Tim Harford: How frustration can make us more creative
Tim Harford: Bagaimana masalah yang kacau dapat menginspirasi kreatifitas
Tim Harford's writings reveal the economic ideas behind everyday experiences. Full bio
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benama Vera Brandes
called Vera Brandes
Cologne Opera House.
of the Cologne Opera House.
of the emergency exit sign.
lampu pintu darurat hijau redup.
exciting day of Vera's life.
dalam hidup Vera.
termuda di Jerman,
concert promoter in Germany,
Cologne Opera House
the Cologne Opera House
konser jazz larut malam
dengan piano yang meragukan,
to the piano in question,
a little warily,
instrumen itu sedikit ragu,
pada produsernya.
came over to Vera and said ...
menghampiri Vera dan berkata...
Keith can't play."
yang baru, Keith tak dapat bermain."
salah menyediakan instrumen.
the wrong instrument.
tinny upper register,
bersuara sember dan pelan,
ruangan sebesar Cologne Opera House.
such as the Cologne Opera House.
mencari piano pengganti.
to try to find a replacement piano.
rain-drenched German teenager,
panggung gedung kesenian itu.
onto the stage of the opera house,
yang tak dapat dimainkan itu,
that something magical was happening.
sesuatu yang ajaib sedang terjadi.
those upper registers,
tones of the keyboard,
suara yang menenangkan suasana.
a soothing, ambient quality.
suara pianonya sangat lirih,
dengan nada-nada bas yang bergemuruh
repetitive riffs in the bass.
memilin, menekan kuat kunci-kuncinya,
pounding down on the keys,
mencapai penonton di barisan belakang.
to reach the people in the back row.
sepanjang sejarah
sepanjang sejarah.
solo jazz album in history.
pada suatu kekacauan.
dan sukses besar.
about Jarrett's initial instinct.
tentang insting awal Jarrett.
pada situasi yang sama,
in any remotely similar situation,
insting kita akan sama.
we'd have the same instinct.
pekerjaan hebat dengan peralatan buruk.
to do good work with bad tools.
unnecessary hurdles.
permasalahan yang tak perlu.
a bit more appreciation
sedikit apresiasi...
dalam mengatasi sedikit kekacauan.
of having to cope with a little mess.
bekerja sama dengan para guru SMA.
memformat ulang diktat
di beberapa kelas mereka.
to some of their classes.
in something straightforward,
punya format yang lugas,
atau Times New Roman.
handouts that were formatted
menerima diktat yang terformat
seperti Haettenschweiler,
like Haettenschweiler,
seperti Comic Sans cetak miring.
like Comic Sans italicized.
membaca jenis huruf yang lebih sulit,
to read the more difficult fonts,
memperlambat mereka,
tentang yang mereka baca,
about what they were reading,
has been testing Harvard undergraduates
menguji mahasiswa Harvard
daya saring atensi mereka.
of their attentional filters.
imagine you're in a restaurant,
yang berlangsung di restoran itu.
going on in the restaurant,
apa yang penting bagi Anda.
on what's important to you.
daya saring atensi yang baik dan kuat.
good, strong attentional filters.
mahasiswa S2 Carson kesulitan.
subjects struggled with that.
yang lemah dan keropos --
they had porous filters --
constantly being interrupted
di sekitar mereka.
of the world around them.
saat mereka mengerjakan esai,
while they were doing their essays,
itu adalah suatu kerugian.
that that was a disadvantage ...
telah dicapai para mahasiswa ini,
these students had achieved,
yang lebih kreatif dan nyata dalam hidup;
creative milestone in their lives,
grists to their creative mill.
bahan baku akal kreatif mereka.
karena mereka tak punya batasan.
because their box was full of holes.
masalah rumit?
bagaimana menyelesaikannya?
of complicated problems --
a really complicated problem?
mencoba membuat mesin jet.
of different variables,
semua masalah itu sekaligus.
of problem all in one go,
is try to solve it step-by-step.
mencobanya selangkah demi selangkah.
you test it, you improve it.
will eventually get you a good jet engine.
akan menghasilkan mesin jet yang bagus.
implemented in the world.
dalam bersepeda tingkat tinggi,
in high performance cycling,
mengoptimalkan halaman web mereka,
to optimize their web pages,
selangkah demi selangkah.
for these step-by-step gains.
to solve a complicated problem.
menyelesaikan masalah rumit.
make it a better way?
yang tak membawa keberhasilan,
penyelesaian masalah menjadi lebih baik.
the problem-solving work better.
