Tim Harford: How frustration can make us more creative
Tim Harford: Ako chaos podnecuje našu tvorivosť
Tim Harford's writings reveal the economic ideas behind everyday experiences. Full bio
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called Vera Brandes
of the Cologne Opera House.
of the emergency exit sign.
označenie únikových východov.
exciting day of Vera's life.
Verinho života.
usporiadateľkou koncertov
concert promoter in Germany,
the Cologne Opera House
presvedčiť kolínsku operu,
to the piano in question,
operný klavír,
a little warily,
came over to Vera and said ...
Keith can't play."
inak Keith nemôže hrať.“
the wrong instrument.
tinny upper register,
vydával ostrý, plechový zvuk,
such as the Cologne Opera House.
to try to find a replacement piano.
vybaviť náhradný klavír.
rain-drenched German teenager,
mladučkú Nemku,
onto the stage of the opera house,
that something magical was happening.
že sa deje niečo kúzelné.
those upper registers,
tones of the keyboard,
a soothing, ambient quality.
nadľahčenou a upokojujúcou.
repetitive riffs in the bass.
aj opakované dunivé riffy.
pounding down on the keys,
udieral do klávesov,
to reach the people in the back row.
aby ho dobre počuli aj v zadných radoch.
má to šťavu.
klavírnym albumom
solo jazz album in history.
jazzovým albumom v histórii.
about Jarrett's initial instinct.
nad Jarrettovým prvotným inštinktom.
in any remotely similar situation,
by sa v podobnej situácii
we'd have the same instinct.
mali by sme rovnaký inštinkt.
to do good work with bad tools.
dobrý výkon so zlými nástrojmi.
unnecessary hurdles.
nechceme prekonávať zbytočné prekážky.
a bit more appreciation
vďačnejší za nečakané výhody
of having to cope with a little mess.
poradiť s menším chaosom.
aby upravili učebné materiály,
to some of their classes.
in something straightforward,
ľahko čitateľné písmo,
handouts that were formatted
like Haettenschweiler,
ako Haettenschweiler
like Comic Sans italicized.
napríklad Comic Sans kurzívou.
to read the more difficult fonts,
náročnejšie typy písma,
písmo ich spomalilo,
about what they were reading,
has been testing Harvard undergraduates
testovala na harvardských študentoch
of their attentional filters.
imagine you're in a restaurant,
že ste s niekým v reštaurácii,
going on in the restaurant,
prebieha mnoho ďalších rozhovorov,
on what's important to you.
čo je pre vás dôležité.
good, strong attentional filters.
a silný pozornostný filter.
subjects struggled with that.
vysokoškolských subjektov s tým bojovali.
they had porous filters --
constantly being interrupted
of the world around them.
while they were doing their essays,
zapnutú televíziu,
that that was a disadvantage ...
these students had achieved,
čo títo študenti dosiahli,
creative milestone in their lives,
grists to their creative mill.
na ich mlyn kreativity.
because their box was full of holes.
lebo ich filter bol zavírený.
of complicated problems --
a really complicated problem?
vyrobiť prúdový motor.
of different variables,
of problem all in one go,
is try to solve it step-by-step.
skúsiť na to prísť krok za krokom.
you test it, you improve it.
will eventually get you a good jet engine.
dovedú k dobrému prúdovému motoru.
implemented in the world.
sa dnes využíva takmer všade.
in high performance cycling,
napríklad pri rýchlostnej cyklistike,
to optimize their web pages,
o optimalizácii web stránok,
for these step-by-step gains.
to solve a complicated problem.
ako vyriešiť zložitý problém.
make it a better way?
