Hilary Cottam: Social services are broken. How we can fix them
Hilari Kotam (Hilary Cottam): Usluge socijalne zaštite su propale. Kako možemo da ih popravimo?
Hilary Cottam wants to redesign the welfare state using the power of relationships. Full bio
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socijalnih problema ovog veka.
social problems of this century.
like all these problems
kao da su svi ti problemi
unemployment, violence, addiction --
nezaposlenosti, nasilja, zavisnosti -
like this that I know.
o nekome ovakvom koga poznajem.
on a run down estate.
na zapuštenom posedu.
i nikada se ne koristi,
and never used,
the tension is palpable
napetost je opipljiva,
sa jednom od njenih ćerki.
with one of her daughters.
constant stream of abuse from the kitchen,
konstantan tok zlostavljanja iz kuhinje,
iza vrata spavaće sobe i napeti.
behind the bedroom door and straining.
and she knows no way out.
i ne zna za izlaz iz toga.
of abusive partners,
nasilnih partnera
been taken into care by social services.
je zbrinula socijalna služba.
that still live with her
and none of them are in education.
i nijedno nije u sistemu obrazovanja.
is repeating the cycle
there were 73 different services
postojale su 73 različite usluge
in the city where she lives,
u gradu u kome živi,
run out of 24 departments in one city,
24 odeljenja u jednom gradu,
were known to most of them.
bili su poznati većini njih.
pozvati socijalnu službu
social services
u jednom od mnogih nastalih rasprava.
arguments that broke out.
socijalni radnici,
on a regular basis by social workers,
službenik za pitanje stanovanja,
a housing officer, a home tutor
that there are 100,000 families
u smislu ekonomije, društva i okoline.
social and environmental deprivation.
ovim problemom
that managing this problem
godišnje po porodici,
per family per year
are making a difference.
ne donosi promenu.
u istom gradu
with another family like Ella's.
in that family's life.
u životu te porodice.
interventions is part of an overall plan.
nije deo obuhvatnog plana.
problemima koji se nalaze u osnovi.
are dealing with the underlying issues.
ways of managing a problem.
načini upravljanja problemom.
i onda idem.“
and then I leave."
with families like Ella's
sa porodicama poput Eline
just aren't working?
jednostavno ne funkcionišu.
to live in Ella's family.
živeti u Elinoj porodici.
and what we can do differently.
i šta možemo da uradimo drugačije.
is that cost is a really slippery concept.
je da je trošak zaista nezgodan koncept,
that a family like Ella's
da porodice poput Eline
da bi se nadgledale,
a year to manage,
a quarter of a million pounds a year.
četvrt miliona funti godišnje,
zapravo ne doseže do Eline porodice
actually touches Ella's family
baš kao skupi žiroskop
like this costly gyroscope
drži ih zaglavljene u svom središtu,
keeping them stuck at its heart,
sa radnicima iz prvih redova,
with the frontline workers,
is an impossible situation.
da je to nemoguća situacija.
for Ella's 14-year-old son Ryan,
Elinog 14-ogodišnjeg sina Rajana,
servicing the system:
svog vremena u službi sistema:
popunjavanje obrazaca,
filling out forms,
radi diskusije o obrascima,
to discuss the forms,
da provede sa Rajanom
he has to be with Ryan
i informacija za sistem.
and information for the system.
Have you been drinking?
Kada si išao u školu?“,
isključuje mogućnost
rules out the possibility
of what's needed
između Toma i Rajana.
between Tom and Ryan.
the professionals --
of their offices.
ali na kraju tako uzaludno.
but ultimately so futile.
of absolute breakdown,
predvodnici grada u kome Ela živi
the leaders of the city where Ella lives
promenom srazmere vremena sa Rajanom.
by reversing Ryan's ratio.
with Ella or a family like Ella's
sa Elom ili porodicom poput Eline
working with the families
radeći sa porodicama
was in a best position to help them.
ko je u najboljoj poziciji da im pomogne.
to be part of an interview panel,
da budu deo odbora za ispitivanje,
the existing professionals
su želeli da nam se pridruže,
of work to manage a system,
da biste se bavili sistemom;
da donesete promenu.
and you want to make a difference.
everybody who came through the door,
svakoga ko je prošao kroz vrata:
počne da me šutira?“
starts kicking me?"
for the nearest exit
pozvaću svog nadređenog.“
I'll call my supervisor."
