Pico Iyer: The art of stillness
Pico Iyer: Umjetnost mirnoće
Pico Iyer has spent more than 30 years tracking movement and stillness -- and the way criss-crossing cultures have changed the world, our imagination and all our relationships. Full bio
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that it would be cheaper
from my parents' house in California.
kuće mojih roditelja u Kaliforniji.
samo kako bih išao u školu.
the more I came to love to fly,
više sam volio letenje.
from high school,
every season of my 18th year
svoje 18. godine mogao provesti
I became a travel writer
postao putopisac
i moja radost sjedinili.
that if you were lucky enough
ako imate dovoljno sreće
the candlelit temples of Tibet
šećete tibetanskim hramovima
and the high cobalt skies
i visoka kobaltna neba
when you travel
koje naučite kad putujete
unless you can bring the right eyes to it.
ako to ne gledate na pravi način.
and more appreciative eyes
pažljivije gledati i više ih cijeniti,
is how many of us get
mnogi od nas dobiju
in our accelerated lives, a break.
u svojim ubrzanim životima – predah.
the slideshow of my experience
o svojim iskustvima
as going to Tibet or to Cuba.
kao ići na Tibet ili Kubu.
I mean nothing more intimidating
mislim jednostavno
u svakom godišnjem dobu
vaša istinska sreća
through the centuries
govore mudraci
stoici su nas podsjećali
the Stoics were reminding us
that makes our lives,
sweeps through your town
iznenada prođe kroz vaš grad
traumatiziran do kraja života.
almost feels liberated,
osjećat će se gotovo oslobođeno
to start his life anew.
da iznova započne život.
as Shakespeare told us in "Hamlet,"
kako nam je Shakespeare rekao u „Hamletu”,
my experience as a traveler.
i moje iskustvo kao putnika.
the most mind-bending trip
na vrlo intenzivnom putovanju
going back to it in my head,
razmišljajući o tom putovanju,
finding a place for it in my thinking,
nalazeći mu mjesto u svojim mislima,
gave me some amazing sights,
bilo je predivnih vidika,
into lasting insights.
u trajne uvide.
that so much of our life
tako velik dio našeg života
or interpretation or speculation,
ili interpretaciji ili predviđanjima
promijeniti svoj život,
s promjenama u glavi.
were telling us this centuries ago,
govorili pred mnogo stoljeća,
200 emails in a day.
200 e-mailova dnevno.
were not on Facebook.
nisu bili na Facebooku.
u našim životima na zahtjev,
u bilo koje doba noći i dana,
our parents can get to us.
naši roditelji, mogu doći do nas.
that in recent years
da posljednjih godina
than 50 years ago,
nego prije 50 godina,
koji nam štede vrijeme,
less and less time.
sve manje i manje vremena.
make contact with people
stupiti u kontakt s ljudima
as a traveler
koja sam doživio kao putnik
that often it's exactly the people
da su često baš oni ljudi
da odemo nekamo
of the limits of old,
ograničenja iz prošlosti
about the need for limits,
potrebe za ograničenjima,
many of you have heard about;
za koje ste mnogi čuli:
of their paid time free
20 % radnog vremena imali slobodno
their imaginations go wandering.
for my digital I.D.,
svoju digitalnu identifikaciju,
about the program
to teach the many, many Googlers
brojne zaposlenike Googlea
to become trainers in it,
naučio kako da postanu treneri.
about the book that he was about to write
o knjizi koju namjerava napisati
has empirically shown
znanost empirički dokazala
health or to clearer thinking,
i jasnijim razmišljanjem,
of the most eloquent spokesmen
najelokventnijih govornika
of Wired magazine, Kevin Kelly.
časopisa Wired – Kevin Kelly.
on fresh technologies
o novim tehnologijama
or a laptop or a TV in his home.
laptopa ili TV-a u svojem domu.
when they go online again.
that technology hasn't always given us
tehnologija nije uvijek davala
the wisest use of technology.
najpametnije iskoristiti.
for which the adjective "holy" is used,
spominje svetkovanje,
of the Torah --
one of our greatest luxuries,
jedan od najvećih luksuza,
it's the pause or the rest
upravo pauza ili odmor
its beauty and its shape.
a lot of empty space on the page
ostaviti mnogo praznog prostora
my thoughts and sentences
dovršiti moje misli i rečenice
has room to breathe.