čo by nemalo fungovať,
the problem-solving work better.
lepšiemu riešeniu problémov.
problému krok za krokom,
gradually down a dead end.
môžu priviesť do slepej uličky.
that becomes less likely,
je to menej pravdepodobné
becomes more robust.
sa stáva istejším.
with some colleagues,
a jej kolegovia
problems to some students,
prípady záhadných vrážd.
were collected in groups of four
with information about a crime --
witness statements and three suspects.
výpovede svedkov, traja podozriví.
were asked to figure out who did it,
aby zistili, kto to urobil,
in this experiment.
boli zapojené dvojaké skupinky.
a jeden neznámy.
solved the problem more effectively,
vyriešili problém efektívnejšie.
quite a lot more effectively.
omnoho efektívnejšie.
of getting the answer right.
prísť na správnu odpoveď,
50-50's not good.
50 na 50 nestačí.
didn't have any extra information,
žiadnu informáciu navyše
to accommodate that awkwardness,
aby sa vyrovnali s rozpakmi,
of finding the right answer.
and the stranger did a better job,
podali lepší výkon,
interviewed the groups of four friends,
pýtala skupinky štyroch kamarátov,
friends and the stranger,
s tromi kamarátmi a neznámym,
it's rather awkward ...
even though they had.
dobrý výkon, aj keď to tak bolo.
dealing with here.
nám pomáhajú riešiť problémy
getting in the way ...
is really important.
of the world of rock 'n' roll.
he's actually a TED-ster.
rather brilliant.
albumov za posledných 40 rokov.
rock 'n' roll albums of the last 40 years.
and "The Joshua Tree,"
a The Joshua Tree,
he's worked with everybody.
these great rock bands better?
tieto rockové kapely?
the unplayable piano.
in which he creates this disruption
ako ten chaos vyvoláva,
deck of cards --
thank you, Brian.
ďakujem, Brian.
follow the instructions on the card.
podľa inštrukcií na karte.
Drummer on the piano --
Bubeník hrá na klavíri...
embarrassing details. Amplify them."
najtrápnejšie detaily. Zvýraznite ich.“
unpredictable action. Incorporate."
nepredvídané. Zapracujte to.“
in album after album.
dokazoval, že majú význam.
on an early Brian Eno album.
hral na bubny Phil Collins.
throwing beer cans across the studio.
že po štúdiu hádzal plechovky od piva.
on David Bowie's "Lodger" album,
Davida Bowieho, Lodger,
he turns to Brian and says,
sa otočí k Brianovi a vraví:
it was a pretty good album,
že je to vážne dobrý album,
now uses The Oblique Strategies.
sám používa Uhýbavé stratégie.
to use The Oblique Strategies
aby ich používali,
doesn't mean it isn't helping you.
neznamená to, že vám to nepomáha.
weren't a deck of cards originally,
neboli vo forme kariet,
you might try if you got stuck.
keď vám dôjdu nápady.
was the least disruptive,
the stupid experiments,
with the awkward strangers,
if we're going to accept this.
ak to príjmeme.
from a German teenager,
the unplayable piano.
na nemožnom klavíri.
Tim Harford - Economist, journalist, broadcasterTim Harford's writings reveal the economic ideas behind everyday experiences.
Why you should listen
In the Undercover Economist column he writes for the Financial Times, Tim Harford looks at familiar situations in unfamiliar ways and explains the fundamental principles of the modern economy. He illuminates them with clear writing and a variety of examples borrowed from daily life.
His book, Adapt: Why Success Always Starts With Failure, argues that the world has become far too unpredictable and complex for today's challenges to be tackled with ready-made solutions and expert opinions. Instead, Harford suggests, we need to learn to embrace failure and to constantly adapt, to improvise rather than plan, to work from the bottom up rather than the top down. His next book, Messy: Thriving in a Tidy-Minded World will be published in September 2016.
Harford also presents the BBC radio series More or Less, a rare broadcast program devoted, as he says, to "the powerful, sometimes beautiful, often abused but ever ubiquitous world of numbers."
He says: "I’d like to see many more complex problems approached with a willingness to experiment."
Tim Harford | Speaker | TED.com