Michael Rubinstein: See invisible motion, hear silent sounds
Michael Rubinstein: Te shohim levizje te padukshme, te degjojme tinguj te heshtur. E kendshme? E frikshme? Nuk vendosim dot
Computer scientist Michael Rubinstein and his team have developed a "motion microscope" that can show video footage of barely perceivable movements, like breaths and heartbeats. Full bio
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microscopes have revolutionized our world.
kane revolucionalizuar boten tone
of objects, life and structures
me objekte, jete, dhe struktura
to see with our naked eyes.
per t'u pare me sy te lire.
to science and technology.
jashtemase ne shkence dhe teknologji.
to a new type of microscope,
like a regular microscope
si nje mikroskop i zakonshem
and image processing
e figures per te na zbuluar
and color changes in objects and people,
ne ngjyra tek objektet e njerezit,
for us to see with our naked eyes.
per t'u pare me sy te lire.
in a completely new way.
ne nje menyre teresisht te re.
changes its color very slightly
ndryshon ngjyre shume ngadale
look at other people,
sitting next to you,
personin e ulur afer teje,
or their face changing color.
ndryshimin e ngjyres tek lekura e tyre.
it appears to us like a static picture,
duket si nje foto statike,
through our new, special microscope,
me ane te mikroskopit tone te ri special,
a completely different image.
teresisht te ndryshme.
in the color of Steve's skin,
ne ngjyren e lekures te Stivit,
so that they become visible.
qe te behen te dukshme.
Steve's heart is beating,
that the blood flows in his face.
qarkullon ne fytyren e tij.
to visualize the pulse,
jo vetem per te pare pulsin,
recover our heart rates,
ritmin e zemres,
and without touching the patients.
te zakonshme, pa i prekur pacientet.
we extracted from a neonatal baby
se nje femije te porsalindur,
with a regular DSLR camera,
me nje kamera te zakonshme DSLR,
with a standard monitor in a hospital.
me nje monitor te zakonshem ne spital.
a video we recorded.
nje video e regjistruar nga ne.
with other videos as well.
from "Batman Begins" here
nga filmi "Batman Fillon" ketu
he's wearing makeup,
ka vene makiazh,
we're able to extract his pulse
kemi mundesine t'ia gjejme pulsin
in the light that are recorded
ndryshimet e regjistruara te drites,
me te dukshme.
so that we can see them.
te mund t'i dallojme ato.
are extremely subtle,
jane jashtemase te vogla,
when you try to separate them
te kujdesshem kur mundohemi t'i ndajme
gjithmone neper video.
image processing techniques
te zgjuara te procesimit te imazhit,
of the color at each pixel in the video,
te ngjyres ne cdo piksel te videos,
changes over time,
ndryshon me kalimin e kohes,
of enhanced videos, or magnified videos,
te permiresuara, ose te zmadhuara te videos,
not just to show tiny changes in color,
te treguar ndryshimet e vogla ne ngjyre,
that gets recorded in our cameras
qe regjistrohet ne kamera
of the object changes,
ngjyra e objektit,
when she was about two months old.
rreth dy muajshe.
about three years ago.
rreth tre vjet me pare.
to make sure our babies are healthy,
femijet tane te jene te shendetshem,
that they're alive, of course.
patjeter, qe jane gjalle.
ato monitoret e foshnjeve,
when she was asleep.
kur ishte ne gjume.
with a standard baby monitor.
shohesh me nje monitor standart foshnjesh.
there's not too much information there.
por kjo nuk te jep shume informacion.
or more informative, or more useful,
ose me e dobishme,
at the view like this.
te mund te shihnim dicka te tille
and I magnified them 30 times,
daughter was indeed alive and breathing.
ime ishte vertet gjalle e merrte fryme.
in the original video,
the breathing becomes much more visible.
frymemarrja behet shume me e dukshme.
a lot of phenomena
with our new motion microscope.
mikroskopin e ri te levizjes.
are pulsing in our bodies.
pulsojne ne trupin tone.
are constantly moving
levizin ne menyre te vazhdueshme
right after my daughter was born,
direkt pas lindjes se vajzes sime,
too much sleep. (Laughter)
nuk flija shume. (Te qeshura)
we can extract
small facial expressions.
shprehje te vogla te fytyres.
our thoughts or our emotions.
ose ndjenjat tona.
mechanical movements,
te vogla mekanike,
and diagnose machinery problems,
dallojne dhe diagnostikojne problemet,
strukturat tona
sway in the wind and react to forces.
knows how to measure in various ways,
di t'i mase ne menyra te ndryshme,
motions as they happen
this new technology,
kete teknologji te re,
internet qe te tjeret ta perdorin
others could use and experiment with it.
even created this nice website
madje krijuan kete faqe interneti
and process them online,
dhe ti procesosh ne internet,
in computer science or programming,
ne shkencat kompjuterike ose programim,
with this new microscope.
me kete mikroskop te ri.
just a couple of examples
a YouTube user called Tamez85.
perdorues i YouTube i quajtur Tamez85.
movements during pregnancy.
te barkut gjate shtatezanise.
pulsing veins in their hands.
venat qe pulsojne poshte duarve te tyre.
unless you use guinea pigs,
nese nuk perdorni kavjet,
is called Tiffany,
it is the first rodent on Earth
se eshte brejtesi i pare ne Toke
by a design student at Yale.
nga nje student dizajni ne Yale.
if there's any difference
nese ka ndonje ndryshim
shoket e saj te klases.
and then magnified their motions.
dhe zmadhoi levizjet e tyre.
still pictures come to life.
