Katie Hood: The difference between healthy and unhealthy love
Katie Hood: La diferència entre l'amor sa i l'amor poc sa
By educating young people about the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships, Katie Hood hopes to derail abusive behavior before it starts and impact the relationship health of an entire generation. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
a close friend, or a romantic partner,
o una parella romàntica
sadness and disappointment.
a word in the dictionary
una paraula
are connected to than love.
que amb "amor".
importance in our lives,
a les nostres vides,
explicitly taught how to love?
no ens hagin ensenyat a estimar?
de relacions romàntiques,
home from the hospital
amb criatures,
that we'll figure it out.
harm and disrespect the ones we love.
i no respectem els qui ens estimem.
into spending time with you
si no passa temps amb nosaltres,
de la parella,
for their lack of effort at school.
perquè no estudia.
will be on the receiving end
acabarà patint
will do unhealthy things.
tindrà conductes poc sanes.
the harm we inflict on loved ones
el mal que fem als qui estimem
and one in four men
i un de cada quatre homes
when you hear those stats,
aquestes estadístiques,
that would never happen to me."
no em passaria pas".
from the words "abuse" and "violence,"
"abús" i "violència",
to someone else somewhere else.
en un altre lloc.
and abuse are all around us.
poc sanes i els abusos són pertot arreu.
and ignore the connection.
i ignorem la connexió.
disguised in unhealthy love.
en l'amor poc sa.
Yeardley was killed by her ex-boyfriend.
va ser assassinada per l'ex-xicot.
they realized the warning signs were there
que hi va haver senyals d'alarma
what they were seeing.
or too much drinking,
o excés de beguda.
to be what they really were,
pel que realment eren:
had been educated about these signs,
si els haguessin educat per detectar-les,
that Yeardley and her friends didn't.
que Yeardley i els seus amics no tenien.
for talking about a subject
per parlar d'un tema
and uncomfortable to discuss;
namely friends, to help;
els amics, perquè ajudin.
all of our ability to love better.
la nostra capacitat per estimar millor.
to start by illuminating
that we frequently miss,
que sovint no veiem.
on creating content
en crear contingut
is pretty serious,
el contingut sol ser força seriós
one of our more light-hearted
un dels materials més entretinguts
of unhealthy love.
de l'amor poc sa.
T'he enyorat.
in a couple days. I've missed you.
It feels like a lifetime.
Sembla tota una vida.
without me for five whole minutes?
I don't know. I do.
don't start out abusive.
no comencen sent així.
of affection and emotion, a rush.
i l'emoció, hi ha pressa.
like you've hit the jackpot.
com si ens toqués la loteria.
these feelings shift over time
aquests sentiments canvien amb el temps
and maybe a little bit suffocating.
potser fins i tot asfixiants.
new boyfriend or girlfriend
faster than you were ready for
texting and calling a lot.
et truca massa o t'envia missatges.
when you're slow to respond,
quan no contestes de seguida,
you had other things going on that day.
que tens altres coses a fer.
how a relationship starts that matters,
com comença la relació el que importa,
of a new relationship
with the pace of intimacy?
and room to breathe?
to start practicing using your voice
"Dilluns junts". (#ésamor)
always have Monday Funday.
always have Monday Funday.
T1: És el "Dimarts estem plegats".
Orange 1: It's our Tuesday Snooze Day.
T1: És el "Dia sense amics". (#noésamor).
Orange 1: No Friends Day.
is one of the most frequently missed
és el tret de les relacions poc sanes
starts out with this intense desire
amb un desig intens
when your new boyfriend or girlfriend
quan el xicot o la xicota
from your friends and family,
They're such losers"
They're totally against us"
Estan en contra nostra."
your prerelationship life.
a la teva vida abans de la relació.
and activities they cared about before.
i activitats que s'estimaven abans.
every waking minute together,
cada minut del dia,
és fonamental.
and sticking to them
to do the same.
is extreme jealousy.