of course, many people,
naravno, mnogi ljudi,
a second home.
raspolagao takvim resursima,
that any time I want,
if not in space,
u vremenu, ako već ne u prostoru,
whenever I do I spend much of it
kad god to činim, velik dio vremena provedem
the following day.
meat or sex or wine
odrekao mesa, seksa ili vina
provjeravam svoje e-mailove.
three days off on retreat
povući na tri dana,
to be leaving my poor wife behind
što ostavljam svoju sirotu ženu
all those seemingly urgent emails
naizgled hitne e-mailove
a friend's birthday party.
prijateljevu rođendansku zabavu.
to a place of real quiet,
or creative or joyful to share
ili kreativno ili radosno
šefovima ili prijateljima.
my exhaustion or my distractedness,
ili nedostatak pozornosti,
from the office,
driving through Times Square,
i prolazili smo Times Squareom
that I was racing around so much
da toliko jurim uokolo
I might have dreamed of as a little boy.
o kakvom sam sanjao kao dječak.
and colleagues,
prijatelje i kolege,
on Park Avenue and 20th Street.
writing about world affairs,
na kojem sam pisao o situaciji u svijetu,
enough from them
dovoljno od njih odvojiti
if I was truly happy.
jesam li zaista sretan.
of Kyoto, Japan,
u uličici u Kyotu, u Japanu.
that had long exerted a strong,
of Kyoto and feel I recognized it;
i osjećao da ju prepoznajem.
prije nego sam ga uopće vidio.
and shrines,
for 800 years or more.
I ended up where I still am
završio sam na mjestu gdje sam i sada
in the middle of nowhere
uzdržavati voljene osobe
for job advancement
za napredovanje u poslu
what I prize most,
ono što najviše cijenim:
a cell phone there.
nisam morao poslužiti mobitelom.
gledati koliko je sati
one of its nasty surprises,
in front of mine on the freeway,
ispred mene ubaci drugi automobil,
going nowhere
koje sam proveo idući nikamo
racing around to Bhutan or Easter Island.
jureći Butanom ili Uskršnjim otokom.
da unesete mirnoću
of the world.
in Frankfurt, Germany,
u Frankfurtu, u Njemačkoj.
came down and sat next to me
in a very friendly conversation
vrlo prijateljski razgovor
she didn't even go to sleep,
really imparted itself to me.
zaista su utjecali na mene.
taking conscious measures these days
u zadnje vrijeme svjesno poduzima mjere
inside their lives.
of dollars a night
their cell phone and their laptop
just before they go to sleep,
prije nego odu spavati,
their messages
and listen to some music,
i slušaju glazbu
behind Los Angeles,
mračne planine oko Los Angelesa,
as a full-time monk
kao pravi redovnik
at the age of 77,
unsexy title of "Old Ideas,"
neprivlačan naslov „Stare ideje”,
in 17 nations in the world,
u 17 zemalja svijeta,
that we get from people like that.
kojim odišu takvi ljudi,
and trouble to sit still.
i trude se mirno sjediti.
of us have the sensation,
imaju osjećaj – ja sigurno imam –
uz golemi ekran
from a huge screen,
and then further back,
malo pa onda još malo,
what the canvas means
by going nowhere.
tako što ne idu nikamo.
than going slow.
as paying attention.
alive and full of fresh hope,
stvarno živi i puni optimizma,
to try considering going nowhere.
o tome da ne odete nikamo.
Pico Iyer - Global authorPico Iyer has spent more than 30 years tracking movement and stillness -- and the way criss-crossing cultures have changed the world, our imagination and all our relationships.
Why you should listen
In twelve books, covering everything from Revolutionary Cuba to the XIVth Dalai Lama, Islamic mysticism to our lives in airports, Pico Iyer has worked to chronicle the accelerating changes in our outer world, which sometimes make steadiness and rootedness in our inner world more urgent than ever. In his TED Book, The Art of Stillness, he draws upon travels from North Korea to Iran to remind us how to remain focused and sane in an age of frenzied distraction. As he writes in the book, "Almost everybody I know has this sense of overdosing on information and getting dizzy living at post-human speeds ... All of us instinctively feel that something inside us is crying out for more spaciousness and stillness to offset the exhilarations of this movement and the fun and diversion of the modern world."
Pico Iyer | Speaker | TED.com