Romina Libster: The power of herd immunity
Romina Libster: Puterea imunității colective
Dr. Romina Libster investigates influenza and other respiratory viruses, searching for ways to most effectively keep viruses from spreading. Full bio
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I had to see as a pediatrician was Sol,
ca medic pediatru a fost Sol,
of a severe respiratory infection.
o infecție respiratorie severă.
a cărui stare să se degradeze aşa rapid.
a patient worsen so fast.
pe respiraţie artificială,
she was connected to a respirator
and after a quite distressing catharsis,
destul de dureroasă,
rezidenților spunând:
Trebuie să anunţăm părinții.”
came to mind,
să aibă o soartă atât de nefericită?”
baby be so unfortunate?"
pentru a evita asta?”
something about it?"
multe dintre bolile infecțioase
killed millions of people per year.
au murit 50 de milioane de persoane.
populația Argentinei de acum.
current population.
își amintesc epidemia de poliomielită
remember the polio epidemic
available against polio.
un vaccin împotriva poliomielitei.
They were going crazy.
Erau înnebuniți.
with caustic lime.
în hainele copiilor
as if that could do something.
au murit mii de oameni.
thousands of people died.
neurologice foarte grave.
with very significant neurological damage.
generația mea a avut norocul
my generation was lucky
atât de îngrozitoare ca aceea.
as terrible as this.
dintre marile succese
of the 20th century's public health.
cel mai mult mortalitatea,
that have most reduced mortality,
o boală îngrozitoare ca variola,
such as smallpox from the planet
puternică a mortalității
reducing mortality
tusea convulsivă, polio și multe altele.
fac parte din grupul numit:
vaccine-preventable diseases.
something must be done.
if not all of us here today,
la un moment dat în viață.
at some point in our life.
că mulți dintre noi știu ce vaccinuri
we should receive after adolescence.
who we are protecting
pe cine protejăm când ne vaccinăm?
de a ne proteja pe noi înșine?
beyond protecting ourselves?
că suntem într-un oraș
dintr-o anumită boală, cum ar fi pojarul.
of a particular disease,
n-a luat contact cu boala,
has ever had contact with the disease.
nor been vaccinated against measles.
împotriva pojarului.
o persoană bolnavă de pojar,
appears in this city
de la persoană la persoană.
from person to person,
în toată comunitatea.
throughout the community.
din populație bolnavă.
când nu existau vaccinuri.
au imunitate împotriva pojarului.
of the population
the measles, which means
și au dezvoltat imunitate naturală,
survived, and developed natural defenses;
immunized against measles.
o persoană bolnavă de pojar,
appears in this city,
that much from person to person.
bine de la persoană la persoană.
to pay attention to something.
bolii în comunitate
of the disease
oamenii din acea comunitate
the people in this community
coming in contact with the disease,
cei nevaccinați din comunitate,
within a community receive
de oameni vaccinați,
by vaccinated people,
de imunitatea de grup
on this herd immunity
nu sunt ipotetice, din infografice.
in infographics are not just hypothetical.
and nephews, our children,
pentru a primi primul vaccin.
to receive their first shots.
frații noștri, amicii noștri,
care le diminuează imunitatea.
that lowers their defenses.
la anumite vaccinuri.
allergic to a particular vaccine.
cei care ne vaccinăm,
the expected effect,
sunt mereu 100% eficiente.
are always 100 percent effective.
aproape exclusiv de imunitatea de grup
almost exclusively on herd immunity
al imunității de grup,
din populație să fie vaccinată.
of the population be vaccinated.
generat de vaccin.
that the vaccine generates.
dintr-o comunitate
in a vaccinated community
to spread more freely
of this disease within the community.
al acestei boli în comunitate.
at some point controlled may reappear.
and is still happening.
britanic a publicat un articol
published an article
mai importante reviste medicale
medical journals,
și rubeolei, era asociat cu autismul.
mumps and rubella,
să nu se mai vaccineze,
and stopped vaccinating their children.
în multe locuri din lume,
fell below this threshold.
cu pojar în multe orașe din lume:
in many cities in the world --
iar unii au murit de pojar.
within the medical community.
