Susan David: The gift and power of emotional courage
Susan David: Dar in moč čustvenega poguma
Susan David, a Harvard Medical School psychologist, studies emotional agility: the psychology of how we can use emotion to bring forward our best selves in all aspects of how we love, live, parent and lead. Full bio
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intention behind the word
literally translated means,
I bring you into being."
being greeted like that.
da vas tako pozdravijo.
in the way we see ourselves?
and fraught world?
in stresnem svetu?
at the center of my life's work.
je center mojega življenjskega dela.
with our inner world drives everything.
z našim notranjim svetom, določa vse.
of emotions as good or bad,
na čustva kot dobra in slaba,
of complexity is toxic.
je škodljiva.
of emotional agility
čustvene prožnosti,
of a university,
v posvečenih dvoranah univerze,
of apartheid South Africa,
belem predmestju Južne Afrike,
committed to not seeing.
v svoji slepoti
of racist legislation possible
rasistične zakonodaje,
that they are doing nothing wrong.
da niso storili ničesar narobe.
of the destructive power of denial
uničujočo moč zanikanja
to the country of my birth.
povzroča moji rodni deželi.
and say goodbye to my father
naj se grem poslovit od očeta,
and walked the passage that ran through
in odšla po hodniku, ki je vodil
my father lay dying of cancer.
kjer je moj oče umiral za rakom.
but he knew I was there.
toda vedel je, da sem tam.
sem se vedno počutila videno.
to mathematics to history to biology,
matematiko, zgodovino in biologijo,
do septembra in novembra
s svojim običajnim nasmehom.
I would shrug and say, "OK."
sem skomignila in rekla: "OK."
to keep his small business going
svojega malega podjetja
was grieving the love of her life
za ljubeznijo svojega življenja,
and emotionally ravaged.
in čustveno opustošeni.
isolated, fast.
V samoti in na hitro.
sem začela izrabljati hrano.
the full weight of my grief.
s celotno težo svoje žalosti.
that values relentless positivity,
ki ceni nenehno pozitivnost,
my story of triumph over grief.
s svojo zgodbo o zmagi nad žalostjo.
fixed me with burning blue eyes
vame s svojimi prodornimi modrimi očmi
authentically to my grief and pain.
avtentičnost svoje žalosti in bolečine.
that started in this blank notebook
v tem praznem zvezku
correspondence with myself.
the rigidity of denial
onkraj rigidnosti zanikanja
from its fragility.
se ne da ločiti od njegove krhkosti.
that we are unseen.
da nas nihče ne opazi.
in potem nekega dne spoznamo,
where that child once was,
kjer je bil včasih otrok,
brings us to our knees.
ne spravi na kolena.
this frailty successfully or sustainably.
ne soočamo preveč uspešno in trajno.
tells us that depression
nam pravi, da je depresija
of disability globally --
najbolj razširjena bolezen,
political and economic change,
sprememb brez primere,
into rigid responses to their emotions.
na lastna čustva.
obsessively brood on our feelings.
obsesivno izgubljamo v svojih čustvih.
bottle our emotions,
deemed legitimate.
ki se zdijo legitimna.
with over 70,000 people,
ki je vključevala čaz 70.000 ljudi,
so-called "bad emotions,"
tako imenovana "slaba čustva"
these feelings.
like our children --
ki jih imamo radi, otrokom -
out of emotions seen as negative,
ki jih vidimo kot negativna,
as inherently valuable.
are now seen as good or bad.
smatramo dandanes kot dobra ali slaba.
a new form of moral correctness.
nova oblika moralne korektnosti.
to just stay positive.
naj ostanejo pozitivni.
or false positivity, it's this:
odrivanja čustev in lažne pozitivnosti
lesson we can learn
are pushed aside or ignored,
in the refrigerator --
v hladilniku --
of unwanted emotions when you ignore them,
nad nezaželenimi čustvi, ko jih odrivaš-
da imajo ona kontrolo nad teboj.
to embrace false positivity,
z zlagano pozitivnostjo,
to deal with the world as it is,
s svetom, kakršen je danes
what they don't want to feel.
