Jon Gosier: The problem with "trickle-down techonomics"
Jon Gosier: Problema „tehnocomiei deregularizate”
Jon Gosier is a serial tech entrepreneur and early-stage startup investor. In 2015, Time magazine listed him as one of the "12 New Faces of Black Leadership." Full bio
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of civic technology projects
la mai multe proiecte
referred to as tech for good,
tehnologie pentru bunăstare,
problemelor umanitare.
humanitarian problems.
that allowed local populations
on their mobile phones
celularelor de aparatura de stat
later in North Africa
mai târziu în Africa de Nord,
to help activists stay connected
pe activiști să rămână conectați
deliberately shutting off connectivity
în mod deliberat,
about these technologies
gândindu-mă la această tehnologie
in the back of my mind, which is,
străfundurile minții:
the virtues of technology,
de virtuțile tehnologiei,
that we're intending to help?
tends to operate under similar assumptions
să opereze în prezumpții similare,
will get out and find everyone.
vor cuceri lumea și vor ajunge la toți.
of technology "trickle-down techonomics,"
„tehnocomie deregularizată”,
we design things for the select few,
lucruri pentru o elită selectă,
will reach everyone,
vor ajunge la toți,
behaves a lot like wealth and capital.
în mare parte, ca și bogăția și capitalul.
in the hands of the few,
în mâinile câtorva,
into the hands of the many.
oppressive regimes on the weekends,
cu regimuri opresive în week-end,
that might be a little bit more relatable.
ce-ar putea fi ceva mai potrivite.
and smartphones and apps,
a celularelor și aplicațiilor,
to track people's personal health
de monitorizare a stării de sănătătate
the number of calories that you burn
numărul de calorii consumate,
dacă mergi pe jos suficient.
or walking enough.
in medical facilities much more efficient,
pacienților mai eficientă,
these types of efficiencies.
intră în cabinetele medicale,
find their way into medical rooms,
cu cei ce sunt digital invizibili?
are o persoană
the $400 phone or watch
on the medical system?
Bitcoin and crypto-currencies
bitcoinul și criptomonedele
we move money around the world,
în care se mișcă banul,
e nespus de sus, nu?
is incredibly high, right?
celulare, aparate, conectivitate
phones, devices, connectivity,
un serviciu intermediar,
where you can find a proxy agent,
of capital to participate.
sumă de pornire pentru a participa.
is, what happens to the last community
cu ultima comunitate
of the world moves to digital currency?
va trece la moneda digitală?
in Philadelphia:
din orașul meu natal, Philadelphia.
to the public library there,
la biblioteca publică.
în pericol de desființare.
to stay open and stay relevant,
pentru a rămâne deschisă și relevantă.
they're going about this
prin care încearcă să se descurce
and moving them to the cloud.
și transferarea lor în nor.
majoritatea copiilor, nu?
to school or from school,
două lucruri importante:
to a mobile phone,
mulți copii nu au acestea.
education experience look like
cloud-based library,
a întregii biblioteci,
such a basic part of education?
across the world in East Africa:
din alt capăt al lumii, Africa de Est.
to digitize land ownership rights,
cărților funciare,
older generations dying off,
decesul celor în vârstă
to put all this information online,
toate informațiile pe net,
of these plots of land,
proprietății funciare,
and give them to the communities.
făcându-le accesibile comunității.
consequence of this
investors, real estate developers,
dezvoltatorii imobiliari, speculanții
buying up these plots of land
pământurile oamenilor,
to the technologies
și conectivitatea
that makes that possible.
aceste trei exemple,
that connects these examples,
and the technologies that we make.
ale tehnologiei pe care le creăm.
în detrimentul eficacității.
efficiency over efficacy.
than the outcomes of what we are doing.
nu consecințele a ceea ce fabricăm.
the outcomes of the technologies we build,
la consecințele a ceea ce fabricăm,
control the world in which we live.
tot mai mult lumea în care trăim.
in the world of investment and banking.
eticii bancare și a investițiilor.
for a similar movement
pentru o mișcare similară
thinking about the next big thing,
când proiectați următorul lucru super,
as engineers, as makers,
ingineri, fabricanți,
the unintended consequences
consecințele nedorite
unor căi de incluziune a tuturor.
is in finding ways to include everyone.
Jon Gosier - Investor, data scientist, entrepreneurJon Gosier is a serial tech entrepreneur and early-stage startup investor. In 2015, Time magazine listed him as one of the "12 New Faces of Black Leadership."
Why you should listen
Jon Gosier is an investor and data scientist. He's a partner at Third Cohort Capital, an early-stage tech startup investment fund. Prior to joining Third Cohort, he was the founder of Appfrica, which invests in Africa’s technology economy, D8A Group, a company that makes data science solutions, and Market Atlas, which is like the Bloomberg terminal for emerging market countries. In 2015, Gosier was listed by TIME Magazine as one of “12 New Faces of Black Leadership”, as well as “Most Influential Blacks in Technology” by Business Insider in 2013 and 2014 and among the "20 Angels Worth Knowing" by Black Enterprise Magazine.
Gosier is a Fellow and Senior Fellow at TED from 2009 to 2012 and a first-year participant at THNK, the Amsterdam School for Creative Leadership in the Netherlands. He's won the Knight News Challenge twice, once in 2011 for work in analysis at Ushahidi and again in 2012 for work creating ways of moving data between mobile phones without a central mobile network.
Jon Gosier | Speaker |