în comunitatea medicală.
pentru a vedea dacă este adevărat.
if this was actually true.
and autism at the population level,
susținea lucruri incorecte.
had incorrect claims.
the article in 2010.
a nu ne vaccina sunt efectele adverse.
for not getting vaccinated
can have potential adverse effects.
decât posibilele complicații.
than possible complications.
vrem să ne facem bine rapid.
we want to heal fast.
o infecție, luăm antibiotice.
when we have an infection,
luăm un anti-hipertensiv.
when we have high blood pressure,
și vrem să ne vindecăm repede.
and we want to heal fast.
să ne gândim la prevenirea bolilor,
to think of preventing diseases,
when we are healthy?
when affected by an illness,
în Argentina și în toată lumea.
in Argentina and worldwide.
la lumină primele cazuri,
began to come to light,
în sezonul de iarnă.
were entering the winter season.
ran into pharmacies to buy alcohol gel.
pentru a cumpăra gel alcoolic.
pentru a primi un vaccin,
in pharmacies to get a vaccine,
care îi proteja împotriva noului virus.
if it was the right vaccine
against this new virus.
pe lângă bursa de cercetare
my fellowship at the Infant Foundation,
pentru o companie medicală privată.
for a prepaid medicine company.
garda la 8 dimineața
my shift at 8 a.m.,
of 50 scheduled visits.
de 50 vizite programate.
people didn't know what to do.
that I was examining.
pe care îi vedeam.
what we were used to seeing in winter,
obișnuită să-i văd iarna,
mentorului meu de la bursa de cercetare
to my fellowship mentor,
a auzit de la un coleg,
the same from a colleague,
însărcinate și de adulți tineri
of pregnant women
să înțelegem ce se întâmpla.
what was happening.
we took the car
din provincia Buenos Aires,
in Buenos Aires Province,
pentru cazurile cu noul virus gripal.
for cases of the new influenza virus.
it was crowded.
în combinezoane de bio-siguranță tip NASA.
in NASA-like bio-safety suits.
didn't breathe for two hours.
reaching out to pediatricians
din capitală și zona limitrofă.
and in Buenos Aires Province.
în cel mai scurt timp posibil,
acest nou virus în copiii noștri.
in contact with our children,
this new H1N1 virus had
avea noul virus H1N1
hospitalized by this virus.
în aceste spitale.
got more seriously ill:
se îmbolnăveau mai grav,
less than one year old;
with chronic pulmonary diseases.
was important
a fost extrem de important
vaccinul antigripal,
for getting the influenza vaccine,
în care încă nu ajunsese pandemia.
which the pandemic not yet reached.
H1N1 virus became available,
of the at-risk groups vaccinated,
of individual responsibility,
de responsabilitate individuală,
nu mă protejez doar pe mine,
not only am I protecting myself,
her first vaccine against whooping cough.
împotriva tusei convulsive.
had been vaccinated.
Romina Libster - Medical researcherDr. Romina Libster investigates influenza and other respiratory viruses, searching for ways to most effectively keep viruses from spreading.
Why you should listen
Dr. Romina Libster is a staff scientist and assistant investigator at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She received her Doctor of Medicine, with High Honors from the University Of Buenos Aires School Of Medicine in 2004. She then completed her pediatric internship and residency at the “Pedro de Elizalde” Children’s Hospital in Buenos Aires, Argentina from 2004-2008. Upon completion of this training she began her Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship at the Fundación INFANT in Buenos Aires under the tutelage of a renowned investigator, Dr. Fernando P. Polack. Shortly after assuming her fellowship position, she began the Master in Clinical Effectiveness Program in Buenos Aires. She conducted a series of complex and innovative studies on respiratory viruses, with a special focus on influenza. Romina was invited by Dr. Kathryn M. Edwards to join the Vanderbilt Vaccine Research Program team at Vanderbilt University in 2009 where she is leading a large clinical trial to determine the safety and immunogenicity of sequential rotavirus vaccine schedules. In 2013, Dr. Libster returned to her home country through a repatriation program from Fundación INFANT where she joined the faculty at the institution.
Romina Libster | Speaker |