Andrew Pelling: This scientist makes ears out of apples
Andrew Pelling: Acest cercetător nebun face urechi din mere
Andrew Pelling's unconventional and creative scientific process is founded on play. Full bio
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prin gunoiul oamenilor.
for old electronics,
să le demontez.
lucruri care se mişcă.
turn things on and off.
cu care opreşti şi porneşti lucruri.
into an awesome robot.
într-unul fantastic.
a lot of stuff out of garbage,
cu ce am găsit prin gunoaie,
have even been kind of useful.
to amuse myself.
pentru amuzamentul meu.
so I just made it part of my day job.
mi-am făcut din asta slujba curentă.
de cercetări biologice,
biological research lab,
and exploration above all else.
şi explorare, mai presus de orice.
on any particular problem,
pe o problemă anume,
any particular disease.
să rezolvăm tratarea vreunei boli.
and find answers.
şi să găsească răspunsuri.
to build the equipment they need
echipamentul necesar
de dezvoltare a creativităţii.
că artişti şi cercetători din toată lumea
from around the world
we value unconventional ideas,
pe idei neconvenţionale,
cu o rigoare ştiinţifică.
I was taking it apart,
ca pe ceva de tip hardware?
şi să le reasamblez
in some new and creative way?
în laboratorul meu,
tell me what fruit this is?
ce fruct e ăsta?
That's right -- it's an apple.
Da, e un măr.
than most apples.
decât majoritatea merelor.
we grew human cells into it.
celule umane în interiorul lui.
Macintosh apple,
after removing all the apple cells
their shape and texture.
the apple cells used to be.
that you can see in blue.
cele în albastru.
these guys start multiplying
of how our own tissues are organized.
a organizării ţesuturilor noastre.
these scaffolds into the body,
and a blood supply
cu celule şi aport sangvin
when people started asking me,
oamenii încep să mă întrebe
body parts out of apples?"
părţi de corp din mere?”
to the right place."
of wood carving for a living.
ca ocupaţie de bază.
literally carve some ears
urechile făcute de ea.
in the ear-manufacturing business.
laboratorul meu nu fabrică urechi.
on this for decades.
really expensive and problematic,
pot fi foarte scumpe şi problematice,
from proprietary products,
de la produse brevetate,
care costă câţiva penny.
to make these things.
lucrurile astea.
can be built from garbage,
poate fi realizat din gunoaie,
only requires soap and water.
necesită doar apă şi săpun.
the instructions online as open source.
online ca „open source”.
a mission-driven company,
ghidată de această misiune
to make it easier
and a soldering iron
şi un ciocan de lipit, să le facă acasă.
about is if one day,
and augment our own bodies
şi chiar să ne îmbunătăţim corpurile
your pee smell funny.
and I was noticing
the stalks of these asparagus,
tulpinilor de sparanghel,
are all these tiny little vessels.
forms these structures.
aceste structuri.
de două lucruri:
of our nerves and spinal cord.
sistemului nervos şi al şirei spinării.
down these channels?
prin aceste canale?
to form new connections
să formăm noi conexiuni
and severed nerves.
ale nervilor secţionaţi,
şi e chiar greu de făcut
working on this.
care lucrează la asta.
really promising pilot data.
date pilot promiţătoare
în inginerie celulară şi neurochirurgi
that's all around me on this stage
tot ce e pe scenă acum,
my lab is involved in
în care e implicat laboratorul meu,
of me playing with your garbage.
că m-am jucat prin gunoiul vostru.
of my scientific practice.
joaca e cheia practicii mele ştiinţifice.
to be unconventional and to be creative
ca să fiu neconvenţional şi creativ
are looking at some old,
când vă uitaţi la vreun aparat vechi,
piece-of-crap technology,
to get in touch with me,
să mă contactaţi
Andrew Pelling - BiohackerAndrew Pelling's unconventional and creative scientific process is founded on play.
Why you should listen
Scientist, professor, entrepreneur and TED Fellow Andrew Pelling has built a career on unapologetic curiosity, creativity and serendipity. He is a professor and Canada Research Chair at the University of Ottawa, where he founded and directs a curiosity-driven research lab that brings together artists, scientists, social scientists and engineers. The lab uses low-cost, open source materials and methods to explore speculative living technologies of the future. He has, for instance, created human body parts made from plants and grown living skins on LEGOs -- innovations with the potential to replace prohibitively expensive commercial biomaterials.
Pelling is also the co-founder and CTO of Spiderwort Inc., a mission driven company developing open source platforms to enable the widespread and global adoption of biological research in all environments and economic contexts. Most recently, he founded pHacktory, a street-level research lab in Ottawa that amplifies community ideas through a potent mixture of craft, serendipity and curiosity.
Pelling's work has been in the international media spotlight for many years, with recognition in outlets such as Wired, Huffington Post, NPR, Scientific American, Popular Science, BBC, Der Spiegel, Deutsche Welle and others, as well as numerous highlights in the Canadian media and Scientific media. He was named a TED Fellow in 2016.
Andrew Pelling | Speaker |