Gary Haugen: The hidden reason for poverty the world needs to address now
Gary haugen: Skriveni razlog za siromaštvo kojemu se svijet treba obratiti sada.
As founder of International Justice Mission, Gary Haugen fights the chronically neglected global epidemic of violence against the poor. Full bio
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that's been a good thing.
u karijeri bila dobra stvar.
horrible things in the world.
police abuse cases in the United States.
policijske zloporabe u Sjedinjenim državama.
genocide investigation.
just aren't much help
baš i nisu neka pomoć
to investigate a genocide.
istražiti genocid.
and feel and touch
i osjetiti i dodirnuti
greatest failures of simple compassion.
jednostavnog suosjećanja.
comes from two Latin words:
dolazi od dvoje latinske riječi:
"to suffer with."
"patiti sa."
to human suffering,
ljudskoj patnji,
and the rest of the world,
i ostatak svijeta,
također sam bio uključen
successes of compassion.
uspjeha suosjećanja.
global poverty.
has involved all of us here.
vjerojatno uključeni svi ovdje.
"We Are the World,"
on your refrigerator door,
kojem ste pokrovitelj na vratima vašeg frižidera,
donated for fresh water.
introduction to poverty was
moje prvo upoznavanje sa siromaštvom
about 12 miles
prehodala je oko 12 milja
and to share her story.
i podijeli svoju priču.
the world of poverty.
when the coals on the cooking fire
ugljen u vatri za kuhanje
of cooking oil finally ran out.
ulja za kuhanje konačno istekla.
despite her best efforts,
unatoč njezinom velikom trudu,
njen najmlađi sin, Peter,
into uselessness.
polako svijale u beskorisnost.
have been moving us to compassion.
poticale su nas na suosjećanje.
to care about global poverty,
da marimo za globalno siromaštvo,
to stop the suffering.
dati doprinos za prekid patnje.
that we haven't done enough,
kako nismo učinili dovoljno,
hasn't been effective enough,
nije bilo dovoljno učinkovito,
is probably the broadest,
je vjerojatno najšire,
human phenomenon of compassion
ljudske pojave suosjećanja
a pretty shattering insight
poprilično šokantan uvid
you think about that struggle.
način na koji razmišljate o toj borbi.
you probably already know.
što vjerojatno već znate.
been graduating from high school,
kada bih bio maturirao u srednjoj školi,
died because of poverty.
umire svaki dan uslijed siromaštva.
down to 17,000.
smanjen na 17.000.
don't have to die from poverty.
koja ne moraju umrijeti radi siromaštva.
people in our world
u našem svijetu
about a dollar and a quarter a day,
expectations about what is possible.
o tome što je moguće.
feel proud and encouraged
osjećati ponosno i ohrabreno
actually has the power
suosjećanje zapravo ima moć
the suffering of millions.
might not hear very much about.
up to two dollars a day,
the same two billion people
when I was in high school,
kad sam bio u srednjoj školi,
still stuck in such harsh poverty?
zarobljenih u takvom grubom siromaštvu?
Venus for a moment.
moved by common compassion
bili potaknuti najobičnijim suosjećanjem
da financiramo mikro kredite,
međunarodne pomoći.
nisam pričao s Venus,
none of those approaches
nijedan od tih pristupa
to watch her son die.
zašto je ona morala gledati smrt svoga sina.
and "cause trouble"
a "činiti nevolje"
Venus' husband died,
dan nakon što je Venusin muž umro,
Venus and the kids out of the house,
i izbacio Venus i djecu iz kuće,
their market stall.
te im opljačkao tezgu.
into destitution by violence.
none of the microloans,
nijedan mikrokredit,
anti-poverty programs
programa protiv siromaštva
to me when I met Griselda.
kad sam sreo Griseldu.
living in a very poor community
koja živi u siromašnoj zajednici
we've learned over the years
koje smo naučili tijekom godina
out of poverty
she wasn't going to school.
ona nije išla u školu.
leaving her home.
uopće napuštala svoj dom.
from church with her family,
just snatched her off the street,
su je samo zgrabili sa ulice,
opportunity to go to school,
svaku priliku da ide u školu,
the everyday violence
svakodnevnog nasilja
for more death and disability
više smrti i invaliditeta
than war combined.
nego rat zajedno.
are trapped in whole systems of violence.
zarobljeni u cijelim sustavima nasilja.
