Barry Schwartz: The way we think about work is broken
Barry Schwartz studies the link between economics and psychology, offering startling insights into modern life. Lately, working with Ken Sharpe, he's studying wisdom. Full bio
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and answer is this:
a zodpovědět je tato:
out of bed every morning
TED-like adventure to another?
dobrodružství, jako je TED, k druhému?
that very question.
tu stejnou otázku.
we have to make a living,
musíme vydělat na živobytí,
that that's the answer to the question,
že to je odpověď na mou otázku.
the work we do is challenging,
kterou děláme, podnětná,
it's meaningful.
it might even be important.
možná je i důležitá.
if we didn't get paid,
kdybychom nebyli placení,
děláme, to co děláme.
are a pretty bad reason
za dost nedostatečný důvod,
that he's "in it for the money,"
„to dělá pro peníze“,
raises what is for me
mně v tomto případě
majority of people on the planet,
většinu lidí na světě,
has none of the characteristics
nemá žádnou z těch vlastností,
and off to the office every morning?
vstát z postele a jít do práce?
the majority of people on the planet
většině světové populace
meaningless and soul-deadening?
duši-otupující a postrádá smysl?
of goods and services,
ve kterém byla
that might come from work were eliminated?
uspokojení plynoucí z práce?
in call centers,
to do what they do except for pay.
proč by takovou práci dělali, kromě peněz.
screws people, blah blah --
oj*bává lidi, bla bla –
the kind of technology
and that people come to TED to hear about.
chodíme poslouchat na TED.
the technology of things,
science creates ideas.
věda tvoří myšlenky.
are ways of understanding ourselves.
jsou způsoby, kterými chápeme sami sebe.
on how we think, what we aspire to,
jak myslíme, o co se snažíme
is God's will, you pray.
je vůle Boží, modlíte se.
of your own inadequacy,
je výsledek vaší vlastní neschopnosti,
the result of oppression and domination,
je výsledkem útisku a nadvlády
is resignation or revolution,
rezignace nebo revoluce
the sources of your poverty.
příčiny vaší chudoby.
in shaping us as human beings,
v utváření nás, jako lidských bytostí,
the most profoundly important technology
být tou vůbec nejdůležitější technologií,
about idea technology,
je cosi zvláštního,
from the technology of things.
will not go away
that they're true,
že jsou pravdivé,
and institutions
života a instituce,
with these very false ideas.
s těmito chybnými myšlenkami.
created a factory system
vytvořila tovární systém
could possibly get out of your day's work,
celodenní práci
one of the fathers
Adam Smith --
were by their very natures lazy,
bytosti byly ze své podstaty líné
unless you made it worth their while,
by se jim to nevyplatilo,
se jim to vyplatilo,
by giving them rewards.
anyone ever did anything.
by vůbec někdo někdy něco udělal.
with that false view of human nature.
v souladu s chybnou představou o lidské nátuře.
of production was in place,
tento systém stanoven,
for people to operate,
způsob, jak by lidé fungovali,
with Adam Smith's vision.
byl v souladu s vizí Adam Smithe.
je pouze případem toho,
can create a circumstance
může vést ke vzniku okolnosti,
good help anymore."
sehnat dobrého brigádníka“.
that is demeaning and soulless.
která je ponižující a bezduchá.
this incredible invention
nám dal tento neuvěřitelný vynález
in assembly lines,
pracovali na montážních linkách,
in assembly lines, he says:
na montážních linkách, říká:
possible for a human being to become."
jak jen je to pro lidskou bytost možné.“
slovo „stát se“.
possible for a human being to become."
jak jen je to pro lidskou bytost možné.“
what Adam Smith was telling us there,
co nám zde Adam Smith sděluje,
within which people work
instituce, ve které lidé pracují,
to the demands of that institution
from their work that we take for granted.
která my považujeme za samozřejmost.
natural science --
theories about the cosmos,
vymýšlet fantastické teorie o kosmu,
indifferent to our theories.
teoriím zcela netečný.
stejným způsobem,
we have about the cosmos.
jakékoliv teorie chceme.
the theories we have of human nature,
kvůli našim teoriím o lidské povaze,
by the theories we have
bude pozměněna teoriemi,
and help us understand human beings.
vysvětlily a pomohly pochopit lidské bytosti.
Clifford Geertz, said, years ago,
Clifford Geertz před lety řekl,
are the "unfinished animals."
„nedokončená zvířata“.
was that it is only human nature
je jenom lidskou povahou
of the society in which people live.
produktem společnosti, v níž lidé žijí.
that is to say our human nature,
respektive naše lidská povaha,
than it is discovered.
utvářena než objevována.
within which people live and work.
ve kterých lidé žijí a pracují.
to being with masters of the universe --
jak se kdy dostanu –
yourself a question,
to run your organizations.
své organizace.
do you want to help design?
chcete pomoci formovat vy?
Barry Schwartz - PsychologistBarry Schwartz studies the link between economics and psychology, offering startling insights into modern life. Lately, working with Ken Sharpe, he's studying wisdom.
Why you should listen
In his 2004 book The Paradox of Choice, Barry Schwartz tackles one of the great mysteries of modern life: Why is it that societies of great abundance — where individuals are offered more freedom and choice (personal, professional, material) than ever before — are now witnessing a near-epidemic of depression? Conventional wisdom tells us that greater choice is for the greater good, but Schwartz argues the opposite: He makes a compelling case that the abundance of choice in today's western world is actually making us miserable.
Infinite choice is paralyzing, Schwartz argues, and exhausting to the human psyche. It leads us to set unreasonably high expectations, question our choices before we even make them and blame our failures entirely on ourselves. His relatable examples, from consumer products (jeans, TVs, salad dressings) to lifestyle choices (where to live, what job to take, who and when to marry), underscore this central point: Too much choice undermines happiness.
Schwartz's previous research has addressed morality, decision-making and the varied inter-relationships between science and society. Before Paradox he published The Costs of Living, which traces the impact of free-market thinking on the explosion of consumerism -- and the effect of the new capitalism on social and cultural institutions that once operated above the market, such as medicine, sports, and the law.
Both books level serious criticism of modern western society, illuminating the under-reported psychological plagues of our time. But they also offer concrete ideas on addressing the problems, from a personal and societal level.
Schwartz is the author of the TED Book, Why We Work.
Barry Schwartz | Speaker |