Sebastian Junger: Our lonely society makes it hard to come home from war
Sebastian Junger: Magányos társadalmunk megnehezíti a háborúból való hazatérést
The author of "The Perfect Storm" and the director of the documentaries "Restrepo" and "Korengal," Sebastian Junger tells non-fiction stories with grit and emotion. Full bio
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that I really had a problem.
and America wasn't at war yet.
s az USA még nem állt háborúban.
about the effect of trauma and war
hogyan hat a trauma
for a couple of months
as they were fighting the Taliban.
had an air force,
they had tanks, they had artillery,
pretty badly a couple of times.
elpáholtak bennünket.
than I had ever been in Afghanistan.
mint bármikor Afganisztánban.
it was going to kill me,
hogy az életemre tör.
everything was moving too quickly.
and just waited for it.
és csak vártam.
I ran out of the subway station
kifutottam a földalattiból,
was short-term PTSD:
to survive periods of danger,
hogy túléljük a veszélyt,
predisposed to fight,
mert készen állunk a harcra,
kizökkenünk a gondolatainkból.
of circulation a little bit.
but it's better than getting eaten.
mintha emésztenénk magunkat.
from that pretty quickly.
kigyógyulnak belőle.
but they eventually went away.
de végül elmúltak.
az átélt háborúhoz van köze.
to the war that I'd seen.
now I'm not going crazy anymore.
az ideiglenes veszélyhez.
a mindennapi élethez,
who are vulnerable to long-term PTSD
pszichiátriai betegség.
disorders in their family.
long-term PTSD from Vietnam.
as a journalist,
ezt tanulmányozni.
really strange going on.
nagyon furcsa dolog történik.
in the wrong direction.
fought as a country,
amelyet mint ország vívtunk,
have gone down.
az áldozatok száma is csökkent.
in the same direction,
hasonlónak kellene lenniük,
have produced, thank God,
hála Istennek,
of what it was in Vietnam.
a vietnami háborúéinak.
three times the disability rates.
is actively engaged in combat,
vesz részt aktív harci cselekményekben,
killing people,
seeing their friends get killed.
hogy barátjuk elesik.
of our military.
from the government.
in a very logical way.
nem illik ide.
of 22 vets a day, on average,
statisztikát, hogy hazánkban naponta
are veterans of the Vietnam War,
vietnami veteránok követik el,
actually might not be related
between combat and suicide.
a harcok és az öngyilkosság között.
and you're in a lot of combat,
harci cselekményben vesz részt,
than if you weren't.
hogy eldobja az életét.
to commit suicide later.
hogy később öngyilkosok lesznek.
on the Navajo reservation.
rezervátumban végeztem.
long-distance runners.
navahó hosszútávfutókról írtam.
I was researching PTSD,
I did when I was young,
végzett munkám,
the Apache, the Comanche --
az apacsok, a komancsok,
PTSD like we do.
from fighting the US military
az USA hadseregével
right back into tribal life.
a törzsi életbe.
to a close, cohesive, tribal society,
törzsi társadalomba tér vissza,
to an alienating, modern society,
modern társadalomba tér vissza,
your entire life.
traumatizált marad.
isn't them, the vets;
hogy nem a veteránokban van
is hard on the human psyche
minden tekintetben nyomasztó
nem pedig csökken.
agrarian society.
a modern társadalomban a legtöbb
the highest rates of suicide
a szorongásos, a magányos
and loneliness and child abuse
and violent and corrupt
were urban women in North America.
városokban élő nők között volt.
for PTSD compensation.
really were not traumatized overseas
külföldön traumatizált állapotba,
they are dangerously alienated
hogy veszélyesen elidegenedett
but don't understand why?
of sort of tribal closeness
a törzsi bensőségességet
sleeping together,
with their lives.
to a society, a modern society,
who weren't even in the military.
a PTSD-vel foglalkozunk.
soldiers are traumatized
a katonák traumatizáltak,
have to be treated for that.
is actually a kind of alienation.
the wrong word for some of it,
a megnevezés nem megfelelő,
our understanding,
a fogalom megváltoztatása is
for some of these people
that didn't really happen
beszéljenek be maguknak,
that really is happening.
magyarázatot találjanak.
dangerous feeling.
can lead to suicide.
öngyilkosságot válthat ki.
of around one percent.
száma 1% körül van.
is supposed to serve in the military.
kötelező a katonai szolgálat.
from the front line,
environment to a civilian environment.
vissza, hanem katonaiba.
where everyone understands
amelyben mindenki érti,
or is going to be in it.
vagy majd lesz.
the situation they're all in.
mert mindenki benne él.
egy nagy törzsben lenne.
in a cage by itself,
ketrecbe zárják,
almost indefinitely.
soha nem múlnak el.
and put it in a cage with other rats,
patkányokkal közös ketrecbe zárjuk,
it's pretty much OK.
went down by 40 percent.
went down after 9/11.
is csökkentek a 9/11 után.
who suffered from PTSD
PTSD-ben szenvedő veteránjai is
after 9/11 happened.
tüneteik enyhültek.
an entire society,
and turn on one another.
hanem tagjai támogatják egymást.
feels so good and is so good for us,
annyira jól érezzük magunkat,
with mental health issues.
a bombázások alatt
went down during the bombings.
fölvettek száma csökkent.
back to -- a unified country.
hazatértek – összeforrott ország.
the threat against us.
a ránk leselkedő veszélyt.
ourselves and the world.
to a country that is so bitterly divided
megosztott országba térnek vissza,
are literally accusing each other
hazaárulással vádolja egymást,
an enemy of the state,
az állam ellensége,
and the welfare of their own country.
a tulajdon országa biztonságát és jólétét.
is the biggest it's ever been.
még sohasem volt ekkora.
and even riots in the streets
that treated itself that way -- in fact,
amelyik így bánik magával,
that way -- would never survive.
magával, pusztulásra van ítélve.
and are coming back
a háborút, és visszatértek,
with fresh eyes.
if we can save the vets.
megmenthetjük-e őket?
is if we can save ourselves.
magunkat megmenthetjük-e?
is rendben lesznek.
who fought to protect us.
akik a védelmünkért harcoltak.
Sebastian Junger - Journalist and documentarianThe author of "The Perfect Storm" and the director of the documentaries "Restrepo" and "Korengal," Sebastian Junger tells non-fiction stories with grit and emotion.
Why you should listen
Sebastian Junger thundered onto the media landscape with his non-fiction book, The Perfect Storm. A correspondent for Vanity Fair and ABC News, Junger has covered stories all across the globe, igniting a new interest in non-fiction. One of his main interests: war.
From 2007 to 2008, Junger and photographer Tim Hetherington embedded with the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team in Afghanistan. They spent intensive time with the soldiers at the Restrepo outpost in the Korengal Valley, which saw more combat than any other part of Afghanistan. The experience became Junger's book WAR, and the documentary "Restrepo," which was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Documentary in 2011.
Junger and Hetherington planned to make a second documentary on the topic, "Korengal," meant to help soldiers and civilians alike understand the fear, courage and complexity involved in combat. It's a project that Junger decided to carry on after Hetherington was killed in Libya while covering the civil war there. Junger self-financed and released the film.
Sebastian Junger | Speaker |