Seema Bansal: How to fix a broken education system ... without any more money
Sima Bansal (Seema Bansal): Kako popraviti urušeni obrazovni sistem bez dodatnog novca
BCG's Seema Bansal asks: Can governments actually make a meaningful difference in education? And rapidly? Yes, it turns out. Full bio
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skloni su da pomisle
neuspešne vladine sisteme.
failing government systems.
sa ustaljenim navikama
set in their ways,
is just too bureaucratic
jednostavno previše birokratsko
to challenge that theory.
o veoma velikom vladinom sistemu
of a very large government system
on the path of reform
na stazu reformi,
prilično spektakularne rezultate
fairly spectacular results
in a public school in India looks like.
u državnoj školi u Indiji.
who's lived in India all her life,
u Indiji celog života,
prilično je uznemirujuće.
is fairly heartbreaking.
so far behind in their education
u svom obrazovanju
da vrše prosto sabiranje,
a grammatically correct sentence.
gramatički ispravnu rečenicu.
would expect an 8-year-old
očekivali da dete od osam godina
napune 13 ili 14 godina,
ne samo da nude besplatno obrazovanje,
not only offer free education --
besplatne radne sveske, besplatne obroke,
free workbooks, free meals,
out of public schools
iz državnih škola
to put them in private schools.
da ih upiše u privatnu školu.
in a far richer country, the US,
daleko bogatijoj zemlji,
državni obrazovni sistem Indije.
the Indian public education system is.
u leto 2013. godine
that I got a call in the summer of 2013
po imenu Surina Radžan.
called Surina Rajan.
Odeljenja školskog obrazovanja
of the Department of School Education
predvodim ovo odeljenje
heading this department
i ništa ne deluje.
and nothing seems to work.
a little bit to you.
which has 30 million people.
koja ima 30 miliona ljudi.
children in those public schools.
u tim državnim školama.
tim telefonskim razgovorom,
velikim kao Peru ili Kanada
or Canada transform itself.
I was very painfully aware of two things.
bila sam bolno svesna dve stvari.
anything like this before.
ništa slično ovome.
ali možda bez naročitog uspeha.
perhaps without too much success.
looked across the country
pregledali širom zemlje
i ponoviti u Harajani.
and replicate in Haryana.
our own journey.
sami da utremo svoj put.
i kako smo uskočili,
and as we jumped in,
počele su da nam se javljaju.
način na koji regrutujemo nastavnike,
the way we recruit teachers,
na međunarodna obrazovna putovanja,
learning tours,
we had 50 ideas on the table,
imali smo 50 ideja na stolu,
going to be able to implement 50 things.
da primenimo 50 stvari.
šta pokušavamo da postignemo.“
what is it we're trying to achieve."
which said: by 2020,
koji je glasio: do 2020. godine,
to be at grade-level knowledge.
ima znanje na nivou razreda.
don't matter here,
is how specific the goal is.
da uzmemo sve te ideje
to take all those ideas
we were going to implement.
Ako je tako, hajde da je zadržimo.
If yes, let's keep it.
then let's put it aside.
hajde da je stavimo sa strane.
having a very specific goal right up front
vrlo preciznog direktnog cilja
very sharp and focused
da budemo vrlo jasni i fokusirani
the last two and a half years,
na poslednje dve i po godine,
šta su problemi, šta ne funkcioniše.
what are the issues, what is broken.
a lot of people told us
dosta ljudi nam je reklo
ne dolaze u škole,
they don't come into schools,
kako da podučavaju.
they actually don't know how to teach.
otkrili smo nešto sasvim drugačije.
we found something completely different.
were actually inside schools.
je zapravo bila u školama.
da podučavaju razrede osnovne škole.
of teaching elementary classes.
the construction of a classroom
izgradnju učionice i toaleta.
otišla u obližnju banku
had gone to a nearby bank branch
into kids' accounts.
na račune dece.
je provodila celokupno svoje vreme
were spending all of their time
nadgledajući i poslužujući učenike.
supervised and served to the students.
why are you not teaching?"
what's expected of us.
that he checks.
da li je serviran obrok.
has the meal been served.
u glavnoj ustanovi,
goes to a meeting at headquarters,
which are discussed."
o kojima se diskutuje.“
over the last two decades,
tokom protekle dve decenije,
of access, having enough schools,
obezbeđivanja dovoljno škola,
into the schools.
launched a whole host of programs
čitavu gomilu programa
the implicit executors of these programs.
implicitni izvršioci ovih programa.
was not to actually train teachers further
ne da se nastavnici dalje obučavaju
that what is most important
inside classrooms and teach.
and measured and awarded
procenjivati i nagrađivati
kroz obrazovni sistem,
the education system,
we found a few such core root causes
otkrili smo nekoliko suštinskih uzroka
shaping how people behaved in the system.
na koji su se ljudi ponašali u sistemu.
those specific things,
ako ne promenimo te konkretne stvari,
možemo doneti tehnologiju u škole,
technology into schools,
core issues
koja nisu bila očigleda
i imali smo probleme,
what the solutions were.
da sada razrešimo koja su rešenja.
da otkrijemo vruću vodu,
to recreate the wheel,
and see what we can find."
