Jia Jiang: What I learned from 100 days of rejection
Жиа Жианг: 100 өдрийн бүтэлгүйтлээсээ сурсан зүйл
Jia Jiang's journey through rejection revealed a world hidden in plain sight, where people are much kinder than we imagine. Full bio
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олон бэлэг ирсэн.
нэг гайхалтай санаа төрсөн юм.
had this brilliant idea.
receiving gifts
мэдрээсэй гэж хүссэн.
of complimenting each other.
come to the front of the classroom,
ангийн өмнө гаргаад,
and stacked them in the corner.
ангийн буланд тавьсан байлаа.
магтаалын үгс хэлбэл ямар вэ?
and compliment each other?
someone's name called,
say anything nice about these people?"
хэлэх хүн байна уу?" гэв.
go get your gift and sit down.
аваад суувал ямар вэ?
something nice about you."
маш сайн санаж байгааг
I remember this really well.
хоцорсныг мэдэхгүй.
that she turned a team-building event
болгосноо мэдсэн байх.
for three six-year-olds.
people get roasted on TV,
зүйл огт байгаагүй.
being in that situation again --
үхсэн минь дээр.
I know what I want to do now.
одоо мэдлээ."
гэрийхэндээ захиа бичив:
company in the world,
том компанийг байгуулаад
of conquering the world --
би автсан байлаа.
I did write that letter.
үнэхээр тийм захиа бичсэн.
би гол үгнүүдийг дугуйлсан.
but I did highlight some key words.
to come to the United States.
where Bill Gates lived, right?
амьдардаг биз дээ?
of my entrepreneur journey.
замналын эхлэл байсан гэж хэлж болно.
for a Fortune 500 company.
маркетингийн менежер хийдэг байлаа.
мэдрэмж төрсөн.
who wrote that letter?
in front of people in a group --
тэмцэлдэж байгааг мэдэрдэг.
and the six-year-old.
айдаг байсан.
after I started my own company.
эхлүүлэх хүртэл дагасан.
my own company when I was 30 --
эхлүүлсэн л дээ.
эхлэх ёстой биз дээ?
sooner or later, right?
with an investment opportunity,
боломж гарсан ч,
that I wanted to quit right there.
бууж өгмөөр санагдсан.
ганц хөрөнгө оруулалтын
after a simple investment rejection?
бууж өгөх байсан уу?" гэж бодсон.
entrepreneur quit like that?
тийм амархан бууж өгөх үү?
мэргэн санаа төрсөн.
бүтээгдэхүүнтэй болж чадна.
team or better product,
бол гарцаагүй.
болох хэрэгтэй.
болох хэрэгтэй.
keep dictating my life anymore.
удирдуулаад байж болохгүй.
тавих хэрэгтэй байсан.
and looked for help.
даван туулах вэ?" гэж хайв.
the fear of rejection?"
of psychology articles
and pain are coming from.
of "rah-rah" inspirational articles
зүгээр л даван туул" гэсэн байв.
just overcome it."
хэвээрээ байна вэ?
гэсэн хаягтай.
энтрепренёрын зохиосон тоглоом.
invented by this Canadian entrepreneur.
you go out and look for rejection,
бүтэлгүйтэх арга замыг хайж
you desensitize yourself from the pain.
I'm going to do this.
getting rejected 100 days."
гэж хэлсэн.
аргуудыг бодож олоод
to where I was working.
байсан газраа очлоо.
нэг том залууг харлаа.
sitting behind a desk.
walk of my life --
алхалт байлаа.
of my neck standing up,
хүчтэй цохилж байлаа.
зээлэх үү?" гэлээ.
100 dollars from you?"
"Үгүй ээ? Намайг уучлаарай" гээд
and I just ran.
myself getting rejected,
байгаа бичлэгээ үзээд
байсныг харсан.
хүүхэд шиг л харагдсан.
in "The Sixth Sense."
байгаагүй л дээ.
дажгүй залуу байсан.
тайлбарлах боломжийг олгосон.
I could've negotiated.
тохиролцож болох байсан.
the microcosm of my life.
бичил загвар гэдгийг харсан.
юу ч тохиолдсон бай хамаагүй,
"Бургер үнэгүй нэмүүлэх хүсэлт тавих".
касс дээр очоод хэллээ:
and I went to the cashier and said,
нэмүүлж болох уу?"
гэж юу юм бэ?"
like, "What's a burger refill?"
адилхан, гэхдээ бургер нэмүүлэх" гэв.
a drink refill but with a burger."
тийм зүйл байхгүй" гэв.
we don't do burger refill, man."
and I could have run, but I stayed.
байсан ч би үлдсэн.
"Би танай бургерт үнэхээр дуртай,
I'll tell my manager about it,
but sorry, we can't do this today."
гэхдээ өнөөдөр болохгүй нь" гэв.
нэмж үзээгүй байх.
ever done burger refill.
амьдрах уу? үхэх үү? гэсэн мэдрэмж
I was feeling the first time
I'm already learning things.
хэдийнээ шинэ зүйл сурч байна.
Getting Olympic Doughnuts.
хэлбэртэй боорцог авах".
was turned upside down.
орвонгоороо өөрчлөгдсөн.
хэсгээр байрладаг
of the United States.
that look like Olympic symbols?
хийж өгч болох уу?
five doughnuts together ... "
хооронд нь холбоод..."
they could say yes, right?
нухацтайгаар хүлээж авсан.
the colors and the rings,
that looked like Olympic rings.
хайрцаг авч ирсэн.
over five million views on Youtube.
