Anil Seth: Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality
Anil Seth: Kako vaš mozak halucinira vašu svjesnu stvarnost
How can the "inner universe" of consciousness be explained in terms of mere biology and physics? Anil Seth explores the brain basis of consciousness and self. Full bio
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I ceased to exist.
prestao sam postojati.
and my brain was filling with anesthetic.
i moj se mozak ispunjavao anestetikom.
of detachment and falling apart
odvojenosti i raspadanja
drowsy and disoriented,
pospan i dezorijentiran,
or anxious about oversleeping,
ili zabrinuti zbog prespavanja,
of time having passed,
da je prošlo vrijeme,
anesthesia is very different.
dosta je drukčije.
for five minutes, five hours,
pet minuta, pet sati,
it's a modern kind of magic.
to je moderna vrsta magije.
mysteries in science and philosophy.
misterija znanosti i filozofije.
of many billions of neurons,
mnogo milijardi neurona,
right here and right now.
upravo ovdje i sada.
for each of us is all there is.
za svakog od nas sve što postoji.
mental illness or pain.
duševnu bolest ili bol.
joy and suffering,
maybe not too far away,
možda ne tako daleke,
a sense of its own existence.
osjećaj vlastitog postojanja.
for a conscious AI are pretty remote.
umjetnu inteligenciju poprilično daleko.
my research is telling me
mi moja istraživanja govore
with pure intelligence
s čistom inteligencijom
as living and breathing organisms.
kao živućih i dišućih organizama.
are very different things.
vrlo su različite stvari.
but you probably do have to be alive.
ali vjerojatno morate biti živi.
of the world around us,
svijeta oko nas
and because of our living bodies.
i zbog naših živućih tijela.
that we know nothing
da ne znamo ništa
give rise to consciousness.
stvaraju svijesnost.
the reach of science altogether.
sveukupnog dosega znanosti.
of scientific work in this area.
znanstvenog rada u ovom području.
at the University of Sussex,
na Sveučilistu Sussex,
from all different disciplines
različitih disciplina,
how consciousness happens
kako se svjesnost događa
come to think about life.
mislimo o životu.
the property of being alive
da se svojstvo života
by physics and chemistry --
fizikom i kemijom --
more than just mechanism.
više nego samo mehanizam.
of living systems
živih sustava
reproduction, homeostasis --
reprodukcija, homeostaza --
started to fade away,
počeo je blijediti.
any more magical solutions,
više magična rješenja,
objašnjavati njezina svojstva
inside brains and bodies,
unutar mozgova i tijela,
of what consciousness is
of consciousness try to explain?
trebala objasniti?
of consciousness in two different ways.
o svjesnosti na dva različita načina.
of the world around us,
3D, fully immersive inner movie.
3D, u potpunosti uronjen unutarnji film.
of being you or being me.
bivanja vas ili bivanja mene.
we all cling to most tightly.
za koji se najviše držimo.
of the world around us,
svijeta oko nas,
of the brain as a prediction engine.
mozga kao stroja za predviđanje.
what's out there in the world.
što je vani u svijetu.
There's no sound either.
Također nema ni zvuka.
is streams of electrical impulses
rijeke električnih impulsa
to things in the world,
sa stvarima u svijetu,
figuring out what's there --
odgonetavanje što je tamo --
these sensory signals
sve te senzorne signale
about the way the world is
ili vjerovanjima o tome kakav je svijet
of what caused those signals.
što je uzrokovalo te signale.
of what's out there in the world.
nagađanje o tome što je vani u svijetu.
of examples of all this.
primjera svega toga.
about it in a new way.
o njoj na novi način.
very different shades of gray, right?
vrlo različite nijanse sive, jelda?
exactly the same shade.
potpuno ista nijansa.
of the image here
verziju slike ovdje
with a gray-colored bar,
sa sivo obojanim stupcem,
and join them up.
prijeko i spojiti ih.
there's no difference at all.
i uopće nema razlik.
and it looks different.
i izgleda drukčije.
is using its prior expectations
prijašnja očekivanja
of the visual cortex
vizualnog korteksa
the appearance of a surface,
izgled neke površine,
than it really is.
nego što stvarno je.
the brain can use new predictions
mozak može upotrijebiti nova predviđanja
svjesno doživljavamo.
and see if you can get anything.
i vidite možete li čuti nešto.
is a really terrible idea.
stvarno užasna ideja.
