James Veitch: The agony of trying to unsubscribe
Жэймс Вэйч: Бүртгэлээ цуцлахын зовлон
For James Veitch, a British writer and comedian with a mischievous side, spam emails proved the perfect opening to have some fun, playing the scammers at their own game. Full bio
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хөгжилтэй юм шүү.
and she told me this story
тэр надад яагаад ч юм
forgotten about
she would pull the car over,
тэр машинаа зогсоогоод,
gotten out of the car,
to let me out of the car,
I used to play with myself
сэтгэл таагүй үедээ
I was bored or frustrated.
байгаа тухай хүмүүс ярьдаг биз дээ?
of information overload. Right?
too many marketing emails.
э-шуудан хүлээн авдгаа бол мэднэ.
from a supermarket firm,
сурталчилгааны э-шуудан
хэлж болохгүй болохоор
and it went like this, it said:
at King's Cross opens!!!"
гуравхан долоо хоног үлдлээ!!!"
signing up to that,
that they appear to think
about a shop opening.
татгалзахаар шийдлээ.
to the bottom of the email,
I got another one that said,
ийм шуудан ирэх нь тэр.
I haven't clicked hard enough.
дараагүй байх гэж бодоод ахиад дарлаа.
you guessed it,
дараа таны тааж байгаачлан,
at King's Cross opens!!!"
нэгхэн долоо хоног үлдлээ!!!"
нэвтрэх эрх өгсөн шигээ
нэвтрэх эрхийг ч бас өгсөн.
matter in this world
about supermarket chains
a strongly worded email,
илгээе гэж бодлоо.
надтай эргээд холбогдоод
a guy called Dan said,
хамт ажилладаг хүнээсээ хүслээ."
to help me with your query."
"Дэн, ямар төлөвлөгөөтэй байна даа?
байвал зүгээр гэж бодож байна..."
excited about the opening!"
маш их догдолж байна!" гэв.
the bouncy castle or shall I?"
би захиалах уу эсвэл чи юу?"
but there is no celebration planned."
нээлтийн ёслол төлөвлөөгүй" гэхэд нь би
until,' 'Two weeks until' emails?
хоног үлдлээ' гэдэг чинь юу байсан юм бэ?
castle was non-refundable."
буцаан олгохгүй гэсэн шүү."
дэмий үрсэн хэрэг болно шүү, Дэн."
a few hundred quid, Dan."
for anything you have ordered."
юунд ч хариуцлага хүлээхгүй."
"Хэн юу хийсэн нь ямар хамаа байх вэ.
are in this together."
бид хамтдаа л үүнд оролцсон" гэсэн юм.
to make sure people take their shoes off?"
эсэхийг нь чи шалгана биз дээ?"
with Dan deteriorated somewhat,
Дэн бид хоёрын харилцаа муудсан,
your Case Number is ..."
таны дарааллын дугаар ..."
this is ... -- and I, I ....
All I'm doing is collecting case numbers.
Би дарааллын дугаар л цуглуулаад байсан.
why there was no bouncy castle."
болохоор тэд гайхсан байх даа."
the end of the story,
that anything -- everything --
as getting out of a car,
байдаг гэдгийг санасан юм.
таны дарааллын дугаар бол #0000001]
your Case Number is #0000001.]
it was quite labor-intensive,
энэ ажиллагаа ихтэй байсан.
ажлууд байгаа шүү дээ.
auto-replier program.
автоматаар хариулдаг програм зохиосон.
it receives an email from SafeMart,
таны дарааллын дугаар ..."
your Case Number is ..."
to up the case number every time.
нэмэгддэг жижигхэн томьёо юм.
a number of emails going back and forth.
буцсан байсан.
sense of satisfaction to know
төгсгөлгүйгээр ширээний теннис
are just going to be pinging one another
санагдахгүй л байна.
I don't think that's bad.
by the bureaucracy
орчин үеийн уйтгартай байдал
James Veitch - Comedian and writerFor James Veitch, a British writer and comedian with a mischievous side, spam emails proved the perfect opening to have some fun, playing the scammers at their own game.
Why you should listen
Packed full of Nigerian princes, can't miss investment opportunities and eligible Russian brides, James Veitch's correspondence with email spammers leads to surprising, bizarre and usually hilarious results. Out of this experiment came his first book, Dot Con. In 2014, his first solo comedy show The Fundamental Interconnectedness of Everyone with an Internet Connection, premiered at the Edinburgh Fringe to wide acclaim. His second show, Genius Bar, focussed on his time working for Apple, chronicles his attempts to fix his relationship using the same troubleshooting techniques he’d been using to fix iMacs, iPhones and iPods. He is currently writing his third show and preparing to tour the UK.
He lives in London with his full body pillow.
James Veitch | Speaker | TED.com