Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón: Math is forever
Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón: Matematika je večná
Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón links science with humor and stories. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
že ste v bare alebo na diskotéke,
the question comes up,
„Takže čím sa živíš?“
your job is interesting,
práca je zaujímavá,
but it wasn't my fault.
ale ja za to nemôžem.
was awful." (Laughter)
they're not asking you
na aplikácie matematickej vedy.
of mathematical science.
ktoré som nikdy v živote nepoužil?
I never used in my life again? (Laughter)
načo slúži matematika,
what math is for,
will assume an attacking position,
zaujme útočnú pozíciu
zaujme obrannú pozíciu.
will take a defensive position.
medzi ktoré zahŕňam aj seba.
among which I include myself.
ktorí vám povedia,
who would tell you
význam sama osebe –
have a meaning all their own --
so svojou vlastnou logikou –
for all possible applications.
What's the use of love?
Načo je láska?
What kind of question is that?
Čo je to za otázku?“
of this type of attack.
math is behind everything."
na matematike stojí všetko.“
bridges and computers.
your bridge will collapse."
tvoj most sa zrúti.“
have also started saying
začali tiež hovoriť,
and credit cards are prime numbers.
a kreditnými kartami stoja prvočísla.
would give you if you asked him.
keby ste sa ho spýtali.
doesn't need to have a purpose,
nemusí mať účel,
is behind everything we do?
že matematika stojí za všetkým?
claiming something else?
ktoré tvrdí niečo iné. Pamätáte?
načo je matematika.
76.34 percent of you asked the question,
76,34 percent z vás sa spýtalo,
to serve a purpose,
nemusí mať nejaký účel,
a beautiful structure, a logical one,
nádherná logická štruktúra,
of the greatest collective efforts
z najväčších kolektívnych úsilí
are looking for mathematical theories
hľadajú matematické teórie a modely,
which permeates everything.
ktorá preniká všetkým.
somewhat deeper,
and tames creativity.
kto toto predtým nepočul,
who hasn't heard this before
that if you take
the size we normally use,
bežnej hrúbky 0,1 mm,
fold it 50 times,
the distance from the Earth to the sun.
vzdialenosť Zeme k Slnku.
že je to pravda.
of science, only makes sense
this beautiful world we live in.
tomuto nádhernému svetu, v ktorom žijeme.
of this painful world we live in.
tohto bolestivého sveta, v ktorom žijeme.
in this way quite directly.
pomáhajú celkom priamo.
with envy sometimes,
občas so závisťou,
what supports them.
support them,
stoja na všetkých základných vedách,
is the rigor of math.
je presnosť matematiky.
because its results are eternal.
aby jej výsledky boli večné.
at some point
alebo vám niekto povedal,
your definition of forever!
I assure you it's true. (Laughter)
to mi verte. (smiech)
would still be true.
and a good hypotenuse get together
a jedna pekná prepona…
It works like crazy.
to come up with theorems.
the difference between
rozpoznať rozdiel medzi
and a mere conjecture.
a obyčajným dohadom.
enormous, infinite field.
obrovské, nekonečné pole.
without leaving any gaps.
tak, aby nevznikli medzery.
Not circles, those leave little gaps.
Kruhy nie, lebo tie by vytvorili medzery.
but has a smaller border.
rovnakého povrchu menší okraj.
said the best is to use hexagons,
že najlepšie je použiť šesťuholníky,
„Budú to šesťuholníky, paráda!“
Let's go with hexagons!"
it remained a conjecture.
takže to zostalo len predpokladom.
split into Pappists and anti-Pappists,
na Pappistov a anti-Pappistov.
the best shape to use was the hexagon.
najlepšie sú šesťuholníky.
the honeycomb theorem,
vetou o včelom pláste,
you may have. (Laughter)
to three dimensions?
keď prejdeme k trom rozmerom?
with equal pieces,
Kelvin degrees and all,
a truncated octahedron
octahedron at home? (Laughter)
we're having guests."
máme hostí.“
Kelvin's conjecture.
Kelvinovym predpokladom.
Kelvinists and anti-Kelvinists
na Kelvinistov a anti-Kelvinistov,
found this little thing over here --
the very clever name
but it isn't so strange,
ale nie je až taká zriedkavá;
for the Beijing Olympic Games.
pre Olympijské hry v Pekingu.
won eight gold medals,
vyhral osem zlatých medailí
comes along, right?
with the Weaire-Phelan structure.
aj Weaire-Phelanovej štruktúre.
until something better shows up.
nejaká ešte lepšia.
really stands a chance
or even if it's in 1700 years,
it's the best possible shape for the job.
a truth, forever and ever.
pravdou na veky vekov.
that you'll love them forever and ever,
že ho milujete navždy a na veky vekov,
Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón - Math educatorEduardo Sáenz de Cabezón links science with humor and stories.
Why you should listen
Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón links science with humor and stories. He studied theology and has a PhD in mathematics from the University of La Rioja. He speaks on these two topics in universities and secondary schools as a storyteller for children, youth and adults. Sáenz de Cabezón has also been a professor of Computer Information Systems, Discrete Mathematics and Algebra at the University of La Rioja since 2010.
He won the FameLab contest for scientific monologues in Spain in 2013.
Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón | Speaker |