Triona McGrath: How pollution is changing the ocean's chemistry
تريونا ماكجرث: كيف للتلوث ان يغير من الطبيعة الكيميائية للمحيط
Triona McGrath researches how the oceans are changing due to human activities. Full bio
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the oceans are in our daily lives?
المحيطات فى حياتنا اليومية ؟
and medicine and food
to feed the entire world population.
لتغذية سكان العالم بأسره.
that the oceans were so vast
by human activities.
about a serious reality
called ocean acidification,
بتحمض المحيطات،
25 percent of all of the carbon dioxide
25 بالمائة من اجمالى ثانى اكسيد الكربون
provided by the oceans
عظيمة اخرى تمنحها المحيطات
is one of the greenhouse gases
من غازات الاحتباس الحرارى
more and more and more
our ocean chemistry.
فى مياه البحر،
of chemical reactions.
the details of the chemistry for today.
فى تفاصيل هذه الكيمياء .
carbon dioxide enters the ocean,
بدخول ثانى اكسيد الكربون المحيط،
is an increase in ocean acidity.
زيادة فى حموضة المحيط.
is called ocean acidification.
alongside climate change.
ocean acidification for over two decades.
تحمض المحيطات لاكثر من عقدين .
time series in Hawaii,
زمنى مهم فى هاواى.
concentrations of carbon dioxide,
فى تركيزات ثانى اكسيد الكربون ،
فى الغلاف الجوى .
of human activities.
للأنشطة البشرية .
concentrations of carbon dioxide
تركيزات ثانى اكسيد الكربون
in the surface of the ocean
at the same rate
since measurements began.
ان بدأت عمليات القياس.
then shows the change in chemistry.
يبين التغيير فى الكيماء.
has entered the ocean,
من ثانى اكيد الكربون الى المحيط،
an increase in ocean acidity.
زيادة فى حموضة المحيط.
monitoring ocean acidification --
العلماء ايضاً تحمض المحيطات --
Institute and NUI Galway.
والجامعة الدولية فى ايرلندا جالواى.
acidification at the same rate
بنفس معدل
sites around the world.
بمواقع حول العالم
of just how we collect our data
على كيف نجمع بيناتنا
in the middle of winter.
أواسط الشتاء.
in the North Atlantic
فى شمال الأطلسى
stormy conditions --
who get a little motion sickness,
some very valuable data.
over the side of the ship,
that are mounted on the bottom
the surrounding water,
معلومات عن المياه المحيطة بها،
or dissolved oxygen.
samples in these large bottles.
فى هذه الزجاجات الضخمه.
which can be over four kilometers deep
والذى يمكن ان يزيد عمقه عن 4 كيلو متر
right up to the surface.
وصولا لسطح المياه
analyze them on the ship
for the different chemicals parameters.
المواد الكيميائة المختلفة.
going to affect all of us?
in ocean acidity of 26 percent
بنسبة 26 %
which is directly due to human activities.
والذي يعود مباشراً إلى الأنشطة البشرية.
our carbon dioxide emissions,
من ثانى اكسيد الكربون،
in ocean acidity of 170 percent
إلى 170 %
our children's lifetime.
is 10 times faster
for over 55 million years.
على مدار 55 مليون عام.
ever experienced
how they're going to cope.
كيف سيتكيفون مع هذا.
event millions of years ago,
طبيعى منذ ملايين السنين،
than what we're seeing today.
of many marine species.
لكثير من الفصائل البحريه.
some species are actually doing quite well
الفصائل فى الواقع تعمل بصورة جيده
as ocean acidity increases,
حمضية المحيطات،
ions in seawater decrease.
الكربونات فى مياه البحر.
the building blocks
هى لبنة البناء
to make their shells,
لبناء قشرتها الخارجيه،
ions in seawater
ايونات الكربونات فى المياه
in order to build coral reefs.
من ثم بناء الشعب المرجانية .
of carbonate ions decrease,
to make their shells.
ان بناء قشرتها امر بالغ الصعوبة.
they can actually begin to dissolve.
يمكن ان تَنحل .
it's called a sea butterfly.
وتسمى فراشة البحر.
in the ocean for many species,
للعديد من الفصائل البحرية ،
was placed into seawater
داخل مياه البحر
by the end of this century.
بحلول نهاية القرن.
at this very realistic pH,
الواقعيه جدا،
has almost completely dissolved.
وقد أوشكت تماماً على التحلل.
right up through the food chain --
مباشرة من خلال السلسة الغذائية --
likes shellfish? Or salmon?
او السالمون؟
in the ocean could be affected?
cold-water corals in Irish waters,
المياه الباردة فى المياه الأيريلندية ،
including some very important fisheries.
وبعض المصايد السمكية الهامة.
by the end of this century,
in the entire ocean
المعروفة داخل المحيط بأكمله
that is dissolving their coral structure.
تُحلل بنيته المرجانية.
are these healthy tropical corals.
الشعاب المرجانية الأستوائية الصحيه.
we're expecting by the year 2100.
توقعناها بحلول نهاية عام 2100.
has almost completely dissolved.
أوشكت الشعبه على التحلل تماماَ.
in the entire ocean.
acidification is a global threat.
will look like when he's a grown man.
عندما يصبح رجلاً.
carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
ثانى اكسيد الكربون بالجو.
carbon dioxide emissions.
for industry, for governments.
slow down global warming
لنبطئ من الأحتباس الحرارى
and a healthy planet
محيط صحى وكوكب صحى
and for generations to come.
Triona McGrath - Chemical oceanographerTriona McGrath researches how the oceans are changing due to human activities.
Why you should listen
Dr. Triona McGrath researches how the oceans are changing due to human activities, particularly in relation to ocean acidification. Specifically, McGrath monitors levels of carbon dioxide in Irish marine waters to determine the accumulation and movement of carbon in the ocean and subsequent increase in ocean acidity. McGrath and her colleagues published the first rates of ocean acidification for Irish offshore waters and the first baseline dataset of carbon parameters in Irish coastal waters. This is crucial in our understanding of the future health of our oceans along with providing information to determine the impacts of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems.
McGrath is a post-doctorate researcher at the National University of Ireland, Galway, funded by the Marine Institute, Ireland. She has been researching ocean climate change since 2008; her latest research project started in February 2017, and for the next four years she will work with colleagues to further develop ocean acidification research in Ireland through the continuation of an ongoing time series in the Rockall Trough and the determination of seasonal and interannual variability of the carbon system in coastal waters. McGrath is a Fulbright Scholar, receiving a Fulbright Postdoctoral Scholarship in 2013 to visit Prof. Andrew Dickson’s laboratory at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego to further develop analytical skills in ocean carbon chemistry.
McGrath has a Ph.D. in Chemical Oceanography and Bachelor of Marine Science from the National University of Ireland, Galway.
Triona McGrath | Speaker |