Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón: Math is forever
Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón: Matematika je zauvijek
Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón links science with humor and stories. Full bio
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i nakon nekog vremena
the question comes up,
„A čime se ti baviš?“
your job is interesting,
kažeš: „Ja sam matematičar.“
jedna od ovih dviju rečenica:
ali ne mojom krivnjom.
but it wasn't my fault.
bio užasan." (Smijeh)
was awful." (Laughter)
matematika?“ (Smijeh)
they're not asking you
of mathematical science.
I never used in my life again? (Laughter)
nisam upotrijebio?“ (Smijeh)
what math is for,
podijelimo se u dvije grupe.
zauzima napadački stav,
will assume an attacking position,
zauzima obrambeni stav.
will take a defensive position.
unutar kojih sam i ja.
among which I include myself.
matematičari koji bi ti rekli
who would tell you
jer matematika ima značenje sama po sebi.
have a meaning all their own --
sa svojom vlastitom logikom
sve moguće primjene.
for all possible applications.
Čemu služi ljubav?
What's the use of love?
Kakvo je to pitanje? (Smijeh)
What kind of question is that?
eksponent takvog napada.
of this type of attack.
u obrani ti kažu:
matematika se nalazi u osnovi svega.“ (Smijeh)
math is behind everything."
mostove i računala.
bridges and computers.
srušit će ti se most.“ (Smijeh)
your bridge will collapse."
počeli govoriti
have also started saying
and credit cards are prime numbers.
kreditnih kartica nalaze primarni brojevi.
tvoj profesor matematike kad bi ga pitao.
would give you if you asked him.
doesn't need to have a purpose,
ne treba imati svrhu
iza svega što radimo?
is behind everything we do?
koji tvrde nešto drugo, zar ne?
claiming something else?
pitajte me čemu služi matematika.
23,41% nije reklo ništa,
76.34 percent of you asked the question,
da matematika ne treba služiti svrsi,
to serve a purpose,
a beautiful structure, a logical one,
jednom od najvećih zajedničkih napora
of the greatest collective efforts
znanstvenici i tehničari
are looking for mathematical theories
koje im omogućuju napredak,
koja prožima sve.
which permeates everything.
nešto dublje
somewhat deeper,
iza znanosti.
pomoću kreativnosti, a matematika
i ukroćuje kreativnost.
and tames creativity.
su iznenađeni kada čuju
who hasn't heard this before
that if you take
kakav obično koristimo,
the size we normally use,
presavinuli ga 50 puta,
fold it 50 times,
udaljenosti Zemlje do Sunca.
the distance from the Earth to the sun.
Izračunaj i vidjet ćeš da je istina.
imaju smisla samo zato što nam omogućuju
of science, only makes sense
ovaj lijepi svijet u kojem živimo.
this beautiful world we live in.
pomaže izbjeći zamke
of this painful world we live in.
u kojem živimo.
pomažu prilično izravno.
in this way quite directly.
ponekad sa zavišću, ali i znajući
with envy sometimes,
what supports them.
support them,
znanost je strogost matematike.
is the rigor of math.
jer su njezini rezultati vječni.
because its results are eternal.
ili vam je nekad netko rekao
at some point
pod tim pojmom.
your definition of forever!
jest zauvijek! (Smijeh)
on je i dalje istinit
uvjeravam te. (Smijeh)
I assure you it's true. (Laughter)
bi i dalje nastavio biti istinit.
would still be true.
i dobra hipotenuza (Smijeh)
and a good hypotenuse get together
It works like crazy.
pronalasku teorema.
to come up with theorems.
tako lako razabrati
the difference between
od obične pretpostavke.
and a mere conjecture.
veliko, golemo, beskonačno polje.
enormous, infinite field.
ne ostavljajući nikakvih praznina.
without leaving any gaps.
Ne krugove, oni ostavljaju praznine.
Not circles, those leave little gaps.
koji mogu upotrijebiti?
ali ima manje stranice.
but has a smaller border.
da je najbolje upotrijebiti heksagone,
said the best is to use hexagons,
Ali nije to i dokazao!
Daj mi heksagone!“
Let's go with hexagons!"
ostalo je na pretpostavci.
it remained a conjecture.
podijelio na papiste i antipapiste,
split into Pappists and anti-Pappists,
the best shape to use was the hexagon.
da je najbolje upotrijebiti heksagone.
teorem o pčelinjem saću,
the honeycomb theorem,
uvijek i zauvijek,
you may have. (Laughter)
pređemo na tri dimenzije?
to three dimensions?
dijelovima, ne ostavljajući praznine,
with equal pieces,
male praznine. (Smijeh)
koji mogu upotrijebiti?
čuveni Kelvinovi stupnjevi, rekao je
Kelvin degrees and all,
skraćeni oktaedar (Smijeh)
a truncated octahedron
(Smijeh) ovo ovdje! (Pljesak)
kod kuće? (Smijeh)
octahedron at home? (Laughter)
skraćeni oktaedar, imamo goste.“
we're having guests."
Ali Kelvin to nije dokazao.
Kelvinovoj pretpostavci.
Kelvin's conjecture.
Kelvinists and anti-Kelvinists
na kelviniste i antikelviniste
ovu stvarčicu ovdje
found this little thing over here --
kojoj su nadjenuli vrlo dovitljivo ime
the very clever name
ali nije tako čudna,
but it isn't so strange,
zbog svojih geometrijskih svojstava,
Centra za vodene sportove
for the Beijing Olympic Games.
osam zlatnih medalja i postao
won eight gold medals,
netko bolji, zar ne?
comes along, right?
i Weaire-Phelanovoj strukturi.
with the Weaire-Phelan structure.
se ne pojavi nešto bolje.
until something better shows up.
really stands a chance
or even if it's in 1700 years,
najbolji mogući oblik.
it's the best possible shape for the job.
istina, uvijek i zauijek.
a truth, forever and ever.
da ćeš ga voljeti zauvijek,
ali ako mu želiš reći
that you'll love them forever and ever,
daj mu teorem!
Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón - Math educatorEduardo Sáenz de Cabezón links science with humor and stories.
Why you should listen
Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón links science with humor and stories. He studied theology and has a PhD in mathematics from the University of La Rioja. He speaks on these two topics in universities and secondary schools as a storyteller for children, youth and adults. Sáenz de Cabezón has also been a professor of Computer Information Systems, Discrete Mathematics and Algebra at the University of La Rioja since 2010.
He won the FameLab contest for scientific monologues in Spain in 2013.
Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón | Speaker |