Bill Gates: The next outbreak? We're not ready
Bill Gates: Următoarea epidemie? Nu sîntem gata
A passionate techie and a shrewd businessman, Bill Gates changed the world while leading Microsoft to dizzying success. Now he's doing it again with his own style of philanthropy and passion for innovation. Full bio
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dezastrul de care ne temeam cel mai mult
was a nuclear war.
down in our basement,
ca acesta jos în beci,
hunker down, and eat out of that barrel.
de catastrofă mondială
of global catastrophe
de oameni în următoarele decenii
in the next few decades,
ar fi un virus foarte infecțios,
a highly infectious virus
in nuclear deterrents.
pentru descurajarea atacurilor.
într-un sistem de prevenire a epidemiilor.
in a system to stop an epidemic.
pentru următoarea epidemie.
in the newspaper,
through the case analysis tools
cu metodele de analiză
eradicarea poliomielitei.
un sistem care n-a mers destul de bine.
that didn't work well enough,
didn't have a system at all.
că n-am avut deloc un sistem.
unele elemente esențiale.
key missing pieces.
pregătiți să se ducă,
ready to go, who would have gone,
seen how far it had spread.
și pînă unde s-a răspîndit.
și erau extrem de imprecise.
before they were put online
gata de plecare.
de pregătire a oamenilor.
did a great job orchestrating volunteers.
a organizat foarte bine voluntarii,
than we should have been
into these countries.
în aceste țări.
to have hundreds of thousands of workers.
sute de mii de lucrători.
să se ocupe de metodele de tratament,
to look at treatment approaches.
ce instrumente să fie folosite.
what tools should be used.
taken the blood of survivors,
de la supraviețuitori
back in people to protect them.
injecții cu plasmă să protejăm oamenii.
are really a global failure.
epidemiilor, nu pentru aceste lucruri.
but not to do these things I talked about.
gata de treabă.
epidemiologists ready to go,
but that's just pure Hollywood.
dar asta e poveste de Hollywood.
ca următoarea epidemie
could allow the next epidemic
decît Ebola.
more devastating than Ebola
of Ebola over this year.
în cursul acestui an.
din vestul Africii.
West African countries.
it didn't spread more.
of heroic work by the health workers.
au muncit eroic.
răspîndirea infecțiilor.
prevented more infections.
încît stau la pat.
that they're bedridden.
into many urban areas.
n-a ajuns în multe zone urbane.
more urban areas,
would have been much larger.
mult mai mare.
să nu mai avem același noroc.
contagioși să se simtă destul de bine
feel well enough while they're infectious
sau să se ducă la piață.
or they go to a market.
a natural epidemic like Ebola,
naturală, ca la Ebola,
make things a thousand times worse.
de o mie de ori mai rău.
of a virus spread through the air,
care se răspîndește prin aer,
foarte repede.
very, very quickly.
peste 30 de milioane de oameni.
died from that epidemic.
a really good response system.
un sistem de reacție foarte bun.
and technology that we talk about here.
de care discutăm aici.
and get information out to them.
iar noi putem informa publicul.
unde sînt oamenii și unde se mișcă.
where people are and where they're moving.
situației și studierea patogenilor
the turnaround time to look at a pathogen
și vaccinurilor potrivite germenilor.
that fit for that pathogen.
dar ele trebuie integrate
into an overall global health system.
on how to get prepared
waiting to go.
us up to large numbers.
îngroșa numerele.
care se poate desfășura rapid.
that can deploy very rapidly.
dacă personalul e bine pregătit,
to check, are people well trained?
about fuel and logistics
cu combustibilul, logistica
și în caz de epidemie.
we need to deal with an epidemic.
in poor countries.
de sănătate solide în țările sărace,
can give birth safely,
the outbreak very early on.
începutul epidemiei.
the training and background
în legătură cu armata,
medical people with the military.
to move fast, do logistics
de mișcare rapidă, de logistică
so that we see where the holes are.
nu exerciții de luptă,
was done in the United States
and it didn't go so well.
pe oameni cu 1 la 0.
de multă cercetare și dezvoltare
in areas of vaccines and diagnostics.
like the Adeno-associated virus,
ca virusul adeno-asociat,
for what this would cost,
pe lîngă pagubele posibile.
compared to the potential harm.
if we have a worldwide flu epidemic,
că în caz de epidemie mondială de gripă
3 000 de miliarde de dolari,
by over three trillion dollars
and millions of deaths.
offer significant benefits
beneficii semnificative,
pentru epidemie.
ar crește echitatea medicală globală
global health equity
nu doar mai sigură.
as well as more safe.
să fie o prioritate absolută.
be a priority.
or go down into the basement.
sau să coborîm în beci.
because time is not on our side.
pentru că timpul nu ține cu noi.
that can come out of the Ebola epidemic,
în epidemia de Ebola
semnal de alarmă, să ne pregătim.
warning, a wake-up call, to get ready.
for the next epidemic.
pregătiți pentru următoarea epidemie.
Bill Gates - PhilanthropistA passionate techie and a shrewd businessman, Bill Gates changed the world while leading Microsoft to dizzying success. Now he's doing it again with his own style of philanthropy and passion for innovation.
Why you should listen
Bill Gates is the founder and former CEO of Microsoft. A geek icon, tech visionary and business trailblazer, Gates' leadership -- fueled by his long-held dream that millions might realize their potential through great software -- made Microsoft a personal computing powerhouse and a trendsetter in the Internet dawn. Whether you're a suit, chef, quant, artist, media maven, nurse or gamer, you've probably used a Microsoft product today.
In summer of 2008, Gates left his day-to-day role with Microsoft to focus on philanthropy. Holding that all lives have equal value (no matter where they're being lived), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has now donated staggering sums to HIV/AIDS programs, libraries, agriculture research and disaster relief -- and offered vital guidance and creative funding to programs in global health and education. Gates believes his tech-centric strategy for giving will prove the killer app of planet Earth's next big upgrade.
Read a collection of Bill and Melinda Gates' annual letters, where they take stock of the Gates Foundation and the world. And follow his ongoing thinking on his personal website, The Gates Notes. His new paper, "The Next Epidemic," is published by the New England Journal of Medicine.
Bill Gates | Speaker |