I'm just going to replay it.
Opet ću ga pustiti.
information coming into the brain
informacija koja dolazi u mozak
is your brain's best guess
najbolje je nagađanje vašeg mozga
what you consciously hear.
ono što svjesno čujete.
basis of perception
bazu percepcije mozga
on signals coming into the brain
o signalima koji dolaze u mozak
flowing in the opposite direction.
koja se kreću u suprotnom smjeru.
perceive the world,
samo pasivno ovaj svijet,
comes as much, if not more,
dolazi toliko, ako ne i više,
one more example of perception
jedan primjer percepcije
virtual reality with image processing
virtualnu stvarnost sa procesiranjem slika
of overly strong perceptual predictions
odviše jakih perceptualnih predviđanja
we've transformed the world --
transformirali smo svijet,
an algorithm based on Google's Deep Dream
temeljen na Googleovom Deep Dream-u
of overly strong perceptual predictions.
odviše snažnih perceptualnih predviđanja.
this is a very strange thing.
je vrlo čudna stvar.
predictions are too strong,
predviđanja previše snažna
like the kinds of hallucinations
nekim halucinacijama
u promijenjenom stanju,
of uncontrolled perception,
nekontrolirane percepcije
is also a kind of hallucination,
također vrsta halucinacije,
are being reigned in
mozga kontrolirana
hallucinating all the time,
haluciniramo cijelo vrijeme,
about our hallucinations,
oko naših halucinacija,
that your experience of being a self,
da je vaše iskustvo sebstva,
generated by the brain.
koju stvara mozak.
might deceive my eyes,
mogu prevariti moje oči,
about what it means to be me?
u vezi toga što znači biti ja?
and so continuous
not to take it for granted.
ga zdravo za gotovo.
we experience being a self.
na koje doživljavamo sebstvo.
of perceiving the world
doživljavanja svijeta
of intending to do things
namjeravanja raditi stvari
that happen in the world.
koje se događaju u svijetu.
and distinctive person over time,
i karakterističnom osobom tijekom vremena,
of memories and social interactions.
sjećanja i socijalnih interakcija.
and neurologists know very well,
in which we experience being a self
na koje doživljavamo sebstvo
the basic background experience
pozadinsko iskustvo
fragile construction of the brain.
krhka konstrukcija mozga.
which just like all others,
koje kao i sva ostala,
the experience of being a body
iskustvo bivanja tijelom
part of its body.
dio njegovog tijela.
in neuroscience to illustrate this.
u neuroznanosti koji prikazuje ovo.
pokusa u neuroznanosti,
is placed in front of them.
je postavljena ispred.
stroked with a paintbrush
dodirivane kistom
is in fact part of their body.
ustvari dio njihovog tijela.
between seeing touch and feeling touch
između gledanja dodira i osjećanja dodira
and is roughly where a hand should be,
nalazi se otprilike gdje ruka treba biti,
to make its best guess
da napravi najbolje nagađanje
is in fact part of the body.
u stvari dio tijela.
all kinds of clever things.
sve vrste pametnih stvari.
and startle responses,
i šokirane odgovore,
has assimilated the fake hand.
asimilirao lažnu ruku.
of what our body is
o tome što je naše tijelo
hallucination by the brain.
as objects in the world from the outside,
kao objekte u svijetu izvana,
of being a body from the inside.
bivanja tijelom iznutra.
coming from the inside of the body
koji dolaze iz unutrašnjosti tijela
about the state of the internal organs,
o stanju unutarnjih organa,
what the blood pressure is like,
kakav je krvni tlak,
which we call interoception,
koju zovemo interocepcija,
of the internal state of the body --
unutarnjeg stanja tijela --
održava na životu.
