Jimmy Lin: A simple new blood test that can catch cancer early
Jimmy Lin: Kipimo cha damu rahisi kinachoweza kugundua saratani mapema
TED Fellow Jimmy Lin is developing technologies to catch cancer early. Full bio
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friends or loved ones
marafiki au wapendwa wetu
in the audience
katika hadhira hii
emotions of sadness and anger and fear,
huzuni na hasira na hofu,
from the front lines of cancer research.
kutoka kwenye utafiti wa saratani
the war on cancer.
vita ya saratani.
developments within cancer research.
utafiti wa Saratani wa kusisimua
encoded by DNA
zilizosimbwa na DNA
in the DNA called mutations
DNA yaitwayo ubadilikaji seli
to go out of control.
kushindwa kudhibitiwa
I was part of the team at Johns Hopkins
nilikuwa sehemu ya timu ya John Hopkins
the mutations of cancers.
ya mabadiliko ya saratani
over 90 projects in 70 countries
zaidi ya miradi 90 kwenye nchi 70
the genetic basis of these diseases.
msingi wa jenetikia ya magonjwa haya.
of cancers are understood
ya saratani yanaeleweka
is precision medicine,
na ugonjwa".
to be able to treat cancers,
kutumika kutibu saratani zote,
that are able to target cancers
ambazo yanaweza kulenga saratani
of these tailor-made drugs,
hizi dawa zilizotengenezwa
their therapy for their patients,
kwa wagonjwa wao,
is immunotherapy,
ni tiba ya kingamaradhi
to leverage the immune system
kutumia vizuri mfumo wa kinga
where we find the off switches of cancer,
tunakuta huzima saratani,
to turn the immune system back on,
kugeuza mfumo wa kinga tena,
where you can take away immune cells
unaweza kuondoa seli za kinga
and put them back into the body
na kuzirudisha tena mwilini
science fiction, doesn't it?
hadithi ya sayansi ya kutunga si ndio?
at the National Cancer Institute,
kwenye Chuo cha Taifa cha Saratani,
with some of the pioneers of this field
baadhi ya waanzilishi wa idara hii
to explore all aspects in immunotherapy.
vyote vya tiba ya kingamaradhi
revolutions are ongoing,
with a skin cancer called melanoma.
mwenye saratani ya ngozi iitwayo melanoma.
has gone everywhere.
imeenea kila mahali.
to map the mutations of this cancer
ramani ya mabadiliko ya saratani hii
that targets one of the mutations.
the end of the story.
wa hadithi.
as one centimeter in diameter
sentimita moja katika mduara
different cells.
milioni mia moja tofauti.
in these different cancers
saratani hizi tofauti
to different drugs.
kwa dawa tofauti.
that's highly effective,
kufanya kazi vizuri,
that there's a small population
kuna idadi ndogo ya seli
What do we do with this information?
Tunafanyia nini taarifa hii?
advancements in cancer therapy earlier,
ya kusisimua kwa tiba ya saratani mapema,
is early detection.
ni kuigundua mapema
results in better outcomes,
hupelekea matokeo mazuri,
if you detect cancer in stage four,
ukiigundua ikiwa hatua ya nne,
survive at five years.
husalia kwa miaka mitano
this cancer as early as stage one,
saratani hii mapema ikiwa hatua ya kwanza,
of women are detected at stage one,
wanawake hugundua ikiwa hatua ya kwanza,
are detected in stages three and four.
hugunduka katia hatua ya tatu au ya nne.
better detection mechanisms for cancers.
njia bora za kugundua saratani.
fall into one of three categories.
ziko kwenye moja ya vipengele vitatu,
for colon cancer.
kwa saratani ya utumbo.
like PSA for prostate cancer.
kama PSA kwa saratani ya tezi dume.
infrastructure to implement.
eneo kubwa kwa upimaji.
in some populations,
mazuri kwa baadhi ya majaribio,
in some circumstances,
hali nyingine za majaribio
of false positives,
ya kiwango kisicho sahihi,
and unnecessary procedures.
na lazima au upasuaji
while useful in some populations,
na manufaa kwa baadhi
to all patients.
kwa wagonjwa wote.
in women with dense breasts.
kwa wanawake wenye matiti yaliyojaa
that is noninvasive,
ambazo hazihitaji upasuaji
to be able to detect cancers
kugundua saratani
giving a talk if it didn't.
mjadala kama isingekuwepo.
this latest technology we've developed.
