Tasso Azevedo: Hopeful lessons from the battle to save rainforests
Tasso Azevedo: Reménykeltő mozzanatok az esőerdők megmentéséért folytatott küzdelemből
Tasso Azevedo has helped reduce the rate of deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest by 75 percent — and inspired similar efforts around the world. Full bio
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in Latin America about 500 years ago,
Dél-Amerika partjaira 500 évvel ezelőtt
this amazing tropical forest.
that they had never seen before,
their attention very quickly.
you find a very dark red resin
sötétvörös gyantát termel.
and dye fabric to make clothes.
this species pau brasil,
"land of Brasil," and later on, Brazil.
nevezték, majd később Brazíliának.
that has the name of a tree.
mely nevét egy fáról kapta.
to be a forester in Brazil,
Brazilíában erdésznek lenni –
erdőkből származó termékek.
for climate regulation.
az éghajlatszabályozásban.
of the evaporation that makes rain
– ebből lesz az eső –
20 billion tons of water every day.
vizet pumpál az atmoszférába naponta.
which is the largest river in the world,
folyó, a világ legnagyobb folyója,
which is 17 billion tons.
Az ugyanis 17 milliárd tonna.
the same effect as evapotranspiration,
ugyanennyi párolgást előállítanunk,
power generation capacity of the world.
áramkapacitására lenne szükségünk.
about four billion hectares of forests.
hektárnyi erdő van.
Canada and Brazil all together,
teljes területét lefednék.
is in the temperate zone,
hectares, holds most of the biodiversity,
a biológiai sokféleség többsége.
of the living biomass, the carbon.
az élő biomassza 50%-a is.
six billion hectares of forest --
what we have -- 2,000 years ago.
2000 évvel ezelőtt.
in the last 2,000 years.
hektárnyi erdőt vesztettünk el.
we lost half of that.
from deforestation of temperate forests
erdők irtásáról
of forest in the tropics
vesztettünk el a trópusokon
in temperate forests.
a mérsékelt övben.
that we are having.
halad előre a pusztítás.
piece of this puzzle.
forest in the world, just after Russia.
legnagyobb erdője – Oroszország után.
the world's forests are in Brazil,
It's a very big, large area.
Hatalmas területet foglal el.
many of the European countries there.
of the forest cover.
pump that we have in the Amazon
az erőteljes pumpát,
fast and accelerating
and the beginning of the 2000s.
és a 2000-es évek elején.
square kilometers in one year.
of Costa Rica every year.
– 2003, 2004 környékén –,
in the government.
in the National Forest Department,
and find out the causes of deforestation,
mely az erdőirtás okait vizsgálta,
at a national level,
the civil society,
s a helyi lakosokkal,
tackle those causes.
with 144 actions in different areas.
különböző helyeken.
all of them one by one --
of what we had done in the next few years.
a tevékenységünkből.
with the national space agency
a nemzeti űrkutató intézettel.
where deforestation is happening,
hol irtják az erdőt éppen.
we have this system, DETER,
egy rendszert, a DETER-t,
or every two months,
where deforestation is happening
when it's happening.
is fully transparent
in independent systems.
of logs that were illegally taken.
illegálisan eltulajdonított fát.
and all the revenue becomes a fund
A bevétel egy alapba megy,
of local communities as an endowment fund.
projekteket finanszírozunk.
to make a big operation
including a lot of public servants.
köztük sok köztisztviselőt is.
that areas that have been doing
a területek, melyek szemet hunytak
any kind of credit or finance.
támogatást vagy hitelt sem kaphatnak.
and then linked this to the end users.
és értesítették az ügyfeleiket.
the slaughterhouses, and so on
a mészárszékek, és bárki más,
from illegal clear-cut areas,
termékeket vásárolt,
for the deforestation.
to push the problem down.
on land tenure issues.
of protected areas were created,
were indigenous lands.
in Brazil 75 percent.
with the average deforestation
which is the size of Austria.
meg. Akkora terület, mint Ausztria.
it avoided the emission
of CO2 in the atmosphere.
CO2 került az atmoszférába.