„Ti si sistem. Izlazi odavde!“
"You're the system. Get out of here!"
je policajac i on kaže:
is a policeman, and he says,
i onda nisam siguran šta ću“,
and then I'm not sure what I'll do."
profesionalca koji je priznao
koji je rekao -
going to talk in jargon.
i ubedili majke
and convinced the mothers
iako neće biti blagi prema njima.
through thick and thin,
be soft with them.
of the former budget,
na bilo koji način da odaberu.
in any way they chose.
otišla na večeru.
went out for supper.
seli, pričali i slušali
and they talked and they listened
to start a social enterprise.
da započne društveno preduzeće.
and the workers.
changes took place.
neke izuzetne promene.
neke velike korake unazad, kao i unapred.
some big steps backwards
kurs obuke informacionih tehnologija,
an IT training course,
her children are back in school,
njena deca su ponovo u školi,
would be moved anywhere
bilo gde osim pored njih,
involved in this transformation --
u ovoj tranformaciji -
imao je podršku da se promeni.
has been supported to change.
because I think that relationships
jer mislim da je odnos
upornih problema.
intractable problems.
su sve sem otpisani
are all but written off
naših socijalnih strategija,
our welfare institutions.
really has to change.
da se promeni.
human bonds between us,
između nas, autentičnom osećaju
of connection, of belonging,
koje nam pomažu da se promenimo,
that support us to change,
and try something new.
i pokušamo nešto novo.
in the institutions
i rade u njima,
Ella and her family
Elu i njenu porodicu,
designed out of a welfare model
iz modela socijalne zaštite
and exported around the world.
i izvezen širom sveta.
prve države blagostanja
of the first welfare state
u ono što su nazivali
the average sensual or emotional man.
ili emocionalnim čovekom.
of the impersonal system
u ideju bezličnog sistema
and work in this system.
i radio u tom sistemu.
sagledava socijalna pitanja
sees social issues
u preko 100 000 primeraka
sold over 100,000 copies
u novembru da se domognu svog primerka
on a November night to get hold of a copy,
across the colonies, across Europe,
osnivane širom zemljine kugle.
were designed around the globe.
the institutions -- they are global,
one su globalne
like common sense.
see them anymore.
that in the 20th century,
da su u 20. veku
these institutions.
iskorenjivanja masovnih oboljenja,
the eradication of mass disease,
skoro univerzalnog obrazovanja.
of today's challenges.
današnjih izazova.
than a lifetime of smoking?
od celoživotnog pušenja?
one person over 60 -- one in three --
- jedna od tri -
niti je viđa tokom nedelju dana.
another person in a week.
with this problem;
of the Western world.
in countries like China,
masovne migracije, ostavio stare ljude
mass migration, has left older people
designed and exported --
osmislio i izvezao -
na takvom problemu.
relational challenge,
poput kolektivnog izazova u odnosima
by a traditional bureaucratic response.
tradicionalnim birokratskim odgovorima.
želeći da razumem ovaj problem,
wanting to understand this problem,
od oko 60 starijih ljudi
of about 60 older people
observing and listening.
what we could do differently.
šta je to što možemo drugačije.
they want two things.
ljudi vam kažu da žele dve stvari.
and change a light bulb,
i promeni sijalicu,
come out of hospital.
with like-minded people,
sa istomišljenicima,
kao i svi mi u svakoj fazi našeg života.
made friends at every stage of our lives.
unajmili par majstora
hired a couple of handymen,
a toll-free 0 800 number
besplatan poziv na 0800 broj
for any support.
i zatraže bilo kakvu pomoć.
for so many reasons.
nije dobro, DVD se pokvario,
their pets are unwell,
how to use their mobile phone,
mobilni telefon,
bogati društveni kalendar -
a rich social calendar --
vožnje balonom - samo kažite.
hot air ballooning -- you name it.
the really deep change:
zaista duboke promene -
that have formed
going into hospital for a hip operation,
i išla je u bolnicu zbog operacije kuka,
da kaže da je neće viđati neko vreme.
they wouldn't see her for a bit.
calls her back and says, "How can I help?"
nazove je i pita: „Kako mogu da pomognem?“
Toni će se pobrinuti za baštu,
Tony's doing the gardening,
da kuvaju i ćaskaju.“
to come in and cook and chat."
had organized themselves
that she feels 25 inside,
da se iznutra oseća kao da ima 25,
when she joined Circle.