I could drive past this rice mill
mogu se provozati pored mlina za rižu
these 100-pound sacks
vreće od 50 kilograma riže
since I was in high school.
još otkad sam bio u srednjoj školi.
right in his community
upravo u njegovoj zajednici
or any of the hundred other slaves
niti ikojeg od stotinu drugih robova
and the torture
i mučenja
anti-poverty programs
programa protiv siromaštva
35 million people in slavery today.
oko 35 milijuna ljudi u ropstvu.
of the entire nation of Canada,
cijele nacije Kanade,
to call this epidemic of violence
ovu epidemiju nasilja nazvao
it just descends like a plague
spušta se poput kuge
very, very poor communities,
vrlo, vrlo siromašne zajednice,
greatest fear is violence.
kako im je najveći strah nasilje.
genocide or the wars,
my first reaction was to think,
prva reakcija bila razmišljati,
got to change all the laws.
moramo promijeniti sve zakone.
against the poor illegal.
protiv siromašnih nezakonitim.
the poor don't get laws,
siromašni nemaju zakone,
are so broken
tako slomljena
a report that found
izvješće koje otkriva
outside the protection of the law."
izvan zaštite zakona."
just about no idea
otprilike nikakvu ideju
first-hand experience of it.
iskustvo iz prve ruke.
is just a total assumption.
nam je totalna pretpostavka.
more clearly than three simple numbers:
jasnije nego tri jednostavna broja:
for the emergency police operator
policijskog operatera za hitnu pomoć
to a police 911 emergency call
na poziv policije kroz 911
completely for granted.
posve zdravo za gotovo.
law enforcement to protect you?
provedbe zakona da vas zaštiti?
experienced what this would be like.
iskusila kako bi to bilo.
dark house on a Saturday night,
mračnoj kući u subotnjoj noći,
his way into her home.
trgati prolaz u njen dom.
in the hospital from an assault
u bolnicu uslijed napada
and does what any of us would do:
i čini ono što bi učinio svatko od nas:
of budget cuts in her county,
rezanja proračuna u njenom okrugu,
on the weekends.
nije raspoloživa vikendima.
to send out there.
tamo koga bih poslala.
inside the residence and assaults you,
unutar prebivališta i napadne vas,
he is intoxicated or anything?
I've already told him I was calling you.
Već sam mu rekla da vas zovem.
busted down my door, assaulted me.
razvalio mi vrata, napao me.
safely leave the residence?
sigurno napustiti prebivalište?
pretty much my only way out.
on mi priječi otprilike jedini izlaz.
is give you some advice,
jest dati vam neke savjete,
unfortunately has a weapon
na nesreću ima oružje
that's a different story.
to je druga priča.
doesn't work up there.
tamo ne radi.
inside that house
žena iz te kuće
zadavljena i silovana
outside the rule of law.
izvan vladavine zakona.
of our poorest live.
naših najsiromašnijih.
sexually assaults a poor child,
seksualno napadne siromašno dijete,
of slipping in the shower and dying
smrti od pokliznuća tijekom tuširanja
to jail for that crime.
u zatvor radi tog zločina.
enslave a poor person,
podjarmite siromašnu osobu,
struck by lightning
od pogotka munje
to jail for that crime.
u zatvor za taj zločin.
violence, it just rages on.
svakodnevnog nasilja, samo divlja i dalje.
to help billions of people
pomoći milijardama ljudi
all manner of goods and services
sve vrste roba i usluga
of the violent bullies
nasilnih siledžija
in the long-term impact of your efforts.
s dugoročnim učinkom vašeg napora.
of basic law enforcement
temeljne provedbe zakona
would be a huge priority
biti ogroman prioritet
recently couldn't find
nedavno nisu mogli naći
to protect the poor
koja bi išla zaštiti siromašnih
of everyday violence.
svakodnevnog nasilja.
violence against the poor,
nasilju protiv siromašnih,
a heart-wrenching story
srcedrapajuću priču
to fetching water,
silovane na putu po vodu,
the solution of a new well
are still right there in the community.
su i dalje točno tamo u toj zajednici.
of our college campuses
od naših sveučilišnih kampusa
of moving the library closer to the dorm.
približavanja knjižnice bliže spavaonici.
this is okay for poor people.
to je u redu za siromašne ljude.
and poverty alleviation,
i ublažavanje siromaštva,
in the developing world
u zemljama u razvoju
the developing world, with money,
zemljama u razvoju, sa novcem,
Forum not long ago
massive businesses in the developing world
krupne poslove u zemljama u razvoju
and property from all the violence?"