és la gelosia extrema.
What are you so happy about?
a Instagram! (#ésamor)
following me on Instagram!
following me, like, everywhere.
pertot arreu.
begins to fade,
and who you're with all the time,
everywhere, online and off.
inclús per internet.
possessiveness and mistrust,
possessiva i desconfiada,
of flirting with other people or cheating,
o d'infidelitat
when you tell them
and that you only love them.
of any human relationship,
de les relacions humanes,
and angry edge to it.
i enrabiat.
Orange: I gotta study.
Taronja: He d'estudiar.
tu ets excel·lent. (#ésamor)
A for amazing. (#thatslove)
Orange: I gotta study.
Taronja: He d'estudiar.
words are used as weapons.
les paraules com armes.
fun and lighthearted
divertides i fàcils
in a way that hurts,
es riu de nosaltres i ens fa mal,
for laughs at your expense.
a costa nostra.
that your feelings have been hurt,
que ens hem sentit dolguts,
and accuse you of overreacting.
What's your problem. Give me a break."
No n'hi ha per tant."
but your partner should have your back.
ens hauria de fer costat.
not break you down.
no ensorrar.
your secrets and be loyal.
els nostres secrets.
I'd be sad if we broke up.
if we ever broke up.
estaria tan deprimida
high highs and low lows:
alts i baixos extrems:
followed by emotional makeups,
seguides d'emotives reconciliacions,
I'm not even sure why I'm with you!"
no sé per què estic amb tu!"
and promises it will never happen again.
i promeses de que no tornarà a passar.
to this relationship roller coaster
a la muntanya russa que és la relació
and maybe even dangerous
i que pot ser una relació
that the more of these markers
quants més d'aquests trets
your relationship could be.
poc sana i fins i tot perillosa.
to break up and leave,
so many of us give our friends
a real trigger for violence.
pot generar violència.
headed towards abuse or in abuse,
o que ho pot acabar sent,
to get the advice on how to leave safely.
que t'aconselli com marxar sense perill.
about romantic relationships
nearly every relationship in your life.
gairebé totes les nostres relacions.
why you're disappointed in a friendship
ens deceb una amistat
with a certain family member
amb un cert familiar
how your own intensity and jealousy
la nostra intensitat o gelosia
with colleagues at work.
amb els companys de feina.
the first step to improving,
every unhealthy relationship healthy --
totes les relacions poc sanes,
to have to leave behind --
to do relationships better.
les nostres relacions.
will definitely make you better,
it's also not going to make you perfect.
about healthy relationships,
sobre les relacions sanes,
to shuttle my four kids out the door
amb els meus quatre fills
and complaints about breakfast,
i queixes sobre l'esmorzar,
screen time and dessert
les postres
ever enjoy in life!"
fer gaudir de la vida!".
and looked at me, and said,
em va mirar i va dir:
to kill him for calling me out.
el volia escanyar per renyar-me.
I'm actually proud.
"Saps què? N'estic molt orgullosa".
to make me pause.
per aturar-me.
what the bar should be
to use when that bar is not met
per demanar-ho si no és així,
relationships as a soft topic,
que les relacions són un tema fàcil,
are one of the most important
més importants
that leads to unhealthy love,
que ens xuclen cap a l'amor poc sa.
the art of being healthy
de les relacions sanes
every aspect of your life.
de la nostra vida.
an instinct and an emotion,
i una emoció,
is a skill we can all build
una habilitat que tots podem millorar
Katie Hood - Relationship revolutionaryBy educating young people about the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships, Katie Hood hopes to derail abusive behavior before it starts and impact the relationship health of an entire generation.
Why you should listen
As CEO of the One Love Foundation, Katie believes that healthy relationship education is a "simple but shockingly nontraditional solution that can impact millions and drive meaningful change. The problem is hard, but the impact of a scalable prevention approach that talks to young people in a language they can hear at the earliest stages of their dating lives could be massive."
Katie Hood | Speaker | TED.com