I don't want to feel disappointed."
ker nočem biti razočaran."
by their feelings.
in jim ni neprijetno ob njih.
that comes with failure.
of our contract with life.
so del naše pogodbe z življenjem.
ali čutili nelagodje.
to a meaningful life.
za izpolnjujoče življenje.
zmanjševanja naše togosti,
to what I did feel.
temu, kar sem dejansko čutila.
of all of our emotions --
vseh naših čustev --
to resilience, thriving,
soočanja s svetom, za uspeh
that just an acceptance of emotions.
kot le sprejemanje čustev.
I found that words are essential.
da je izbor besed bistven.
to describe our feelings.
za opis svojih čustev.
common one I hear.
je ena najpogostejših, ki jih slišim.
between stress and disappointment
stresom in razočaranjem
of "I'm in the wrong career."
da smo na napačni življenjski poti.
the precise cause of our feelings.
natančen vzrok našim občutkom.
the readiness potential in our brain
potencial pripravljenosti naših možganov,
to take concrete steps.
da nekaj konkretnega ukrenemo.
the right steps for us.
to things that we care about.
pri stvareh, ki so nam pomembe.
anything in our worlds.
ko preberete novico,
that you value equity and fairness --
da cenite pravičnost in poštenost --
to the difficult emotions,
that are values-aligned.
ki so skladni z našimi vrednotami.
they are not directives.
our emotions for their values
in raziskujemo z njimi povezane vrednote.
in his frustration with his baby sister --
v frustraciji glede nove sestrice --
that he gets to give her away
nameri, da jo odda
he sees in a shopping mall.
between how I feel in all my wisdom
razliko med tem kako se počutimo
skladno s svojimi vrednotami,
to the journal of your hearts.
prisluhni dnevniku svojega srca.
as in, "I'm angry" or "I'm sad."
"Sem jezna" ali "sem žalostna".
as if you are the emotion.
and the emotion is a data source.
čustvo pa je vir podatkov.
the feeling for what it is:
opozovati občutek kakršen je:
to bring the best of themselves to work,
da se trudijo po najboljših močeh,
to feel their emotional truth,
svojo emocionalno resnico,
flourish in the organization.
kreativnost in inovativnost.
individuals, teams,
posamezniki, kolektivi,
to the normal human emotions.
do normalnih človeških čustev.
towards my values?"
proti mojim vrednotam?"
to be with your emotions
biti s svojimi čustvi
to take values-connected steps.
ki so v sozvočju z našimi vrednotami.
terrified by the idea of death.
zaradi strašnega strahu o smrti.
with soft pats and kisses.
z nežnimi dotiki in poljubčki.
a buffer between me and reality.
through those nights.
s katero me je vodil skozi tiste noči.
is not an absence of fear;
da pogum ni odsotnost strahu;
da ga čez kratkih 10 let
is all too precious
tako zelo dragocen
brez zadržkov pritrditi.
correspondence with your own heart.
vseživljenjskega pogovora s svojim srcem.
Susan David - Psychologist, researcher, authorSusan David, a Harvard Medical School psychologist, studies emotional agility: the psychology of how we can use emotion to bring forward our best selves in all aspects of how we love, live, parent and lead.
Why you should listen
What does it take internally, in the way we deal with our thoughts, emotions and stories, for us to thrive in a complex and changing world? How we respond to these inner experiences drives our actions, careers, relationships, happiness, health -- everything that matters in our lives. Susan David became fascinated by this question through first-hand experience of loss and resilience, while growing up in a country in which hate was legislated: apartheid South Africa.
David holds a PhD in the psychology of emotions, is an award-winning Harvard Medical School psychologist, and is ranked as one of the world's leading management thinkers. Her #1 Wall Street Journal bestselling book, Emotional Agility, describes the psychological skills critical to thriving in times of complexity and change. David is CEO of Evidence Based Psychology, on Harvard Medical School faculty, and a co-founder of the Institute of Coaching. Described as "a powerful speaker, visionary thinker and inspirational personality," she is an unwavering believer in the power of people to bring the best of who they are to themselves, their children, their organizations and their communities.
Susan David | Speaker |