гаруй удаа үзсэн байсан.
үүнд итгэж чадахгүй байлаа.
I was in newspapers,
олон юманд орсон.
started writing emails to me
doing is awesome."
гэж байв.
did not do anything to me.
of my 100 days of rejection
маш олон зүйлийг сурсан.
болгож чадна.
I had this flower in my hand,
гартаа цэцэг бариад очлоо.
in your backyard?"
цэцгийг суулгаж болох уу?"
anything I put in the backyard.
үрмээргүй байна.
go across the street and talk to Connie.
гудамжны Конни дээр оч.
on Connie's door.
in Connie's backyard.
after the initial rejection,
сонсоод явчихсан бол
the guy didn't trust me,
би онцгүй харагдсан."
I didn't look good.
did not fit what he wanted.
зүйл түүнд хэрэггүй байсан.
to offer me a referral,
надад итгэсэн.
actually say certain things
нэмэгдүүлдгийг мэдсэн.
one day I went to a Starbucks,
"Hey, can I be a Starbucks greeter?"
"Би Starbucks-т угтагч хийж болох уу?"
those Walmart greeters?
"Walmart-ын угтагч нарыг мэдэх үү?
'hi' to you before you walk in the store,
"Сайн байна уу?" гэж хэлээд,
don't steal stuff, basically?
хариуцдаг хүмүүс.
to Starbucks customers."
Walmart-ын мэдрэмжийг өгмөөр байна."
that's a good thing, actually --
бодохгүй байна л даа.
it's a bad thing.
his name is Eric --
"Итгэлтэй биш".
"Энэ сонин байна уу?" гэлээ.
байгаа байдал өөрчлөгдсөн.
his whole demeanor changed.
all the doubt on the floor.
алга болсон мэт болов.
"Чи үүнийг хийж болно,
би Starbucks-ын угтагч боллоо.
I was the Starbucks greeter.
that walked in,
болгонтой мэндлэн
хийдгийг мэдэхгүй ч,
what your career trajectory is,
болж тэр зөвшөөрснийг би олж мэдсэн.
because I mentioned, "Is that weird?"
би хэлсэн.
that means I wasn't weird.
би өөрөө хачирхалтай байгаагүй.
thinking just like him,
some doubt people might have
магадлал өндөр болсон.
I could fulfill my life dream ...
from four generations of teachers,
гэдэг байсан.
if you became a teacher."
тул багш болоогүй.
an entrepreneur, so I didn't.
to actually teach something.
мөрөөддөг байсан.
хичээл заавал ямар вэ?"
of Texas at Austin,
and said, "Can I teach your class?"
"Таны хичээлийг зааж болох уу?"
the first couple of times.
ямар ч үр дүнд хүрсэнгүй.
I kept doing it --
the professor was very impressed.
нэг профессор намайг үнэхээр биширсэн.
has done this before."
with powerpoints and my lesson.
ирсэн байсан.
I'll fit you in my curriculum."
хувиартаа оруулсан байя" гэв.
I was teaching a class.
би хичээл зааж эхэлсэн.
this is a bad picture.
та хэдэд сайн харагдахгүй байж магадгүй.
rejected by lighting, you know?
I walked out crying,
гарч ирэхдээ би уйлсан.
би зүгээр л асуусны үр дүнд
just by simply asking.
гэдгийг ойлгосон.
all these things --
докторын зэрэгтэй болох ёстой гэж бодсон.
or get a PhD to teach --
зүгээр л асуух хэрэгтэй юм байна.
байгаа зурган дээр
which you can't see --
that people who really change the world,
дэлхийг үнэхээр өөрчилсөн хүмүүс,
бодож байгааг өөрчилсөн хүмүүс
and the way we think,
with initial and often violent rejections.
хүмүүс байсан.
let rejection define them.
өөрсдийгөө тодорхойлуулаагүй.
after rejection define themselves.
өөрсдийгөө илэрхийлж чадсан.
to learn about rejection,
байж ойлгох албагүй.
because I was running away from it.
миний амьдралд саад болсоор ирсэн.
хамгийн том завшаан болгож чадсан.
the biggest gift in my life.
how to turn rejections into opportunities.
болгон ашиглахыг зааж эхэлсэн.
people overcome their fear of rejection.
даван туулахад тусалж байна.
болох болно.
Jia Jiang - Author, blogger, entrepreneurJia Jiang's journey through rejection revealed a world hidden in plain sight, where people are much kinder than we imagine.
Why you should listen
Jia Jiang is the owner of Rejection Therapy, a website that provides inspiration, knowledge and products for people to overcome their fear of rejection. He is also the CEO of Wuju Learning, a company that teaches people and trains organizations to become fearless through rejection training. In 2015, he authored a bestselling book, Rejection Proof: How I Beat Fear and Became Invincible Through 100 Days of Rejection.
Several years after Jiang began his career in the corporate world, he took a life-altering risk and stepped into the unknown world of entrepreneurship. His result was everyone's biggest fear: rejection. This was the catalyst that set Jiang on the path to his true calling.
To conquer the fear of rejection, Jiang embarked on a personal quest and started a blog, 100 Days of Rejection Therapy. His journey revealed a world that was hidden in plain sight -- a world where people are much kinder than we imagine. He discovered that rejection can be much less painful than we believe and that the fear of rejection is much more destructive than we know.
Jiang grew up in Beijing, China and migrated to the United States at age 16. He holds a Bachelor of Computer Science from Brigham Young University and a Master of Business Administration from Duke University.
Jia Jiang | Speaker | TED.com