Alison Killing: What happens when a city runs out of room for its dead
Alison Killing: Apa yang terjadi ketika kota kehabisan tempat untuk yang berpulang
An architect and urban designer, Alison Killing uses journalism, filmmaking and exhibitions to help people better understand the built environment. Full bio
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but potentially lucrative
has outperformed the UK property market
di pasar properti Britania
with plots for sale to investors,
yang dijual kepada investor
harga 3.900 poundsterling.
about 40 percent growth.
is a market with continuous demand.
adalah permintaan yang berkesinambungan.
that really are offering this investment,
yang menawarkan investasi ini,
to death and dying
and the buildings within them.
dan bangunan yang ada di dalamnya.
I did my first exhibition
saya menggelar pameran pertama
dan arsitektur di kota Venice,
uncomfortable to talk about,
kurang nyaman untuk dibicarakan,
to be quite playful,
didesain dengan rasa humor,
literally engage with it.
was an interactive map of London
adalah peta interaktif London
of the real estate in the city
seberapa banyak lahan properti
untuk kematian di kota itu.
the building or the cemetery --
baik bangunan atau pemakaman --
death and burial are things
walau kematian dan pemakaman
yang mungkin tak terpikirkan,
important parts of our cities.
dan menjadi bagian penting kota kita.
die in the UK each year,
meninggal di Britania setiap tahun,
will want to be buried.
ingin dikuburkan.
Western European countries,
negara-negara Eropa Barat,
has been aware of this for a while,
sudah lama menyadari hal ini,
adalah pertumbuhan penduduk,
cemeteries are almost full.
are considered to be occupied forever,
pemakaman umumnya dipakai permanen,
people want to use that same land
masyarakat ingin menggunakan
perkantoran, atau pertokoan.
reuse those graves after 50 years.
pemakaman tersebut bisa didaur ulang.
like, four deep,
in the same plot,
bisa dikuburkan di lahan yang sama,
of the land that way,
penggunaan lahan lebih efisien,
will still have space to bury people
punya lahan yang cukup
haven't been taken care of
there's no legal obligation
untuk menyediakan lahan pemakaman
to provide burial space.
pada siapa pun di Britania.
by private and religious organizations,
oleh organisasi swasta dan keagamaan,
been a for-profit group
the small size of a burial plot
serious money to be made.
yang bisa diraup cukup besar.
and start your own cemetery,
mendirikan pemakaman sendiri,
and a load of fields next to it,
dengan lahan pertanian dan mereka ingin
a caravan park,
membangun taman karavan,
of making a cemetery
untuk membangun pemakaman,
the value of their land
to over one million pounds.
menjadi 1 juta poundsterling lebih.
of making profit from cemeteries,
of those burial plots
harga lahan pemakaman tersebut
you need to maintain the burial plot --
lahan pemakaman memang tinggi --
for the next 50 years.
rumput selama 50 tahun.
to make money from cemeteries.
keuntungan dari pemakaman.
they're run by the council
pemakaman dikelola pemerintah,
these people permission,
izin pada pasangan ini,
to build their cemetery.
sedang berlangsung.
kind of how this works:
membangun sesuatu di Britania,
for planning permission first.
izin rencana membangun dahulu.
office building for a client
gedung perkantoran untuk seorang klien,
and I want to convert it into an office,
to the council for permission.
ke pemerintah untuk perizinan.
how it fits in the surroundings.
dengan area sekitar akan ditinjau.
like what impact is it going to have
that I've built?
bagi masyarakat setempat,
like shops to the neighborhood
and the disadvantages
akan dipertimbangkan,
to build a large cemetery.
membangun sebuah pemakaman besar.
a few people, like five or six?
digunakan untuk 5 atau 6 orang?
permission from anyone!
saya tidak perlu izin dari siapa pun!
in the UK around burial,
mengenai penguburan di Britania,
is about not polluting water courses,
untuk tidak mengotori sumber air,
and make your own mini-cemetery,
membangun pemakaman pribadi,
who does this? Right?
and you have a large estate,
yang punya lahan luas,
have a mausoleum on it,
a piece of land of a certain size
lahan berukuran khusus
to start burying people on it.
of your house in the suburbs.
yang ada di pelosok.
to try this yourself at home?
ingin mencoba ini sendiri di rumah?
that have guidance on their website
di laman beberapa institusi
of burial before you can go ahead --
di halaman begitu saja.
and put them under the patio.
a record of where the grave is.
for formal requirements.
your neighbors might not like this,
mungkin tidak menyukainya,
nothing that they can do about it.
mereka tidak bisa berbuat apa pun.
still had that profit idea in your mind
tentang keuntungan
you might be able to make,
keuntungan yang bisa diraup,
the value of your house
bahwa nilai rumah Anda
your house at all after that.
yang ingin membeli rumah Anda.
many of our attitudes towards death.
cara pandang kita terhadap kematian.
across Europe are probably similar,
data di Eropa juga hampir sama,
have ever talked to anyone
yang pernah menyampaikan
have ever talked about this.
people give ... you know,
to make people uncomfortable
orang akan merasa tidak nyaman,
who are taking care of things for us.
and bureaucracy around things
dan birokrasi tentang hal-hal,
untuk persoalan ini.
working lives to this issue.
death fits in our cities,
and design and thought
rancangan, dan pemikiran
are thinking about it --
yang mungkin memikirkannya,
Alison Killing - ArchitectAn architect and urban designer, Alison Killing uses journalism, filmmaking and exhibitions to help people better understand the built environment.
Why you should listen
Alison Killing is an architect and urban designer working to engage people with their built environment, via design of buildings and urban strategies, film making, exhibitions and events. She explores the relationship between death and modern architecture, looking at how cities are rebuilt after disaster.
Recent projects include Death in the City (and its first iteration, Death in Venice, which was shown as an independent event during the opening week of the Venice Architecture Biennale), a touring exhibition about death and modern architecture; work with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies on better rebuilding after disaster and how to integrate relevant urban design tools into humanitarian response; and a study of financial models for arts and community projects temporarily using vacant buildings to help these projects become self-sustaining.
Alison Killing | Speaker |