Tim Harford: How frustration can make us more creative
Tim Harford: Hur frustration kan göra oss mer kreativa
Tim Harford's writings reveal the economic ideas behind everyday experiences. Full bio
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called Vera Brandes
som hette Vera Brandes
of the Cologne Opera House.
i Kölns operahus.
of the emergency exit sign.
som nödutgångsskylten gav.
exciting day of Vera's life.
concert promoter in Germany,
konsertpromotorn i Tyskland,
the Cologne Opera House
Kölns operahus
Keith Jarrett.
to the piano in question,
till pianot i fråga
a little warily,
came over to Vera and said ...
över till Vera och sa ...
Keith can't play."
så kan inte Keith spela."
the wrong instrument.
tinny upper register,
metalliskt övre register
such as the Cologne Opera House.
ett så stort rum som Kölns operahus.
to try to find a replacement piano.
ett ersättningspiano.
att inte ställa in konserten.
rain-drenched German teenager,
tyska tonåringen,
onto the stage of the opera house,
på scenen i operahuset,
that something magical was happening.
att något magiskt höll på att hända.
those upper registers,
tones of the keyboard,
i mitten av klaviaturen,
a soothing, ambient quality.
omslutande känsla.
repetitive riffs in the bass.
bullrande repetitiva riff på bastonerna.
pounding down on the keys,
han bankade ned tangenterna,
to reach the people in the back row.
på sista raden.
solo jazz album in history.
solojazzalbumet någonsin.
och fått den att lyfta.
about Jarrett's initial instinct.
på Jarretts första instinkt.
in any remotely similar situation,
hamnade i en liknande situation,
we'd have the same instinct.
ha samma instinkter.
to do good work with bad tools.
ett gott arbete med dåliga verktyg.
unnecessary hurdles.
arbeta oss runt onödiga hinder.
a bit more appreciation
of having to cope with a little mess.
att behöva hantera lite röra.
to some of their classes.
in something straightforward,
med något vanligt,
handouts that were formatted
var stencilerna formaterade
like Haettenschweiler,
som Haettenschweiler,
like Comic Sans italicized.
som kursiv Comic Sans.
to read the more difficult fonts,
de svårare fonterna att läsa
hade fått dem att hejda sig,
about what they were reading,
has been testing Harvard undergraduates
har testat uppmärksamhetsfiltren
of their attentional filters.
att du är på restaurang,
imagine you're in a restaurant,
going on in the restaurant,
pågår på restaurangen,
on what's important to you.
som är viktigt för dig.
good, strong attentional filters.
goda och starka uppmärksamhetsfilter.
verkligen med detta.
subjects struggled with that.
kämpade verkligen med detta.
they had porous filters --
de hade porösa filter -
massor med extern information.
constantly being interrupted
var att de konstant avbröts
of the world around them.
i världen runt om dem.
while they were doing their essays,
medan de gjorde sina uppsatser
that that was a disadvantage ...
att det var en stor nackdel ...
these students had achieved,
vad studenterna hade presterat,
creative milestone in their lives,
kreativ milstolpe i deras liv,
grists to their creative mill.
som var deras kreativa källa.
because their box was full of holes.
eftersom deras box var full av hål.
världen är full av dem -
of complicated problems --
komplext problem?
a really complicated problem?
of different variables,
of problem all in one go,
denna typ av problem i ett svep,
is try to solve it step-by-step.
är att lösa det steg-för-steg.
you test it, you improve it.
testar den och förbättrar den.
testar den och förbättrar den.
will eventually get you a good jet engine.
som ger en bra jetmotor.
implemented in the world.
in high performance cycling,
till exempel inom proffscykling,
to optimize their web pages,
att optimera webbsidorna,
for these step-by-step gains.
att lösa ett komplext problem.
to solve a complicated problem.
ett snäpp bättre?
make it a better way?
som inte borde funka,
the problem-solving work better.
med att lösa problem gå bättre.
gradually down a dead end.
gradvis når vägs ände.
that becomes less likely,
är det inte så troligt detta händer,
becomes more robust.
with some colleagues,
tillsammans med några kollegor
problems to some students,
med mordgåtor till några studenter.
were collected in groups of four
i grupper om fyra
with information about a crime --
med information om brottet -
witness statements and three suspects.
vittnesmål och tre misstänkta.
were asked to figure out who did it,
ombads att klura ut vem som gjort det,
in this experiment.
solved the problem more effectively,
löste problemet mer effektivt,
quite a lot more effectively.
en hel del mycket effektivare.
of getting the answer right.
att hitta rätt svar.
på en flervalsfråga med tre svar?