of the rubber hand illusion.
iluzije gumene ruke.
a virtual reality version of their hand,
verziju virtualne stvarnosti njihove ruke,
with their heartbeat.
s njihovim pulsom.
in time with their heartbeat,
sinkrono sa njihovim pulsom
that it's in fact part of their body.
da je ruka stvarno dio njihovog tijela.
are deeply grounded
duboko utemeljeno
I want to draw your attention to,
vam htio privući pozornost,
from the inside are very different
iznutra su vrlo drukčiji
the world seems full of objects --
svijet se čini pun objekata --
as an object from the outside.
kao objekt izvana.
of the body from within,
much at all unless they go wrong.
uopće osim ako nešto ne pođe po zlu.
state of the body
stanja tijela
within the tight bounds
unutar uskih granica
to figure out what's there,
kako bi otkrio što je tamo,
as the causes of sensations.
kao uzroke osjeta.
to control and regulate things,
kako bi kontrolirao i regulirao stvari,
or how badly that control is going.
ili koliko loše se ta kontrola odvija.
of being a self,
mechanisms that keep us alive.
mehanizmima koji nas održavaju živima.
all the way through,
that all of our conscious experiences,
da svi naši svjesni doživljaji
mechanisms of predictive perception,
mehanizmima percepcije previđanja,
drive to stay alive.
nagona da ostanemo živi.
our living bodies.
stvari korak po korak.
of what's out there.
o tome što je tamo.
comes from the inside out,
dolazi od iznutra prema van,
that this applies to our experiences
da se to odnosi na naše doživljaje
depend critically on sensory signals
jako ovise o senzornim signalima
are more about control and regulation
imaju više veze s kontrolom i regulacijom
što je tamo vani.
around us and ourselves within it --
oko nas i nas u njemu --
of controlled hallucinations
kontroliranih halucinacija
over millions of years of evolution
milijunima godina evolucijom
full of danger and opportunity.
svjetu punom opasnosti.
implications of all this.
implikacije svega ovoga.
misperceive the world,
pogrešno vidjeti svijet,
of prediction go wrong.
predviđanja pođu po zlu.
opportunities in psychiatry and neurology,
mogućnosti u psihijatriji i neurologiji,
get at the mechanisms
doći do mehanizama
depression and schizophrenia.
depresija i shizofrenija.
cannot be reduced to or uploaded to
ne može biti reducirano ili uploadano
pametan ili sofisticiran.
are shaped at all levels
oblikovana na svim razinama
that keep us alive.
koji nas održavaju živima.
is not going to make them sentient.
neće ih učiniti svjesnima.
way of being conscious.
način bivanja svjesnim.
of possible consciousnesses.
prostoru mogućih svijesti.
are unique to each of us,
jedinstveni su svakome od nas,
in biological mechanisms
na biološkim mehanizmima
from Copernicus --
od Kopernika,
and not apart from the rest of nature.
odvojeni od ostatka prirode.
Anil Seth - Cognitive neuroscientistHow can the "inner universe" of consciousness be explained in terms of mere biology and physics? Anil Seth explores the brain basis of consciousness and self.
Why you should listen
In his groundbreaking research, Anil Seth seeks to understand consciousness in health and in disease. As founding co-director of the University of Sussex’s Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science, his research bridges neuroscience, mathematics, artificial intelligence, computer science, psychology, philosophy and psychiatry. He has also worked extensively with playwrights, dancers and other artists to shape a truly humanistic view of consciousness and self.
Seth is the editor and co-author of the best-selling 30-Second Brain, a collection of brief and engaging neuroscience vignettes. His forthcoming book The Presence Chamber develops his unique theories of conscious selfhood within the rich historical context of the mind and brain sciences.
Follow Seth on Twitter at @anilkseth, and visit his website at and The Sackler Centre, at the University of Sussex, is at Seth's work is supported by the Dr. Mortimer and Theresa Sackler Foundation.
Anil Seth | Speaker |