Cosmin Mihaiu: Physical therapy is boring -- play a game instead
Cosmin Mihaiu: A fisioterapia é aburrida. Mellor xoga a un xogo!
Cosmin Mihaiu is the CEO and co-founder of MIRA Rehab, which develops software that engages patients in interactive and therapeutic games, making physical rehabilitation fun. Full bio
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liked playing hide-and-seek a lot.
para ter un grande escondedoiro,
a tree would lead to a great hiding spot,
cunha grande escaiola no torso.
with a big cast all over my torso.
pero non podía estirar o cóbado,
but even then, I couldn't extend my elbow,
para flexionalo e estiralo,
to flex and extend it,
I found it boring and painful,
another six weeks to get better.
botei seis semanas máis para recuperarme.
developed frozen shoulder,
padeceu de ombro conxelado,
and stiffness in the shoulder.
to have superpowers
crin que tiña superpoderes,
to get dressed or to cut food.
para se vestir ou cortar a comida.
but just like me,
pero, coma min,
over five months to feel better.
en comezar a mellorar.
required physical therapy,
precisabamos fisioterapia,
of repetitive exercises
exercicios repetitivos
lost due to an accident or injury.
perdido tras un accidente ou lesión.
works with patients,
traballa co paciente
facer os exercicios na casa.
to do their exercises at home.
boring, frustrating, confusing
aburridos, frustrantes, confusos
can be as high as 70 percent.
pode chegar ao 70%.
don't do their exercises
non fai os exercicios
a lot longer to get better.
en recuperarse.
that special exercises
en que determinados exercicios
the motivation to do them.
para facelos.
all of us software geeks,
puidesen recuperarse xogando.
could play their way to recovery?
A P.C. software platform
unha plataforma de software para PC
unha cámara que capta o movemento,
a motion capture camera,
into video games.
en videoxogos.
a schedule for my particular therapy.
o horario para a miña terapia.
voas cunha abella de arriba a abaixo
to fly a bee up and down
e pousalo na colmea
ao estirar e dobrar o cóbado,
elbow extension and flexion,
after the cast was taken off.
e me quitaron a escaiola.
we speak to physical therapists at first
falamos coa comunidade de fisioterapeutas
patients need to do.
precisan facer os pacientes.
motivating objectives to follow.
metas motivadoras e sinxelas que seguir.
create their own exercises.
os seus propios exercicios.
a shoulder abduction,
unha abdución do ombro,
que miña nai tiña que facer
my mom had to do
on the left side of the screen,
no lado esquerdo da pantalla,
doing the recommended movement.
véxome facendo o movemento recomendado.
e síntome máis seguro
coa miña terapeuta
thinks are best for me.
mellor para min.
ofrécelles aos fisioterapeutas
for physical therapists
they think are best.
o exercicio que crean máis axeitado.
for preventing falls,
e mellorar o equilibrio.
and improve balance.
sit and stand movements,
de sentarse e erguerse
will be 82 years old,
miña avoa fará 82 anos
de que os maiores de 80 anos
for people over 80
ou algo aínda peor.
or even worse.
are the number one cause of falls,
de equilibrio son as causas principais
through targeted exercise
con exercicios específicos
like my grandmother
sexa independente por máis tempo.
MIRA briefly shows me
MIRA amosa un resumo
three different games
ortopédicos ou neurolóxicos,
or neurologic patients,
para nenos con autismo,
for children with autism,
can go back to my profile
pode volver ao meu perfil
during my sessions.
nas miñas sesións.
how many points I scored,
cantos puntos conseguín,
to adapt my treatment.
para adaptar o meu tratamento.
across Europe and the U.S.,
de Europa e dos EE. UU.
to prescribe this digital treatment
poidan prescribir este tratamento dixital
to recovery at home.
a recuperarse nas súas casas.
when we needed physical therapy,
cando precisamos fisioterapia,
following the treatment,
what hardware is this
and how much does it cost?
a Microsoft Surface Pro 3 for the demo,
para a demo
and a Kinect, which is 120 dollars.
que custa 120 dólares.
that people use for their Xboxes
para xogar coa Xbox
you only need a camera.
só unha cámara.
than a $1,000 solution.
you can definitely use it.
CM: Si.
clinical trials in clinics.
a versión doméstica
so it's a home version
e que na clínica
can see how I'm doing and stuff like that.
CM: Grazas.
CM: Thank you.
Cosmin Mihaiu - Physical therapy entrepreneurCosmin Mihaiu is the CEO and co-founder of MIRA Rehab, which develops software that engages patients in interactive and therapeutic games, making physical rehabilitation fun.
Why you should listen
When Cosmin Mihaiu noticed that injured patients hated physical therapy — and often took longer to recover because of it — he dedicated himself to making the dreaded process more engaging, or even fun. In 2011 he and his colleagues founded MIRA Rehab, where they develop software that lets patients play interactive, therapeutic games.
As MIRA’s CEO, Mihaiu now focuses on building relationships with medical institutions around the US and the UK, showing them how video games can make recovery more effective for patients and physical therapists alike.
Cosmin Mihaiu | Speaker |