te vijne ne jete.
all those examples
fare me ta.
a new way to look at the world,
nje menyre te re per te pare boten,
new and creative ways of using it.
interesante, te reja, kreative per ta perdorur.
to look at the world in a new way,
boten ne nje menyre komplet te re,
we can do with our cameras.
mund te bejme me kamerat tona.
ne filluam te hamendesojme
produce tiny motions
levizje shume te vogla
our cameras to measure?
that we focused on recently is sound.
jemi perqendruar keto kohe eshte zeri.
is basically changes
eshte thjesht ndryshim
travel through the air.
and they create small vibrations in them,
dhe krijojne dridhje te vogla ne to,
and how we record sound.
dhe regjistrojme zerin.
also produces visual motions.
prodhon edhe levizje vizuale.
that are not visible to us
nuk jane te dukshme per ne
with the right processing.
me procesimin e duhur.
my great singing skills.
fantastike te te kenduarit.
of my throat while I was humming.
me shpejtesi te larte, teksa po mermerisja.
you'll be able to see,
we can see all the motions and ripples
mund te shohim tere levijet dhe valet
in producing the sound.
can break a wine glass
mund te thyejne gota vere
frequency of that glass
se gotes
and magnify the motions 250 times,
dhe i zmadhojme levizjet 250 here,
how the glass vibrates
menyren sesi gota dridhet
to seeing every day.
qe je mesuar te shohesh cdo dite
It gave us this crazy idea.
Na dha kete idene e cmendur.
and recover sound from video
ne te kundert e te marrim zerin nga video
that sound waves create in objects,
qe krijohen ne objekte nga valet e zerit,
back into the sounds that produced them.
ne tingullin qe i ka prodhuar.
everyday objects into microphones.
objektet e perditshme ne mikrofone.
that was lying on a table,
qe po qendronte mbi tavoline,
bag of chips into a microphone
ne nje mikrofon
that sound waves create in it.
qe krijohen te qesja nga valet e zerit.
that we played in the room.
qe kemi luajtur ne dhome.
we recorded of that bag of chips.
te larte e asaj qeseje qe regjistruam.
to see anything going on in that video
asgje nga cfare po ndodh ne video
to recover just by analyzing
te marrim vetem duke analizuar
from video signals.
nga sinjalet e videove.
of the scale of the motions here,
shkallen e levizjeve ketu,
of chips to move less than a micrometer.
nje levizje prej me pak se nje mikrometer.
e nje milimetri.
that we are now able to pull out
qe ne tani arrijme te dallojme
bounces off objects
thyejne rrezet e drites
from other objects, like plants.
objekte te tjera, si bimet.
nxjerrim fjale.
duke folur ne nje dhome.
whose fleece was white as snow,
leshi i se ciles ishte i bardhe si bora,
that lamb was sure to go.
patjeter do shkonte edhe delja.
that speech again recovered
perseri ai fjalim
of that same bag of chips.
e se njejtes pako me patatina.
whose fleece was white as snow,
leshi i se ciles ishte i bardhe si bora,
that lamb was sure to go.
patjeter do shkonte edhe delja.
"Meri kishte nje dele te vogel"
the first words
kane qene fjalet e para
into his phonograph in 1877.
e tij ne 1877.
recording devices in history.
te regjistrimit te zerit ne histori.
onto a diaphragm
drejt nje diafragme
engraved the sound on tinfoil
e gdhendte kete vale ne nje leter alumini
replaying sound with Edison's phonograph.
dhe luhet zeri me fonografin e Edisonit.
testing, one two three.
whose fleece was white as snow,
leshi i se ciles ishte i bardhe si bora,
the lamb was sure to go.
patjeter do shkonte edhe delja.
whose fleece was white as snow,
leshi i se ciles ishte i bardhe si bora,
the lamb was sure to go.
patjeter do shkonte edhe delja.
in pretty much similar quality
te nje cilesie pakashume te njejte
vibrate to sound with cameras,
sesi objektet dridhen nga tingulli,
edhe kur kamera
behind soundproof glass.
pas nje xhami te papershkueshem nga zeri.
able to recover in that case.
ne ate rast.
whose fleece was white as snow,
leshi i se ciles ishte i bardhe si bora,
the lamb was sure to go.
patjeter do shkonte edhe delja.
the first application that comes to mind.
aplikimi i pare qe te vjen ne mendje
for other things as well.
edhe per gjera te tjera.
to use it, for example,
ta perdorim per shembull,
in space, but light can.
ne hapesire, por drita po.
for this new technology.
per kete teknologji te re.
that we know are there
te cilat ne i dime qe jane aty
to see with our own eyes until now.
shohim me syte tane deri tani.
is a result of a collaboration
si rezultat i nje bashkepunimi
of people you see here,
qe ju shihni ketu,
to check out our website,
e ju mirepres,
this world of tiny motions.
bote plot me levizje te vogla
Michael Rubinstein - Research scientist, GoogleComputer scientist Michael Rubinstein and his team have developed a "motion microscope" that can show video footage of barely perceivable movements, like breaths and heartbeats.
Why you should listen
Michael Rubinstein zooms in on what we can't see and mangnifies it by thirty or a hundred times. His "motion microscope," developed at MIT with Microsoft and Quanta Research, picks up on subtle motion and color changes in videos and blows them up for the naked eye to see. The result: fun, cool, creepy videos.
Rubinstein is a research scientist at a new Cambridge-based Google lab for computer vision research. He has a PhD in computer science and electrical engineering from MIT.
Michael Rubinstein | Speaker | TED.com