50-50's not good.
didn't have any extra information,
inte hade någon extra information,
to accommodate that awkwardness,
så att den blev lite obekväm,
of finding the right answer.
att finna rätt svar.
är riktigt intressant
and the stranger did a better job,
och främlingen gjorde ett bättre jobb,
interviewed the groups of four friends,
gruppen med de fyra vännerna,
de tre vännerna och främlingen,
friends and the stranger,
it's rather awkward ...
det var verkligen pinsamt ...
att de hade gjort ett bra jobb,
even though they had.
som vi måste hantera här.
dealing with here.
getting in the way ...
is really important.
sista exempel är så viktigt.
of the world of rock 'n' roll.
he's actually a TED-ster.
han är i själva verket en TED-ster.
rather brilliant.
ganska briljant sådan.
de bästa roll’n’roll-albumen
rock 'n' roll albums of the last 40 years.
and "The Joshua Tree,"
och "The Joshua Tree",
he's worked with everybody.
han arbetade med alla.
these great rock bands better?
dessa stora rockband bättre?
den pinsamma främlingen.
the unplayable piano.
på det ospelbara pianot.
in which he creates this disruption
deck of cards --
thank you, Brian.
follow the instructions on the card.
Drummer on the piano --
Trumslagaren på piano -
embarrassing details. Amplify them."
genererande detaljerna. Förstärk dem."
unpredictable action. Incorporate."
och oförutsägbart. Inkludera."
in album after album.
för album efter album.
on an early Brian Eno album.
på ett tidigt Brian Eno-album.
throwing beer cans across the studio.
tvärs över studion.
on David Bowie's "Lodger" album,
på David Bowies "Lodger"-album,
he turns to Brian and says,
vände han sig till Brian och sa,
är bara dumt."
it was a pretty good album,
ett rätt bra album,
now uses The Oblique Strategies.
to use The Oblique Strategies
använda de Förtäckta Strategierna
doesn't mean it isn't helping you.
innebär det inte att det inte hjälper dig.
weren't a deck of cards originally,
en kortlek från början,
you might try if you got stuck.
som man kunde pröva om man fastnade.
was the least disruptive,
vad som var det minst omvälvande,
the stupid experiments,
de där dumma experimenten,
with the awkward strangers,
if we're going to accept this.
om vi ska acceptera detta.
from a German teenager,
över en tysk tonåring,
the unplayable piano.
det ospelbara pianot.
Tim Harford - Economist, journalist, broadcasterTim Harford's writings reveal the economic ideas behind everyday experiences.
Why you should listen
In the Undercover Economist column he writes for the Financial Times, Tim Harford looks at familiar situations in unfamiliar ways and explains the fundamental principles of the modern economy. He illuminates them with clear writing and a variety of examples borrowed from daily life.
His book, Adapt: Why Success Always Starts With Failure, argues that the world has become far too unpredictable and complex for today's challenges to be tackled with ready-made solutions and expert opinions. Instead, Harford suggests, we need to learn to embrace failure and to constantly adapt, to improvise rather than plan, to work from the bottom up rather than the top down. His next book, Messy: Thriving in a Tidy-Minded World will be published in September 2016.
Harford also presents the BBC radio series More or Less, a rare broadcast program devoted, as he says, to "the powerful, sometimes beautiful, often abused but ever ubiquitous world of numbers."
He says: "I’d like to see many more complex problems approached with a willingness to experiment."
Tim Harford | Speaker | TED.com