David Cage: How video games turn players into storytellers
ديفيد كيج: كيف تجعل ألعاب الفيديو اللاعبين رواة قصص.
The creator of emotional, immersive games like "Heavy Rain," "BEYOND: Two Souls" and "Detroit: Become Human," David Cage uses games to push the boundaries of storytelling. Full bio
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بشكل طبيعي
has naturally changed
قبل 2500 عام مضت.
the rules of tragedy
هو مُحاكاة الحياة وأن نشعر بالعاطفة.
and make us feel emotions.
storytelling as we know it
منذ ذلك الوقت.
never really reproduce.
important part of our lives.
by the choices we make.
very significant consequences
the courses of our lives.
نيابة عن الشخصيات،
in advance for the characters,
إلا بشكل سلبي.
I've always been fascinated
تطبيق مفهوم الاختيار في الخيال العلمي.
this notion of choices in fiction.
مكان الشخصيات الأصلية،
in the shoes of the main protagonists,
وبفعل ذلك،
let them tell their own stories.
I did in the past 20 years of my life.
طوال العشرين عامًا الماضية من حياتي.
هذه الطريقة الجديدة لرواية القصص،
to this new way of telling stories,
وربما مُملة بعض الشيء،
and probably a little bit boring,
للقيام بتجربة بسيطة.
to do a little experiment.
that we are going to play together.
what's going to happen,
on your decisions.
called "Detroit: Become Human,"
وتُسمى "ديترويت: نحو الإنسانية،"
يُشبه الإنسان.
the creation of androids
of this character called Connor,
with coins, as you can see.
بالعملات المعدنية، كما ترون هنا.
of this character.
وأن تتفحص المكان،
she can look around,
by making choices.
باتخاذها للقرارات المُختلفة.
الجمهور: أنقذها!
يجب أن تنقذ ابنتي الصغيرة!
you've got to save my little girl!
taken hostage by an android,
وبالطبع فهي مصدومة.
to explore this apartment.
this Captain Allen first.
نستطيع الذهاب لأي مكان.
ها هو يتحدث بالهاتف.
is Captain Allen. He's on the phone.
اسمي كونور.
my name is Connor.
at everything that moves.
ولكنه على حافة الشرفة،
but they're on the edge of the balcony --
what we want to ask the captain.
ماذا نُريد أن نسأل القائد.
behavior? Emotional shock?
صدمة عاطفية؟
an emotional shock recently?
هل يهم؟
a clue. Does it matter?
لأحدد أفضل قرار.
to determine the best approach.
ربما نتعلم شيئًا جديًا.
Maybe we can learn something.
سلوك غير مُتوقع، فيكي.
إن كانت تتصرف بغرابة مؤخرًا؟
behaving strangely before this?
انقاذ الفتاة هو كل ما يهم.
is all that matters.
من الواضح أننا لن نحصل على أي معلومات منه.
anything from this guy.
on your right, Vicky, I think.
على ما أعتقد، فيكي.
أروع انسان آلي على الاطلاق في العالم.
the coolest android in the world.
دانيل: مرحبًا!
سنكون معًا دائمًا!
we'll always be together!
ولكن هناك طرق أخرى عديدة للقيام بالأمر.
of playing the scenes,
other ways of playing it.
عما يُعبر عليه عملي ككاتب قصص تفاعلي.
my work is about as an interactive writer.
to deal with time and space,
يتعامل مع الوقت والمكان،
space and possibilities.
الوقت والمكان والإمكانيات.
is a new variation of the story.
the possibilities in a given scene
بكل الاحتمالات المُعطاة في المشهد
everything that can happen.
and thousands of variables,
والاحتمالات والشروط.
بينما يكون نص الفيلم من 100 صفحة،
is about 100 pages,
ما بين أربعة وخمسة آلاف صفحة.
is between four and five thousand pages.
of what this work is about.
the experience is very unique,
أن التجربة فريدة من نوعها،
of the collaboration
بين كاتب يخلق هذا المشهد السردي
this narrative landscape
ويروي قصته ويصبح الكاتب المُساعد
and becoming the cowriter
and the codirector of the story.
in the way we tell stories.
ثورة في أسلوب سرد القصص.
like interactive television,
مثل التلفاز التفاعلي،
and meaningful interactive experiences,
waiting for its Orson Welles
that they will soon emerge
بأنهم سيندمجون معًا قريبًا
ما كانت عليه السينما في القرن العشرين:
storytelling can be
David Cage - Interactive storytellerThe creator of emotional, immersive games like "Heavy Rain," "BEYOND: Two Souls" and "Detroit: Become Human," David Cage uses games to push the boundaries of storytelling.
Why you should listen
Today, storytelling is all around us, but more and more people don't want to be spectators anymore -- they want to be actors of their own fiction. From social networks to interactive TV, virtual reality to immersive theatre, interactive storytelling is the next frontier for a new generation of writers.
Many people have preconceived ideas about video games, and sometimes they are right. But few people know that games can also be a wonderful creative medium capable of telling a new kind of narrative. In most art forms, the audience is watching passively. With interactive storytelling, the spectator becomes the hero of his own story.
David Cage dedicated his career to trying to understand how to tell interactive stories. Convinced that games can be more than entertainment, he tries to show that they can be a new form of expression, maybe even a new form of art, capable of emulating the interactive nature of life itself.
David Cage | Speaker | TED.com