Mike Velings: The case for fish farming
Mike Velings: Alasan melakukan budidaya ikan
Mike Velings understands the potential for business to create durable solutions to complex world problems. Full bio
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people on the planet --
tertinggi di planet ini --
people have been gaining height.
orang telah meninggi.
di negara-negara maju,
10 centimeters taller.
of theories about why this is,
tentang penyebabnya
melibatkan gizi
has more than quadrupled,
meningkat empat kali lipat lebih,
with milk and eggs.
so has protein consumption.
mereka bisa mengkonsumsi protein.
we are getting richer.
kita semakin kaya.
begitu juga penduduk dunia,
so is our global population,
to 9.7 billion by 2050,
menjadi 9,7 miliar pada tahun 2050
70 percent more protein
70 persen lebih banyak protein
puts that population number,
menempatkan jumlah penduduk
to need a lot more protein.
lebih banyak protein.
Global Sustainability Institute suggested
Anglia Ruskin menyarankan
our global policies
in the next 30 years.
30 tahun ke depan.
as the main source of animal protein.
sumber utama protein hewani.
depend on it every single day.
bergantung pada laut setiap hari.
are two-and-a-half times larger
dua setengah kali lebih besar
can sustainably support,
secara berkelanjutan,
far more fish from the ocean
lebih banyak dari laut
showing that just in the last 40 years,
bahwa hanya dalam 40 tahun terakhir,
has been slashed in half.
telah berkurang setengah.
that of our largest predatory species,
bahwa spesies predator terbesar,
since the 1950s.
sejak 1950-an.
fishing initiatives across the planet
berkelanjutan yang besar di seluruh dunia
and better-managed fisheries.
perikanan yang lebih baik.
towards keeping current catch constant.
tangkapan sekarang tetap konstan.
lebih banyak dari sekarang ini.
much more from the ocean
our oceans the way we have.
penjarahan laut seperti sekarang.
for more produce,
produksi lebih besar,
a growing global population.
penduduk dunia yang terus tumbuh.
in just 35 short years
dalam 35 tahun yang singkat kedepan
sharing the same resources?
berbagi sumber daya yang sama?
to mandate globally.
untuk mengarahkan dunia.
whether we like it or not.
orang makan protein hewani.
recently reported
kekurangan gizi dan pangan,
from malnutrition and food shortage,
growing, global population
like water, energy and land.
seperti air, energi dan tanah.
riots and further malnutrition.
kerusuhan dan malnutrisi yang buruk.
on natural resources.
sumber daya alam yang kritis.
food production systems.
pangan dunia.
shellfish and crustaceans.
kerang dan krustasea.
Jacques Cousteau once said,
Jacques Cousteau pernah berkata,
as farmers instead of hunters.
sebagai petani bukan pemburu.
farming instead of hunting."
budidaya bukannya berburu."
yang kita buru.
hearing phrases like,
mendengar perkataan,
virtually nothing about?
during its lifetime,
pollution it encounters.
yang ditemuinya.
of Fukushima yesterday.
pantai Fukushima kemarin.
tidak pernah melampaui pemburu
never goes beyond the hunter
is the best food choice.
adalah pilihan makanan terbaik.
any other type of meat.
jenis daging lainnya.
is pretty monotonous.
semua peternakan cukup monoton.
pretty much sums it up.
cukup merangkum semuanya.
being farmed currently.
sedang dibudidayakan saat ini.
reflect that on their shelves,
menunjukkan hal ini,
in a very healthy manner
dengan cara sangat sehat
and good for the fish.
dan baik untuk ikan.
Amy Novograntz, and I got involved
Amy Novogratz dan aku terlibat
in the Galapagos.
di Mission Blue I di Galapagos.
and concerned citizen,
dan warga yang peduli,
about ocean conservation --
untuk konservasi laut --
kami lakukan bersama.
lead us to fish farming.
kami akan melakukan budidaya ikan.
we got off the boat,
meninggalkan kapal,
at Conservation International,
Conservation International,
was talking about aquaculture,
bicara tentang akuakultur,
to stop turning from it,
pegiat lingkungan berhenti menghindarinya,
and populations need.
masyarakat dan laut.
about this industry already
tentang industri ini,
to help get it right.
membantunya dengan benar.
consumed globally,
yang dikonsumsi dunia,
of the total amount of beef
tonase daging sapi
of wild-caught seafood
tangkapan laut liar
than what we catch from the wild.
dari tangkapan liar.