teknolojia mpya tuliyoendeleza
is a simple blood test.
ni kipimo rahisi cha damu
while seemingly mundane,
wakati unaonekana ni wa kawaida
and nutrients to your cells,
na virutubisho kwa seli zako,
faster than normal cells,
haraka kuliko seli za kawaida,
of these cancer cells
seli hizi za saratani
genome sequencing projects,
kazi za mfuatano wa genome
to be large enough to cause symptoms,
kuwa kubwa kiasi cha kuonyesha dalili,
to show up on imaging,
kuonekana kwa vipimo vya picha
on medical procedures,
mchakato wa kitabibu
while they are relatively pretty small,
zingali bado ndogo sana,
of DNA in the blood.
DNA kwenye damu.
with a simple blood test --
na kipimo rahisi cha damu--
is extract the DNA out of it.
tunatoa DNA kutoka kwenye damu
will be from healthy cells.
zinakuwa kutoka kwenye seli zenye afya.
less than one percent,
pungufu ya asilimia moja,
to be able to enrich this DNA
kurutubisha hii DNA
to be associated with cancer,
kuhusishwa na saratani.
from the cancer genomics projects.
kazi za genome za saratani
into DNA-sequencing machines
mashine za mfuatano wa DNA
into A's, C's, T's and G's
kuwa A,C,T na G
of billions of letters
mabilioni ya herufi
and computational methods
na za ukokotoaji
the small signal that's present,
of cancer DNA in the blood.
cha DNA za saratani kwenye damu.
of really predicting right now
kutegemea kutabiri sasa hivi
that we have today,
tulizonazo hivi leo,
these recurrences of cancers
kujirudia huku kwa saratani
at University College London,
kwenye Chuo kikuu London,
an example of one patient.
mfano wa mgonjwa mmoja.
who undergoes surgery
anayefanyiwa upasuaji
ugonjwa kutulia
and imaging methods.
na picha
the cancer comes back.
saratani inarudi.
Are we able to catch this earlier?
tunaweza kuigundua mapema?
we've been collecting blood serially
tukikusanya damu kwa mfululizo
the amount of ctDNA in the blood.
cha ctDNA kwenye damu.
of cancer DNA in the blood.
DNA ya saratani kwenye damu.
in subsequent time points
katika pointi za muda unaofuata
after subsequent points.
baada ya pointi zinazofuata
of cancer DNA in the blood,
ongezeko la DNA kwenye damu,
for days 400 and 450.
kwa siku ya 400 na 450,
in the cancer DNA in the blood.
la DNA ya saratani kwenye damu.
over a hundred days earlier
zaidi ya siku mia moja mapema
where we can give therapies,
ambapo tunaweza kutoa tiba,
where we can do surgical interventions,
kuzuia kwa kufanya upasuaji
for the cancer to grow
kwa saratani kukua
for resistance to occur.
kwa usugu wa ugonjwa. kutokea
means the matter of life and death.
ni suala la kufa au kupona
about this information.
taarifa hii.
we've done additional studies now
tumefanya utafiti wa ziada sasa
we can find these cancers.
kiasi gani tutagundua saratani hizi.
of our standard physical exams,
uchunguzi wetu wa kawaida wa mwili,
vilivyotolewa damu
we will be able to compare
tutaweza kulinganisha
signatures of cancer,
zote za saratani
months to even years earlier.
miezi au hata miaka mapema
of lives could be saved.
maisha yanaweza kuokolewa.
recent advancements in immunotherapy
karibuni ya tiba ya kingamaradhi
are working feverishly
wanafanya kazi kwa msisimko mkubwa
Jimmy Lin - GeneticistTED Fellow Jimmy Lin is developing technologies to catch cancer early.
Why you should listen
C. Jimmy Lin, MD, PhD, MHS is the Chief Scientific Officer (CSO), Oncology at Natera and a TED Fellow. He comes from a long history as a pioneer in cancer genomics. Most recently, he led the clinical genomics program at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Previously, at Johns Hopkins and Washington University in St. Louis, Lin was part of one of the first clinical genomics labs in academia and led the computational analyses of the first ever exome sequencing studies in cancer, including breast, colorectal, pancreatic, glioblastoma, medulloblastoma and melanoma.
Lin has published in top academic journals, such as Science, Nature and Cell, and he has been an expert in national and international media outlets, such as New York Times, Forbes, Bloomberg Businessweek, The Washington Post, and the Financial Times.
Jimmy Lin | Speaker | TED.com