i imovinu od svog tog nasilja?"
and they said, practically in unison,
i rekli, praktički jednoglasno,
in the developing world
u zemljama u razvoju
larger than the public police force.
veće od javnih policijskih snaga.
on the continent now is private security.
na kontinentu trenutno privatna sigurnost.
and can keep getting richer,
i mogu se i dalje bogatiti,
and they're left totally unprotected
i ostaju posve nezaštićeni
to the ground.
by fierce effort and commitment.
kroz žestok trud i zalaganje.
to the fight against poverty.
dijelom borbe protiv siromaštva.
about global poverty
o globalnom siromaštvu
of violence must be deemed not serious.
se mora smatrati neozbiljnom.
to seriously invest resources
ozbiljno ulagati resurse
the developing world
podržali zemlje u razvoju
public systems of justice,
javne sustave pravde,
are actually possible
zbilja moguće
funded a project
je financirala projekt
of the Philippines,
and local law enforcement
i mjesni provoditelji zakona
and broken courts so drastically,
pokvarenu policiju i slomljeno sudstvo,
against poor kids by 79 percent.
protiv siromašne djece za 79 posto.
and inexcusable
neobjašnjivo i neoprostivo
a tribunal of our grandchildren
sud naših unuka
the Jews were fleeing Nazi Germany
su Židovi bježali iz nacističke Njemačke
when they were marching
off to internment camps?
u internacijske logore?
when they were beating
kad su tukli
to register to vote?"
prijaviti kao glasači?"
were drowning in a lawless chaos
na svijetu utapalo u kaosu bezakonja
that we raised our voice,
da smo podigli glas,
to make the violence stop.
da učinimo da to nasilje stane.
some of the things
nekim stvarima
for example, boost police training.
na primjer, pojačala policijska obuka.
things that's starting to happen now
koje su se sada počele događati
and the consequences are becoming obvious.
i posljedice postaju očiti.
political will to do that.
politička volja da se to učini.
of resources and transfer of expertise.
resursa i prijenos stručnosti.
that's going to take place as well,
do kojeg također mora doći,
around the world
širom svijeta
that are very encouraging.
koji su vrlo ohrabrujući.
how much it costs
koliko košta
to police, for example --
za policiju, na primjer --
we've started a project there
tamo smo počeli program
and court system, prosecutors,
i pravosudnim sustavom, tužiteljstvom,
actually effectively bring these cases.
zbilja učinkovito rješavati te slučajeve.
perpetrators of sexual violence
izvršitelja seksualnog nasilja
at about a million dollars a year,
sa oko milijun dolara godišnje,
you can get for your buck
koji možete dobiti za svoj novac
a criminal justice system
kaznenopravnom sustavu
trained and motivated and led,
uvježban i motiviran i vođen,
especially a middle class
pogotovo srednji sloj
really no future
total privatization of security
i potpunom privatizacijom sigurnosti
a window for change.
prozor za promjenu.
to look at each part in the chain --
morate gledati u svaku kariku lanca --
about law enforcement,
oko provedbe zakona,
of the pipeline of justice,
cjevovoda pravde,
hand it off to the courts,
have to be supported by social services
podržane socijalnom službom
that pulls that all together.
koji sve to objedinjuje.
of training of the courts,
nešto malo vježbe u sudstvu,
from the police,
that has to do with narcotics or terrorism
koja ima veze s narkoticima ili terorizmom
the common poor person
običnoj siromašnoj osobi
in very poor communities
u vrlo siromašnim zajednicama
own experience, for sure,
našem iskustvu, naravno,
that you can call 911
znati da možeš nazvati 911
a spectacular job
spektakularan posao
Gary Haugen - Human rights attorneyAs founder of International Justice Mission, Gary Haugen fights the chronically neglected global epidemic of violence against the poor.
Why you should listen
While a member of the 1994 United Nations team investigating war crimes in Rwanda, Gary Haugen’s eyes were opened to the appalling extent of violence in the developing world. Upon his return to the US, he founded International Justice Mission, an organization devoted to rescuing victims of global violence including trafficking and slavery.
In The Locust Effect, Haugen outlines the catastrophic effect of everyday violence on the lives of the impoverished, and shows how rampant violence is undermining efforts to alleviate poverty.
Gary Haugen | Speaker |