Marina Abramović: An art made of trust, vulnerability and connection
Марина Абрамович: Итгэл, хүлцэнгүй байдал, харилцаанаас бүтсэн урлаг
In her performances she’s been cut, burned, and nearly shot -- but Marina Abramović's boldest work yet is a gargantuan institute dedicated to transformation through art. Full bio
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the razor blade, the hammer
над дээр хэрэглэж болно.
even killing me.
Намайг алсан ч хамаагүй.
performance was easy.
the glass of water to drink,
and cut my clothes,
and stuck them in my stomach.
гэдэс рүү минь хатгав.
and cut my neck and drank the blood,
зүсэж цусыг нь уув.
юу хийхийг хэлж өгч байв.
because it was just a normal opening,
Яагаад гэвэл энэ бол үзүүлбэр.
тийм зүйл болоогүй байх.
and put me on the table,
ширээн дээр тавиад
and put it against my temple.
чамархай дээр минь тулгалаа.
and they started a fight.
тэд зодолдож эхлэв.
and tears were running down my face.
хацрыг минь даган урсаж байв.
with myself as a normal human being.
тэд нүүр тулж чадаагүй.
би буудал руугаа явсан.
it was at two in the morning.
what the performance is.
болохыг тайлбарлаж өгье.
so many different explanations,
олон янзаар тайлбарладаг.
for performance is very simple.
and physical construction
махан бие хоёрын цогц.
in a specific time
make the piece together.
бий бүтээлийг болгодог.
performance and theater is huge.
том ялгаа бий.
the blood is the material,
in the real time,
хийх боломжгүй.
of these types of things twice -- ever.
хоёр дахиа хийж чадахгүй. Хэзээ ч.
the performance is --
перформанс нь маш өвөрмөц.
are always afraid of very simple things.
we're afraid of pain,
in front of the audience.
ил гаргаж үзүүлж байгаа юм.
and push my body as far as I can.
дайчилж чаддаг.
from these fears.
you can do it for you.
та ч бас чадна.
I actually fell in love with.
performances together.
уран бүтээл хийсэн.
and the pistols and the bullets,
you have to trust the person completely
хамтрагчдаа итгэх нь туйлын чухал.
is pointing to my heart.
чиглэсэн байна.
is rushing and so on,
to another human being.
бүрэн итгэх итгэл.
both male and female energy.
олон бүтээл дээр цуг ажилласан.
comes to an end, ours went too.
биднийх ч мөн төгссөн.
like normal human beings do
салахыг хүсээгүй.
of China to say goodbye.
нэгэндээ баяртай гэж хэлсэн.
and he started from the Gobi Desert.
тэр Говийн цөлөөс эхэлсэн.
the 12 Chinese provinces,
үеэс ч өмнө шүү дээ.
how I see the public.
орвонгоороо өөрчлөгдсөн.
I made in those days
өөр нэг чухал бүтээл маань
some very strong, charismatic image,
дүр зургийг гаргахыг зорьсон.
for any war at any time,
дуу хоолой болохоор.
but there's always some war, somewhere.
дайн болж л байдаг.
dead, big, bloody cow bones.
you never can wash shame off the wars.
дайны бузар булайг ч арилгаж чадахгүй.
and wars are coming off these bones,
би яснуудыг угаасан.
an unbearable smell.
who really changed my life,
нэг зүйлийг харуулъя.
which I just recently made.
миний саяхан хийсэн үзүүлбэр.
when I said to the curator,
an empty chair at the front,
can come and sit as long as they want."
хугацаагаараа сууж болно."
this is New York,
хэн ч суухгүй,
цаг хүмүүст байхгүй." (Инээд)
эхлээд сууна.
when the museum is open 10 hours,
10 цаг онгойдог тул 10 цаг сууна.
and I'm still sitting,
үргэлжлүүлэн суусан.
maybe 10 or 15 years ago --
experience something different,
харилцаа байсан.
they would come and sit in front of me,
for hours and hours and hours
they're filmed by the camera,
except in themselves.