selangkah demi selangkah,
membawa Anda ke jalan buntu.
gradually down a dead end.
cenderung tidak demikian,
that becomes less likely,
memecahkan masalah menjadi lebih kokoh.
becomes more robust.
with some colleagues,
dengan beberapa koleganya,
misteri pembunuhan kepada beberapa siswa,
problems to some students,
empat orang per kelompok
were collected in groups of four
dengan informasi kejahatan --
with information about a crime --
dan tiga tersangka.
witness statements and three suspects.
were asked to figure out who did it,
diminta untuk mencari siapa pelakunya,
in this experiment.
solved the problem more effectively,
menyelesaikan masalah lebih efektif,
quite a lot more effectively.
masalah jauh lebih efektif.
menjawab dengan benar.
of getting the answer right.
50-50 tidak begitu bagus.
50-50's not good.
tidak punya informasi tambahan,
didn't have any extra information,
untuk mengatasi kecanggungan,
to accommodate that awkwardness,
menemukan jawaban yang benar.
of finding the right answer.
melakukan pekerjaan lebih baik,
and the stranger did a better job,
interviewed the groups of four friends,
mewawancarai kelompok empat sahabat,
melakukan pekerjaan yang baik.
tiga sahabat dan seorang asing,
friends and the stranger,
it's rather awkward ...
cenderung canggung...
even though they had.
walaupun tidak demikian.
tantangan yang kita hadapi di sini.
dealing with here.
membantu kita memecahkan masalah,
getting in the way ...
is really important.
sangat penting.
of the world of rock 'n' roll.
he's actually a TED-ster.
-- yang sangat pandai.
rather brilliant.
rock 'n' roll albums of the last 40 years.
yang hebat 40 tahun terakhir.
David Bowie pada "Heroes,"
"Achtung Baby" dan "The Joshua Tree,"
and "The Joshua Tree,"
dan semua orang.
he's worked with everybody.
these great rock bands better?
semua band rock ini menjadi lebih baik?
orang asing yang canggung,
the unplayable piano.
memainkan piano yang rusak.
in which he creates this disruption
yang menakjubkan --
deck of cards --
-- terima kasih, Brian.
thank you, Brian.
(Strategi Serong),
mengikuti instruksi kartunya.
follow the instructions on the card.
Dummer pada piano --
Drummer on the piano --
dari dekat. Lalu perkuatlah."
embarrassing details. Amplify them."
unpredictable action. Incorporate."
merusak, tak terduga. Gabungkan."
in album after album.
dari album ke album.
di album awal Brian Eno.
on an early Brian Eno album.
kaleng bir ke sebrang studio.
throwing beer cans across the studio.
pada album David Bowie "Lodger,"
on David Bowie's "Lodger" album,
pada Brian dan berkata,
he turns to Brian and says,
it was a pretty good album,
now uses The Oblique Strategies.
menggunakan The Oblique Strategies
menggunakan The Oblique Strategies.
to use The Oblique Strategies
doesn't mean it isn't helping you.
bukan berarti tak membantu Anda.
weren't a deck of cards originally,
setumpuk kartu pada awalnya,
saat pikiran buntu.
you might try if you got stuck.
yang paling tak mengganggu,
was the least disruptive,
the stupid experiments,
orang asing yang canggung,
with the awkward strangers,
untuk menjadi lebih kreatif.
if we're going to accept this.
jika kita akan menjalankannya.
from a German teenager,
anak remaja Jerman,
bermain piano yang rusak.
the unplayable piano.
Tim Harford - Economist, journalist, broadcasterTim Harford's writings reveal the economic ideas behind everyday experiences.
Why you should listen
In the Undercover Economist column he writes for the Financial Times, Tim Harford looks at familiar situations in unfamiliar ways and explains the fundamental principles of the modern economy. He illuminates them with clear writing and a variety of examples borrowed from daily life.
His book, Adapt: Why Success Always Starts With Failure, argues that the world has become far too unpredictable and complex for today's challenges to be tackled with ready-made solutions and expert opinions. Instead, Harford suggests, we need to learn to embrace failure and to constantly adapt, to improvise rather than plan, to work from the bottom up rather than the top down. His next book, Messy: Thriving in a Tidy-Minded World will be published in September 2016.
Harford also presents the BBC radio series More or Less, a rare broadcast program devoted, as he says, to "the powerful, sometimes beautiful, often abused but ever ubiquitous world of numbers."
He says: "I’d like to see many more complex problems approached with a willingness to experiment."
Tim Harford | Speaker | TED.com