Yuval Noah Harari: Why fascism is so tempting -- and how your data could power it
Yuval Noah Harari: De ce tentează fascismul și cum datele tale îi facilitează creșterea
In his book "Homo Deus," Yuval Noah Harari explores the future of humankind: the destinies we may set for ourselves and the quests we'll undertake. Full bio
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that humans will become digital,
că oamenii se vor digitaliza,
că se va întâmpla atât de repede
aşa că haideţi să începem.
in the audience today?
ce înseamnă de fapt fascismul.
to clarify what fascism actually is,
ce înseamnă de fapt fascismul
have been among the most benevolent
reprezintă în esenţă
of millions of strangers
de milioane de străini
the eight million people
de conaţionali israeliţi.
and cooperate effectively.
şi cooperăm eficient.
imagine that without nationalism,
şi-au imaginat că fără naţionalism,
we would have been living in tribal chaos.
am trăi cu toţii într-un haos tribal.
and peaceful countries in the world,
și prospere țări din lume,
and Switzerland and Japan,
a very strong sense of nationalism.
un pronunțat simț național.
a strong sense of nationalism,
sentimentul național,
is it different from nationalism?
și cum diferă el de naționalism?
that my nation is unique,
că națiunea mea e unică
towards my nation.
that my nation is supreme,
spune că națiunea mea e supremă
obligations towards it.
or anything other than my nation.
în afara națiunii mele.
people have many identities
loyal to my country,
pot să fiu patriot, loial țării mele
be loyal to my family,
identities and loyalties,
și afilieri diferite,
and complications.
that life was easy?
că viața va fi ușoară?
to ignore the complications
când încercăm să ignorăm complicațiile,
except the national identity
în afara celei naționale
only towards my nation.
doar față de națiune.
that I sacrifice my family,
that I kill millions of people,
să omor milioane de oameni,
that I betray truth and beauty,
să trădez adevărul și frumusețea,
a fascist evaluate art?
cum evaluează un fascist arta?
is a good movie or a bad movie?
the interests of the nation,
the interests of the nation,
what to teach kids in school?
ce trebuie să învățăm la școală?
the interests of the nation.
cel mai bine interesului național.
and of the Holocaust remind us
șI Holocaustului ne aduc aminte
of this way of thinking.
acestui mod de gândire.
about the ills of fascism,
despre relele fascismului,
as a hideous monster,
ca un monstru oribil,
what was so seductive about it.
ce îl face atât de atractiv.
that depict the bad guys --
în care personajele negative -
or Darth Vader --
to their own supporters.
I never understand --
a disgusting creep like Voldemort?
pe un monstru oribil ca Voldemort?
is that in real life,
în viața de zi cu zi,
Christianity knew very well,
de către creștini,
as [opposed to] Hollywood,
spre deosebire de Hollywood,
as a gorgeous hunk.
ca un bărbat armonios.
to resist the temptations of Satan,
de rezistat tentațiilor lui
to resist the temptations of fascism.
să se vadă altfel,
and most important thing in the world --
și important lucru din lume:
that fascism is ugly.
I see something very beautiful,
văd ceva deosebit de frumos,
în oglinda fascismului,
than you really are.
decât suntem în realitate.
looked in the fascist mirror,
în oglinda fascismului,
beautiful thing in the world.
ca fiind cea mai frumoasă țară din lume.
in the fascist mirror,
în oglinda fascismului,
beautiful thing in the world.
ca cea mai frumoasă țară din lume.
in the fascist mirror,
beautiful thing in the world.
facing a rerun of the 1930s.
s-ar putea întoarce,
of the 21st century.
ale secolului XXI.
asset in the world.
was the struggle to control land.
controlul pământului.
was owned by a single ruler
era deținut de o singură persoană,
machines became more important than land.
mai importantă decât pământul,
to control the machines.
pentru controlul industriei.
became concentrated
or of a small elite.
sau ale unei elite restrânse.
both land and machines
înlocuiesc atât pământul cât și industria
to control the flows of data.
pentru controlul datelor.
in the hands of the government
sunt concentrate în mâinile guvernului
that now faces liberal democracy
pentru democrație
in information technology
more efficient than democracies.
mai eficiente decât democrațiile.
defeated fascism and communism
au învins fascismul și comunismul
at processing data and making decisions.
prelucrarea datelor și luarea deciziilor.
and concentrate too much data
și prea multă putere să fie concentrate
is always less efficient
e mai ineficientă
and machine learning,
enormous amounts of information
unor cantități colosale de date
într-un singur loc
will be more efficient
a datelor va fi mai eficientă
of authoritarian regimes
a regimurilor dictatoriale
all the information in one place --
datele într-un singur punct -
that threatens the future of democracy
care amenință viitorul democrației
with biotechnology,
cu biotehnologia,
in the creation of algorithms
decât mă cunosc eu însumi.
my feelings, my emotions.
sentimentele, emoțiile.
to provide me with good health care,
nu numai îngrijire medicală,
to survive such a development
on human rationality;
"What do you think?"