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,
kibocsátásának csökkentéséhez
these kinds of actions
economic activity or something like that.
vagy valami ilyesféle.
that it's quite the opposite.
the deepest decline of deforestation,
mikor leginkább csökkent az erdőirtás,
double from the previous decade,
mikor nőtt az erdőirtás.
deforestation come down.
után derült ki.
and it's quite an achievement,
very proud about that.
the deforestation in the Amazon in 2013,
last year, just last year.
a tavalyi év során.
in the other biomes in Brazil,
történő erdőirtást,
deforestation rate in the world.
erdőirtását kapjuk.
we are forest heroes,
not even close to satisfied.
közel sem lehetünk elégedettek.
of forest cover in Brazil
eltűnését Brazíliában,
in the relationship
gas emissions come from deforestation,
gázok 15%-a az erdőirtásból származik,
a big part of the solution
is válhatnak, mivel
to sink, capture and store carbon.
és tárolásának legjobb módját nyújtják.
of climate and forests
az éghajlat és az erdők közt.
and made me change my career
köszönhetem, hogy pályát váltottam,
with climate change.
in British Columbia,
the forest services of other countries
like Canada, Russia, India, China, U.S.
Oroszország, India, Kína és az USA.
we learned about this pine beetle
egy fenyőbogárról,
the forests in Canada.
erdőket emészt fel Kanadában.
these are really dead trees.
már elpusztultak.
because of the larvae of the beetle.
the cold weather in the winter.
the sufficient cold weather
the population of this beetle.
that is really killing billions of trees.
that the forest is actually
hogy az erdők
victims of climate change.
leginkább érintett áldozata.
with all my colleagues
later on for climate change
éghajlatváltozás elleni csatát
on climate change,
éghajlatváltozással foglalkozom.
the challenge, and go from there.
s onnan lépek tovább.
is pretty straightforward.
of the average temperature
to this limit of two degrees,
két Celsius-fokos célt,
számunkra a túlélés,
Panel on Climate Change,
Munkacsoport) szerint
of 1,000 billion tons of CO2
kell beterveznünk
by the number of years,
of 11 billion tons of CO2 per year.
jut egy évre.
running 20 kilometers a day,
egy év alatt,
or to London, one way.
London közt.
are 50 billion tons, and it's growing.
tonnára rúg, és egyre növekszik.
it will be 61 by 2020.
from seven to nine billion people,
tízre fog nőni.
from 60 trillion dollars in 2010
is to be much more efficient
from seven tons of carbon per capita
karbonkibocsátást tehát
into something like one.
You take the airplane or you have a car.
vagy kocsit tartunk.
a plan to combat deforestation.
Can we really do it?
Meg tudjuk-e oldani?
of the greenhouse gas emissions
üvegházhatást okozó gázok 60%-ért felelős
less than 30 percent.
60%-ban felelős.
tackle deforestation,
that I think we should do.
kellene elvégeznünk.
from carbon emissions.
a fejlesztést a karbonkibocsátástól.
to actually get more jobs
hogy több állás legyen,
when we decreased deforestation
csökkentettük az erdőirtást
in the energy sector.
the incentives to the right place.
helyre kell, hogy kerüljenek.
goes into subsidies for fossil fuels.
részesülnek a fosszilis tüzelőanyagok.
and transfer this to the renewable energy?
s fordítsuk azt a megújítható energiákra.
and make it transparent
kell tennünk,
is emitting greenhouse gases
üvegházhatást okozó gázokat,
for each one of those opportunities.
the routes of development,
fejlődési fokokat.
to go to the landline telephone
to go to fossil fuels
who don't have access to energy
between governments,
a kormányok,
and we need to have everybody on board.
be kell szállnia.
as business as usual goes.
mintha mi sem történt volna.
to actually change the route,
az irányváltoztatáshoz,
change the route.
változtatni utunkat.
with deforestation in Brazil,
mindez egyszer már sikerült.
with climate change in the world.
is valóra válhat.
Tasso Azevedo - Forester and sustainability activistTasso Azevedo has helped reduce the rate of deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest by 75 percent — and inspired similar efforts around the world.
Why you should listen
Tasso Azevedo founded the Brazilian non-governmental organization Imaflora in 1995 to create alternatives to deforestation. It became the leading environmental certification institution in Brazil. In 2003 he was appointed as the first director general of Brazil's National Forest Service.
In that job, by showing how the health of the Amazon rainforest is directly connected to his country’s economic stability and energy security, he led the implementation of an innovative framework of incentives for sustainable forestry that contributed to reduce the ate of deforestation in the Amazon by 75 percent -- and Brazil's greenhouse gas emissions by one-third. Today, Azevedo is focused on addressing climate change globally.
Tasso Azevedo | Speaker | TED.com