kada se priključila „Krugu“.
da dođe na to prvo dešavanje
to come along to that first event
natural friendships formed,
u kome su nastala prirodna prijateljstva,
the need for expensive services.
potrebu za skupim uslugama.
that are making the difference.
have converged
at the heart and center
da stavimo odnose u jezgro i središte
socijalne probleme.
different solutions.
i zahtevaju drugačija rešenja.
as financial, of doing business as usual.
obavljanja posla kao i obično.
these approaches to scale
ovim pristupima da odrede meru
thousands of people.
hiljade ljudi.
je vrlo jednostavna,
is really simple,
like databases, mobile phones.
poput baza podataka, mobilnih telefona.
system that underpins it,
koji ga podupire,
da podrži i do hiljadu članova.
a membership of up to a thousand.
with a neighborhood organization
sa susedskom organizacijom iz 1970-ih,
kao ni kvalitet ni dugotrajnost
just wasn't possible,
that the spine of technology can provide.
tehnologija kao oslonac.
underpinned by technology
models on their heads.
Beveridžove modele.
about institutions with finite resources,
za institucije i ograničene resurse,
up to 80 percent of resource
kako je i do 80 posto sredstava
of administration
na sprečavanje ljudi da pristupe usluzi
accessing the service
that we and others have designed,
koje smo mi i drugi osmislili,
the more relationships,
što je više ljudi, što je više odnosa,
svoju treću i poslednju priču,
and final story,
in the world,
kao i u većini mesta na svetu,
primarno su osmišljene
još efikasnijim i izvršnijim -
even more efficient and transactional --
people into ever-smaller categories,
podelimo ljude u što manje kategorije,
more efficiently -- in other words,
usluge na njih - drugim rečima,
nalazi posao danas?
most new jobs are not advertised.
većina novih poslova ne oglašava.
that helps you find work.
koja vam pomaže da pronađete posao.
this evening are thinking,
verovatno vam je prijatelj pokazao oglas
a friend that showed you the ad
bogata i raznovrsna mreža
this rich and diverse network
i neuspehe aktuelnog sistema,
and failure of current systems,
sa odnosom u svom jezgru.
with relationships at its heart.
that encourages people to meet up,
koja podstiče ljude da se sastanu,
the results of these new systems
rezultate ovih novih sistema
sa naših prvih 1000 članova,
with our first 1,000 members,
by a factor of three,
u pogledu učinka za tri faktora,
na koji bi to učinila društvena platforma.
that a social platform would do.
licem u lice i povezali ih međusobno,
and connect them with each other,
i podržavajući ljude u nalaženju posla.
and supporting people to find work.
a dreadful mistake.
da je napravio strašnu grešku.
and their communities out.
led to seeing people,
doveo je do toga da se ljudi sagledavaju
of the bureaucracies and the institutions.
birokratije i institucija,
were already withering.
was much less read
se mnogo manje čitao
and their communities
ljude i njihove zajednice
we design new systems and new services,
nove sisteme i nove usluge,
„relaciona socijalna zaštita“.
"Relational Welfare."
these old, transactional,
te stare, transakcione,
the shared collective relational responses
zajedničke kolektivne relacione odgovore
kao što je usamljenost,
and up the skills curve
na savremenom tržištu rada,
of education, of health care systems,
obrazovanja, sistema zdravstvene zaštite
that are pressing on our societies.
koji pritiskaju naše društvo.
resource we have.
Hilary Cottam - Innovator and social entrepreneurHilary Cottam wants to redesign the welfare state using the power of relationships.
Why you should listen
In its current functioning, based on the ideas first put forth in Britain by Sir William Beveridge in 1942 and then adopted around the world, the welfare state expressly designs out people’s capabilities and relationships, focusing instead on impersonal systems and rules. Sixty years on, the welfare state is failing its purpose and leaving people behind.
Hilary Cottam believes that a solution can be found in putting relationships squarely in the middle of it, and she has the examples and stories to prove it.
Cottam's recent award winning work includes: new systems to support an ageing population; a prison that reduces re-offending; new approaches to chronic disease and unemployment.
She has advised governments, companies and third sector organisations in the UK and internationally. She was educated at Oxford, Sussex and the Open University. She was awarded her PhD in 1999. She currently lives and works in London.
Hilary Cottam | Speaker | TED.com