Tony Fadell: The first secret of design is ... noticing
Tonijs Fadels: Galvenais dizaina noslēpums ir... pamanīšana
As the originator of the iPod, Tony Fadell is no stranger to disruptive technology. With Nest, he’s zeroed in on tech’s most elusive targets: household appliances. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
"The Blues Brothers,"
goes to visit Dan Aykroyd in his apartment
dodas apciemot Denu Eikroidu
from the train tracks.
no vilciena sliedēm.
tas vilciens brauc garām?”
that train go by?"
„Tik bieži, ka drīz tu to vairs nemanīsi.”
even notice it."
to everyday things
pie ikdienišķām lietām.
ir ieraudzīt šīs ikdienišķās lietas,
it's my job to see those everyday things,
to improve upon them.
when I was a kid.
to put that sticker on the fruit.
uzlikt uz augļa uzlīmi.
samaksāt par to veikalā.
at the grocery counter.
the store quickly.
of fruit on the counter,
ieraugām šo gardo, sulīgo augli,
and eat it.
for this little sticker.
noskrubināt, sabojājot augli.
damaging the flesh.
— jūs saprotat, ko domāju —
it off your fingers.
nost no pirkstiem.
jūs droši vien to visu arī sajutāt.
you probably felt those feelings.
the label off.
kasīt uzlīmi nost.
at least for me,
tried to flick it off,
cenšoties noņemt uzlīmi,
vēl kāda uzlīme?”
we have limited brain power.
ir ierobežota smadzeņu jauda.
everyday things we do into habits
darbības iekodē kā ieradumus,
to learn new things.
jaunu lietu apgūšanai.
as humans, we learn.
kā mēs, cilvēki, mācāmies.
on the wheel,
object out there --
ne ar vienu sarunāties
talk to anyone else in the car
kļuva aizvien vienkāršāk.
driving became easier and easier.
fun and second nature.
un notikt dabiski.
to your friends again
ar draugiem un klausīties mūziku.
ir pamatots iemesls.
our brains habituate things.
every little detail,
katru mazāko detaļu
to learn about new things.
iemācīties ko jaunu.
habituation isn't good.
problēmas mums apkārt,
the problems that are around us,
bet arī rast risinājumu problēmām,
and fixing those problems,
on noticing those little details,
uz šo sīkumu pamanīšanu —
that we don't even remember.
ik dienas un ko pat neatceramies.
he visited his friends
par ciemošanos pie draugiem,
a comfortable shower.
ieiet dušā nomazgāties.
and turn it slightly one way,
krāna rokturi uz vienu pusi,
and it was 100 degrees too cold.
un ūdens ir 30 grādus par aukstu.
and entrepreneurs,
un uzņēmēju darbs ir
those things,
and try to fix them.
and she was warm inside a streetcar.
bet viņa bija siltumā tramvaja vagonā.
she noticed the driver opening the window
ka vadītājs atver logu,
so he could drive safely.
lai braukt būtu drošāk.
he let all this cold, wet air inside,
aukstais, mitrais āra gaiss,
passengers just thought,
pie sevis nodomāja:
to open the window to clean it.
citas izvēles kā tikai atvērt logu.
the windshield from the inside
priekšējo stiklu notīrīt no iekšpuses,
actually stay warm?"
right then and there,
savu piezīmju grāmatiņu
the world's first windshield wiper.
par pasaulē pirmo vējstiklu tīrītāju.
I try to learn from people like Mary
no tādiem cilvēkiem kā Mērija,
the way it really is,
tādu, kāda tā ir patiesībā,
that almost everyone sees.
problēmu, ko saredz ikviens,
that almost no one sees.
ko gandrīz neviens nemana.
you're born with this ability
cilvēkam vai nu piemīt
to see the world more clearly.
dota spēja saredzēt pasauli skaidrāk.
to come into work every day,
katru dienu nākt uz darbu
the eyes of the customer,
no pircēja skatupunkta,
and possible frustrations
piemeklēt vilšanās,
new technology product
domājot, ka viņa jaunais produkts
par „mūžīgajiem iesācējiem”
focused on those tiny little details
uzmanību katrai sīkākajai detaļai,
for the new customers.
nevainojamākas jaunajiem pircējiem.
in the very earliest days of the iPod.
kad tikko bija iznācis pirmais iPod.
ierīču fans, kāds esmu es —
for the very, very latest gadget.
pēc visvisjaunākās ierīces.