„Ce gândești?”
"How do you feel?"
your emotions effectively,
atât de bine,
an emotional puppet show.
un teatru al emoțiilor.
the return of fascism
revenirea fascismului
is: Who controls the data?
este: cine controlează datele?
ca prea multe date
is at least as efficient
e cel puțin la fel de eficientă
safeguard for democracy.
who are not engineers,
care nu lucrăm în domeniul tehnologic,
ourselves to be manipulated
they have a method.
and hate and vanity,
democracy from within.
democrația din interior.
in order to sell us products.
pentru a ne vinde produse.
are using this very method
folosesc aceeași metodă
these feelings out of nothing.
preexisting weaknesses.
the responsibility of all of us
do not become a weapon
of the fascist mirror.
să nu cădem în capcana fascistă.
fascism exploits our vanity.
fascismul se folosește de vanitate.
as far more beautiful than we really are.
decât suntem de fapt.
for this kind of flattery.
in front of your eyes
and makes you see yourself
și te face să te vezi
and far more important
to two big dangers here.
of a seductive form of fascism,
a unei forme seductive de fascism,
that may not exactly be fascistic,
have already expressed,
de unii dintre cei prezenți,
but big corporations control all our data.
ci corporațiile ne controlează datele.
there isn't such a big difference
între corporații și guverne
and the governments,
Who controls the data?
Cine controlează datele?
or a government --
and it really controls the data,
care controlează toate datele,
is more apparent than real.
este mai mult aparentă decât reală.
at least with corporations,
în ce privește corporațiile,
where they can be taken down.
operating in their interest,
în interesul lor,
and taking down a government
knows you better than you know yourself --
mai bine decât noi înșine,
your own deepest emotions and desires,
cele mai adânci emoții și dorințe
your authentic self.
că nu suntem influențați.
you can rise against a corporation,
contra unei corporații
against a dictatorship.
contra unei dictaturi.
it is extremely difficult.
that this would be the century
argumentezi că acesta este secolul
of artificial intelligence
inteligenței artificiale,
system shift, collapse
prospectul acestui colaps politic
even more likely,
tot mai iminentă,
that it will happen faster,
se va petrece mai repede
people are willing to take risks
oamenii sunt dispuși să-și asume riscuri
high-gain technologies.
might serve the same function
ar putea avea același efect
în secolul XX.
and dangerous technologies.
și periculoase.
in the 21st century.
în secolul XXI.
a little crazy to run too fast,
and more crazy people
countries in the world,
higher, not lower.
you've got this unique vision.
viziunea ta e unică.
does humanity just somehow scrape through,
that was a close thing. We did it!"
to overcome all the previous crises.
să depășim toate crizele trecute.
at liberal democracy
la democrația liberală
things looked in 1938 or in 1968.
în 1938 sau 1968.
this is just a small crisis.
underestimate human stupidity.
nu trebuie subapreciată niciodată!
that shape history.
care modelează istoria.
to have you with us.
să te avem aici cu noi.
Yuval Noah Harari - Historian, authorIn his book "Homo Deus," Yuval Noah Harari explores the future of humankind: the destinies we may set for ourselves and the quests we'll undertake.
Why you should listen
In his book, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, Yuval Noah Harari explores the projects, dreams and nightmares that will shape the 21st century -- from overcoming death to creating artificial life. He maps the future and asks fundamental questions: Where do we go from here? How will we protect this fragile world from our own destructive powers? The book has sold four million copies since its publication in 2016.
Harari's previous book, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, explores what made homo sapiens the most successful species on the planet. His answer: We are the only animal that can believe in things that exist purely in our imagination, such as gods, states, money, human rights, corporations and other fictions, and we have developed a unique ability to use these stories to unify and organize groups and ensure cooperation. Sapiens has sold eight million copies and been translated into more than 50 languages. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and President Barack Obama have recommended it as a must-read.
Harari lectures as a Professor of history at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he specializes in world history, medieval history and military history. His current research focuses on macro-historical questions: What is the relationship between history and biology? What is the essential difference between Homo sapiens and other animals? Is there justice in history? Does history have a direction? Did people become happier as history unfolded? Harari has written for newspapers such as The Guardian, Financial Times, the Times, Nature magazine and the Wall Street Journal.
Harari's new book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, will take the pulse of our current global climate, focusing on the biggest questions of the present moment: What is really happening right now? What are today’s greatest challenges and choices? What should we pay attention to? The book will be published in multiple languages in September 2018.
Yuval Noah Harari | Speaker | TED.com