-a trimis acest fimuleţ.
if there's any difference
colegii ei de clasă.
and then magnified their motions.
nemişcaţi şi le-a amplificat mişcările.
still pictures come to life.
fotografii statice prinzând viaţă.
all those examples
acest nou instrument,
a new way to look at the world,
new and creative ways of using it.
creative şi interesante de a-l folosi.
to look at the world in a new way,
să privim lumea cu alţi ochi,
we can do with our cameras.
ce putem face cu camerele video.
am ȋnceput să ne ȋntrebăm
produce tiny motions
produc micromişcări
our cameras to measure?
cu camerele video?
that we focused on recently is sound.
ne-am concentrat recent este sunetul.
e compus din schimbări
is basically changes
travel through the air.
care călătoresc prin aer.
and they create small vibrations in them,
generând mici vibraţii ȋn interiorul lor,
and how we record sound.
şi să ȋnregistrăm sunete.
also produces visual motions.
that are not visible to us
cu procesarea potrivită.
with the right processing.
my great singing skills.
grozavul talent muzical.
of my throat while I was humming.
al gâtului ȋn timp ce fredonam.
nu vezi mare lucru,
you'll be able to see,
vedem mişcările şi unduirile gatului
we can see all the motions and ripples
in producing the sound.
can break a wine glass
dacă ating nota corectă.
de rezonanţă a acelui pahar
frequency of that glass
and magnify the motions 250 times,
mişcările de 250 de ori,
how the glass vibrates
to seeing every day.
It gave us this crazy idea.
Ne-a dat ideea asta nebună.
and recover sound from video
şi să redăm sunetul din video
create de undele de sunet ȋn obiecte,
that sound waves create in objects,
back into the sounds that produced them.
în sunetele care le-au produs?
everyday objects into microphones.
orice obiect ȋntr-un microfon.
that was lying on a table,
care stă pe o masă.
bag of chips into a microphone
ȋntr-un microfon
şi analizând micromişcările
that sound waves create in it.
le creează ȋn interiorul său.
that we played in the room.
we recorded of that bag of chips.
a pungii de chipsuri.
to see anything going on in that video
ȋn video, doar utându-vă la el,
to recover just by analyzing
când am analizat
from video signals.
of the scale of the motions here,
despre magnitudinea mişcărilor,
punga mai puţin de un micrometru.
of chips to move less than a micrometer.
that we are now able to pull out
pe care le putem extrage acum
bounces off objects
de pe suprafața obiectelor
from other objects, like plants.
şi de la alte obiecte, ca plantele.
care vorbeşte ȋntr-o cameră.
whose fleece was white as snow,
cu lâna albă ca zăpada,
that lamb was sure to go.
mieluşelul o urma."
that speech again recovered
sunetul vocii redat
of that same bag of chips.
cu aceeaşi pungă de chipsuri.
cu lâna albă ca zăpada,"
whose fleece was white as snow,
that lamb was sure to go.
mieluşelul o urma."
the first words
că acestea au fost primele cuvinte
into his phonograph in 1877.
ȋn fonograful lui din 1877.
recording devices in history.
de ȋnregistrări sonore din istorie.
onto a diaphragm
ȋntr-o diafragmă
engraved the sound on tinfoil
gravând sunetul
ce acoperea un cilindru.
replaying sound with Edison's phonograph.
şi redare cu fonograful lui Edison.
testing, one two three.
cu lâna albă ca zăpada
whose fleece was white as snow,
mieluşelul o urma."
the lamb was sure to go.
whose fleece was white as snow,
cu lâna albă ca zăpada
the lamb was sure to go.
mieluşelul o urma."
in pretty much similar quality
cu o calitate aproape egală,
obiecte care vibrează la sunete
vibrate to sound with cameras,
behind soundproof glass.
ȋn spatele unui geam izolat fonic
able to recover in that case.
să-l redăm ȋn acest caz.
whose fleece was white as snow,
cu lâna albă ca zăpada,
the lamb was sure to go.
mieluşelul o urma."
the first application that comes to mind.
e prima utilizare la care ne gândim.
şi pentru alte lucruri.
for other things as well.
to use it, for example,
de exemplu,
in space, but light can.
ȋn spaţiu, doar lumina.
for this new technology.
pentru această nouă tehnologie.
that we know are there
care ştim că există,
to see with our own eyes until now.
cu ochii până acum.
is a result of a collaboration
este rezultatul colaborării
pe care ȋi vedeţi.
of people you see here,
să ne vizitaţi site-ul,
to check out our website,
this world of tiny motions.
acestei lumi de micromişcări.
Michael Rubinstein - Research scientist, GoogleComputer scientist Michael Rubinstein and his team have developed a "motion microscope" that can show video footage of barely perceivable movements, like breaths and heartbeats.
Why you should listen
Michael Rubinstein zooms in on what we can't see and mangnifies it by thirty or a hundred times. His "motion microscope," developed at MIT with Microsoft and Quanta Research, picks up on subtle motion and color changes in videos and blows them up for the naked eye to see. The result: fun, cool, creepy videos.
Rubinstein is a research scientist at a new Cambridge-based Google lab for computer vision research. He has a PhD in computer science and electrical engineering from MIT.
Michael Rubinstein | Speaker | TED.com