I'd start to unbox it.
sāku vērt vaļā iepakojumu,
another little sticker:
„Pirms lietošanas uzlādēt.”
buying this product
lai tiktu pie šī produkta,
kamēr ierīce uzlādējas.
to use that coveted new toy.
līdz beidzot varēšu jauno mantiņu lietot.
gandrīz ar visiem produktiem.
before you used it.
happen to our product."
arī ar mūsu produktu.”
that has a hard drive in it,
30 minutes in the factory
strādās vēl gadiem ilgi pēc tam,
to be working years later
pull it out of the box.
vairāk nekā divas stundas.
augstākas kvalitātes ierīci,
a higher quality product,
pircēja vajadzībām.
for the customer.
right out of the box,
bija pilnībā uzlādēta,
with all that exhilaration,
that you get that's battery powered
kas darbojas ar baterijām,
that detail and we fixed it,
kas pamanīja šo detaļu un to izlaboja.
ne tikai acīmredzamo problēmu
that's important,
but for everything we do.
all around us,
to see them, to feel them.
vai psiholoģiju.
in the TED community
daudz vairāk, nekā es jebkad zināšu.
about that than I ever will.
dažus padomus, kas palīdz man,
a few tips that I do,
cīnoties ar pierašanu.
to fight habituation.
skatīties uz lietām plašāk.
that lead up to that problem.
kas līdz šai problēmai noved,
of steps after it.
and look broader,
un paskatīsieties plašāk,
kādu no šiem soļiem,
to make that better.
lai uzlabotu situāciju kopumā.
they were really simple to use.
tos bija ļoti vienkārši lietot.
how to save energy.
kā ietaupīt enerģiju.
to add a new step.
tam pievienot papildu soli.
you wanted at a certain time.
vēlamo temperatūru.
started adding that feature.
visiem termostatiem.
saved any energy.
netika ietaupīta.
would change season to season,
nedēļas sezonu no sezonas
pie rasējumu galda,
to the drawing board
šim programmēšanas solim.
people were not saving any energy
gadu no gada izšķiest enerģiju,
predict the future.
nespēja paredzēt nākotni.
instead of the programming
ar mašīnmācīšanās algoritmu,
when you turned it up and down,
ieslēgšanu un izslēgšanu,
when you got up,
no rīta vai kad esat ārpus mājas.
neko paši neprogrammējot.
without any programming.
and look at all the boxes,
un paskatīsieties uz detaļām,
to remove one or combine them
atbrīvoties vai tās apvienot,
that process much simpler.
daudz vienkāršāku.
skatīties plašāk.
apskatīties tuvāk.
was my grandfather.
skolotājiem bija mans vectēvs.
and how they were repaired,
tiek uztaisītas un kā labotas,
to make a successful project.
veiksmīgam projektam.
he told me about screws,
the right screw for the right job.
vajadzīga sava īpaša skrūve.
anchors, concrete screws,
enkurskrūves, betona skrūves.
that are easy to install
bez profesionāļu palīdzības.
without professionals.
that my grandfather told me,
can we put in the box?
mēs varam ielikt kastītē?
four, five?
četras, piecas skrūves?
different wall types."
screws to put in the box.
kuras būtu jāpievieno produktam.
to solve the problem.
a great experience.
nebija apmierināti.
we didn't get it right.
ka kaut kas nebija pareizi izdomāts.
a custom screw,
pielāgotas skrūves —
so much time on a little screw?
tik daudz laika kaut kādai skrūvei?
if we get this right."
ja novērsīsim šo kļūmi.”
there was just one screw in the box,
tikai viena pielāgota skrūve,
and put on the wall.
the ones we may not see
ko, iespējams, nepamanām,
tikt no tiem vaļā.
is to think younger.
questions from my three young kids.
uzdod man interesantus jautājumus.
nevar lidot pāri sastrēgumiem?”
have Velcro instead?"
kurpju šņoru vietā nav līplentes?”
and I asked him,
un pārbaudi, vai tajā, kas ir!”
and check it."
uz mani un jautāja:
and tell us when it has mail?" (Laughter)
un paziņot mums, kad tajā kaut kas ir?”
good question."
„Tas tiešām ir labs jautājums.”
we just don't have the right answers.
ka nevaram uz tiem atbildēt.
the world works."
„Dēls, tā tas pasaulē ir iekārtots.”
long enough
is to have young people on your team,
vai prātā jaunus cilvēkus.
to think younger.
visiem pārējiem klātesošajiem.
"Every child is an artist.
„Visi bērni ir mākslinieki.
is how to remain an artist."
kad viņš vai viņa izaug.”
when we saw it for the first time,
kad pirmoreiz to ieraudzījām,
got in the way.
we make sense of the world.
kā uztveram pasauli.
product design.
izstrādāt labāku produktu dizainu.
something powerful.
ko citu, ko ļoti nozīmīgu.
each day and say,
ik rītu pamostoties, ir sev jautāt:
tad varbūt, tikai varbūt,
dumb little stickers.
no šīm kaitinošajām uzlīmēm.
Tony Fadell - Product creatorAs the originator of the iPod, Tony Fadell is no stranger to disruptive technology. With Nest, he’s zeroed in on tech’s most elusive targets: household appliances.
Why you should listen
Tony Fadell became a tech superstar as a colleague of Steve Jobs and developer of the iPod, which rejuvenated Apple, rebooted entire industries and changed the way the world consumes entertainment.
After leaving Apple, Fadell founded Nest on a familiar experience -- frustration with household technology, still resolutely frozen in the 20th century. With its first products, Nest has brought the modern household one step closer to becoming a truly connected “smarthome.” In January 2014, Nest became Google’s second-biggest acquisition to date, positioning both companies to become revolutionary players in home technology.
Tony Fadell | Speaker |