Wendy Chung: Autism — what we know (and what we don't know yet)
Vendi Čang (Wendy Chung): Autizam - ono što znamo (i ono što još ne znamo)
At the Simons Foundation, Wendy Chung is working to characterize behavior, brain structure and function in people with genetic variations that may relate to autism. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
razvio autizam?"
kao istraživač,
trocifreni broj sa trocifrenim
autism spectrum disorder.
spektar autističnih poremećaja.
da etiketiramo
i početkom '90-ih godina,
pa je sve više roditelja,
bilo je više postavljenih dijagnoza
potrebnim resursima.
šta je uzrok autizma?
the fetal brain is developing,
za pojavu autizma.
koje ne razumemo
pogođeni su autizmom
ima autizam,
genetičkih informacija
for all of the risk for autism,
je samo 31 posto.
i obične braće.
bolesti srca, dijabetes,
tell us what the genes are.
unutar porodice.
kod tih pojedinaca.
u posmatranje
i njegove majku i oca
u ovim slučajevima.
prevaziđenu analogiju
svih 46 tomova
paragraph that was missing,
u tim porodicama.
jedan gen
odozdo nagore,
kako kod osoba sa autizmom,
i praćenje oka,
sa ovom ženom,
na autizam
ono na šta možemo uticati
to use educational strategies.
i obrazovne strategije.
koje možemo koristiti,
za treniranje mozga
upotrebimo zajedničku mudrost
koje imaju člana obolelog od autizma
interaktivnoj mreži o autizmu
značajnu razliku.
going to make a difference
da možemo imati uticaj.
Wendy Chung - GeneticistAt the Simons Foundation, Wendy Chung is working to characterize behavior, brain structure and function in people with genetic variations that may relate to autism.
Why you should listen
Wendy Chung is the director of clinical research at the Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative, which does both basic and applied science to serve people affected by autism spectrum disorders. She's the principal investigator of the foundation's Simons Variation in Individuals Project, which characterizes behavior and brain structure and function in participants with genetic copy number variants such as those at 16p11.2, which are believed to play a role in spectrum disorders.
Chung also directs the clinical genetics program at Columbia University. In assessing and treating kids with autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disabilities, she uses advanced genomic diagnostics to explore the genetic basis of neurological conditions. She thinks deeply about the ethical and emotional questions around genetic medicine and genetic testing.
Wendy Chung | Speaker | TED.com