Зөвхөн өөрийнхөө дотоод ертөнц рүү.
when you look in somebody else's eyes,
их зүйлийг харж болдог.
with that total stranger,
everything happened.
from that chair after three months,
that I have a very strong mission,
of immaterial performing arts.
байгуулахаар болсон.
цаг хугацааны урлаг.
the next day it's there.
Маргааш нь байж л байна.
you only have the memory,
танд зөвхөн дурсамж л үлдэнэ.
байх хэрэгтэй.
if you talk about immaterial art,
absolutely highest art of all,
and then everything else.
Тэгээд бусад нь.
in Hudson, upstate New York,
Хадсонд байрлана.
with Rem Koolhaas, an idea.
боловсруулж байгаа.
you have to give me your time.
гаргах хэрэгтэй.
before you enter the building,
гарын үсэг зурна.
a full six hours,
word of honor and you leave before --
эрт явахыг хүсвэл
you get a certificate of accomplishment,
амжилтыг нь үнэлж сертификат олгоно.
жаазанд хийж болно.
you have to do is dress in lab coats.
лабораторийн хүрэм өмсөнө.
өнгөрөх биш,
just a viewer into experimenter.
your iPhone, your iPod, your computer
for yourself for the first time.
цагийг өгнө.
wrong with technology,
we have for ourselves.
to actually give you back this time.
тань нөхөх болно.
юу хийх вэ?
you start slowing down.
Алхаагаа удаашруулна.
to learn how to drink water --
for maybe half an hour.
the magnet chamber,
соронзон танхим руу орно.
some magnet streams on your body.
you go to crystal chamber.
you go to eye-gazing chamber,
a chamber where you are lying down.
of the human body,
mentally and physically,
something with a long duration,
it can be a theater piece,
because now you are comfortable.
удаан суух сандал руу очно.
where you're going to see the work.
том газар луу хүргэгдэнэ.
та унтчихаж магадгүй.
because it's been a long day,
transported to the parking lot.
таныг хүргэх болно.
урлагийг мэдэрч байдаг.
for a certain amount of time,
you just, you know, go back,
төcөөлөл төдий байна.
making my institute in Brazil,
ажиллаж байна.
to Canada and everywhere.
бүх л улсад бий болгоно.
a kind of simple method,
in your own life.
you can make life, too.
тэвчээртэй болгоно.
of being bored, being angry,
the amount of rice you're counting.
дуусгалгүй орхино гэх мэт.
amount of peace you get
мэдэрнэ гэж та бодно.
that you don't hear anything,
together without sound,
just the simple silence.
we like in our life.
бид хийсээр байдаг.
өнгөрөөсөөр байвал
if you always do things the same way.
I'm afraid of, the things I fear,
айж буй зүйлээ хийх,
that nobody's ever been.
хийх, мэдрэх.
if you experiment, you can fail.
хэн бүхэн алдаа гаргана.
and you don't fail,
over and over again.
хийсээр л байна гэсэн үг.
right now need a change,
гэж би боддог.
is a personal level change.
to change consciousness
орчноо өөрчлөх
how it's different,
and they're not right,
and there's hunger in the world
хүн ам өлсгөлөнд нэрвэгдэж,
хашхирах амархан.
to this whole thing?
the one you don't know,
in their eyes, right now?
2 минутын турш ширтэнэ үү?
of your time, that's so little.
гэж хүсэж байна.
don't be self-conscious.
хичээгээрэй. Биеэ битгий барь.
stranger in your eyes, in his eyes.
Marina Abramović - Performance artistIn her performances she’s been cut, burned, and nearly shot -- but Marina Abramović's boldest work yet is a gargantuan institute dedicated to transformation through art.
Why you should listen
Marina Abramović burst onto the '70s art scene with cathartic performances that tested the limits of spectator participation and personal safety. The Artist Is Present, a Museum of Modern Art performance in which thousands of viewers queued for hours to face Abramović across a table, moved many to tears, and launched Abramović into mainstream celebrity.
Her latest work-in-progress is the MAI (Marina Abramović Institute), a sprawling upstate New York complex devoted to the preservation of durational performance pieces, arts education and the pursuit of heightened consciousness through Abramović’s artistic practices.
Marina Abramović | Speaker |