šta možemo da nađemo.“
small pilot experiments
and all over the world.
being done by foundations.
i fondacije.
was that none of them actually scaled.
da nijedna nije obuhvatala velike razmere.
to 50, 100 or 500 schools.
na 50, 100 ili 500 škola,
for a solution for 15,000 schools.
za 15 000 škola.
zašto se ne prošire?
why don't they actually scale?
when a typical NGO comes in,
additional resources.
that they actually operate in,
actually create a difference.
da rukovodilac ovog NVO-a
Odeljenja za školsko obrazovanje
of the School Education Department
za 15 000 škola.“
for 15,000 schools."
going to find the money
to 15,000 schools?
of the project, what we said was,
mora da bude prilagodljivo,
has to be scalable,
within the existing budgets
u okvirima postojećeg budžeta
the point in time
u kancelariji, u kafićima,
in office, in cafés,
kako ćemo rešiti ovaj problem?“
how are we going to solve this problem?"
pronašli rešenja za mnoge probleme.
find solutions to many of the issues.
jeste praktično učenje.
is hands-on learning.
stvari iz knjiga,
things from books,
giving students things
štapiči za učenje, računaljke.
da to možemo da damo
the budgets to give that
went to a school
mog tima je otišao u školu
and stones from the garden outside
grančice i kamenje iz bašte napolju,
in the textbooks in Haryana
we have a little box
for the teachers which say,
za nastavnike koje kažu:
here's an activity that you can do.
evo aktivnosti koju možete da uradite.
to actually do this activity,
iz vašeg neposrednog okruženja,
from your immediate environment,
or the classroom inside,
ili učionica unutra,
as learning aids for kids."
kao sredstva za učenje za decu.“
da bi mogli da podučavaju učenike.
to be able to teach students.
u okviru 15 000 škola
across 15,000 schools
from the headquarters
od ovih okružnih kancelarija
of these district offices,
otvorio bi ga, pročitao
would open it, read it
that at the block office,
u kancelarijskim prostorijama,
u nekom trenutku ka 15 000 direktora.
eventually to the 15,000 principals.
that the principals
understood it
that most of these schools
are smartphones.
pametne telefone.
on Facebook and on WhatsApp.
na Fejsbuku i Vatsapu.
into hundreds of WhatsApp groups
u stotine grupa na Vatsapu
da se saopšti,
to be communicated,
all WhatsApp groups.
who has received it,
da postave pitanja radi razjašnjenja.
questions instantaneously.
who are answering these questions.
samo glavne ustanove.
iz sasvim drugog dela države
a completely different part of the state
as everybody's peer group,
to a school in Haryana,
comes to visit the classroom,
samo izgradnju toaleta,
the construction of the toilet
all students across the state
svih učenika širom zemlje
doing well are rewarded.
difficult conversations.
additional support
to see results quickly.
koje su sistematične i velikog obima,
large-scale change,
of 7 years and 10 years.
three independent studies,
sprovedena su tri nezavisna istraživanja
have stopped declining,
od nekoliko država u zemlji
states in the country
the fastest rate of improvement.
u pogledu budućnosti.
for the future.
šta se dešava?“
what's going on?"
what's going on,
is that my children are learning,
my search for a private school
sa potragom za privatnom školom
odgovarajuća sredstva,
Seema Bansal - Education innovatorBCG's Seema Bansal asks: Can governments actually make a meaningful difference in education? And rapidly? Yes, it turns out.
Why you should listen
BCG's Seema Bansal is an associate director in the New Delhi office. Since joining BCG in 2000, she has worked extensively in financial services and telecommunications. Today, Bansal leads BCG's social impact and development practice in India, and works on disparate projects in fields including education, food security and nutrition and governance within government agencies.
Bansal earned an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management in Calcutta, and a degree in electronics and electrical communication from Punjab Engineering College in Chandigarh.
Seema Bansal | Speaker |