85 million tons to meet demand,
85 juta ton untuk memenuhi permintaan
as much, almost,
out of our oceans.
going to come from the ocean.
bukan dari tangkapan liar.
to grow and stay alive,
untuk tumbuh dan tetap hidup,
eight to nine pounds of feed
delapan sampai sembilan pon pakan
inhabitant on this planet.
rain forests for it.
hutan tropis demi peternakan
has a very limited supply.
yang sangat terbatas.
that with fish farming.
dengan budidaya ikan.
with just one pound of feed,
dengan hanya satu pon pakan,
first of all, float.
resisting gravity like we do.
melawan gravitasi seperti kita.
animal protein available to humankind,
paling efisien bagi manusia
65 million tons that's annually caught
tangkapan per tahun
caught for animal feed,
tangkapan untuk pakan ternak,
for the aquaculture industry
untuk industri akuakultur,
globally, are badly managed.
dikelola buruk.
of our time are connected to it.
berkaitan dengan perikanan.
imaginable are connected to it.
berkaitan dengan perikanan.
of the world's aquaculture industry
industri akuakultur dunia
have far more problems --
jauh lebih banyak masalah --
there's acidification,
of our fisheries,
interconnected everything is.
semuanya saling terhubung.
dan lainnya.
these choices come from,
at the bottom of the ocean?
di bawah laut?
peternakan terbaik bagi manusia
available to humankind.
transfered to wild populations,
menjangkiti populasi liar,
with wild populations,
food that was on our plate,
makanan di atas piring,
system that we can trust,
yang transparan dan bisa dipercaya
technologies and knowledge
teknologi dan pengetahuan baru
without any of these issues.
tanpa isu-isu ini.
before the green revolution --
sebagai revolusi hijau --
and the blue revolution.
sebagai revolusi biru.
that's perfectly natural,
pangan yang alami
seaweeds and micro-algae.
rumput laut dan mikroalga.
for high-grade fish meal --
dan bermutu tinggi --
daur ulang yang sempurna
it actually is to use it as fish feed.
untuk pakan ikan.
dan tidak perlu menebang hutan tropis
to cut down rain forests for it.
net water producers.
adalah produsen air bersih.
species than ever before
banyak spesies dari sebelumnya
creating happy fish.
menjadikan ikan yang bahagia.
more efficiently than insect farming,
lebih efisien dari penangkaran serangga
healthy, happy, delicious fish
ikan yang sehat, bahagia dan lezat
with a minimal footprint.
up to 10 species next to each other --
hingga 10 spesies bersamaan--
off the effluent of fish, for example.
dari limbah ikan, misalnya.
popping up all over the globe.
bermunculan di seluruh dunia,
and chemicals anymore,
dan bahan kimia lagi,
when the fish are hungry,
untuk mengetahui ikan yang lapar
and create less pollution.
dan mengurangi polusi.
data across farms,
data seluruh pembudidayaan,
happening all over the globe.
terjadi di seluruh dunia.
all of these things are possible
semua hal ini mungkin
to what a farmer spends today.
dari yang penangkar keluarkan sekarang.
for anyone to not do the right thing.
untuk tidak melakukan yang benar.
menghubungkan titik titik itu
a big kick in the butt.
pada perkembangan ini
the last couple of years,
beberapa tahun terakhir,
to be working on together --
across the value chain,
di seluruh rantai nilai,
across the globe,
di seluruh dunia,
a collective vision.
change in this industry
perubahan dalam industri ini
a sustainable direction.
as far-fetched as you might think.
dan bukan angan-angan.
it needs to be one
in San Francisco or Northern Europe --
di San Francisco atau Eropa Utara --
and healthy that they can trust
dan sehat yang bisa mereka percaya
that they know nothing about.
yang mereka tidak ketahui.
farmed fish on their plate
untuk hanya mencicipi ikan tangkar
dengan baik dan sehat --
and that's farmed healthy --
comes from and how it was produced
dan cara produksinya
on the aquaculture industry
pada industri akuakultur
pada makanan Anda
about what you eat
akan mendapatkan manfaatnya.
Mike Velings - Entrepreneur and conservationistMike Velings understands the potential for business to create durable solutions to complex world problems.
Why you should listen
Mike Velings is the co-founder and the driving force behind Aqua-Spark, a global investment fund for sustainable aquaculture, combining a healthy financial profit with environmental and social impact. A lifelong entrepreneur, Mike has spent decades jumpstarting a range of successful businesses. Among other ventures, he co-founded Connexie, which has helped catalyze a professional employment industry across the Netherlands.
Mike naturally combines his business background with environmental and social engagement. He understands the potential for business to create durable solutions to complex world problems. With this in mind, Mike founded Aqua-Spark, an investment company that assists entrepreneurs across the globe in realizing their visions of a startup with a world-changing element. Through Aqua-Spark he has invested in a broad range of ventures over the years — both in the developed and developing world.
Mike serves on several boards and is a member of the Conservation International’s Leadership Council as well as an Honorary Global Marine Fellow.
Mike Velings | Speaker | TED.com