Manoush Zomorodi: How boredom can lead to your most brilliant ideas
Manuš Zomorodi (Manoush Zomorodi): Kako vas dosada može dovesti do najblistavijih ideja
Every week on her podcast "Note to Self," Manoush Zomorodi searches for answers to life’s digital quandaries. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
u razmaku od tri nedelje
were born three weeks apart
pravili redove ispred radnje,
were lined up outside,
ovog sjajnog novog uređaja,
on this amazing new gadget,
punih ruku nečeg drugog
with my hands full of something else
constant notifications --
u pokretu uz potpunu tišinu.
with complete silence.
10 to 15 miles a day,
nakon trudnoće se istopio.
people into Belgrade
došlo je do nekakve promene.
that something shifted, though.
kada se konačno naspavam.
when I finally did sleep again.
pretočila sam u dela.
of wandering into action.
kao voditelj emisije na javnom radiju.
hosting a public radio show.
trčanja u ratne zone,
rushing off to war zones,
i Tviteru istovremeno.
and on Twitter at the same time.
javnog radijskog servisa u vas
of precious public radio dollars in you
veličinu svoje publike.
my audience size tenfold.
kao blokčić za beleške, zar ne?
than writer's block, right?
što čeka da se iskopa.
waiting to be unearthed.
imala dobru ideju?“
I actually had a good idea?
ona prokleta kolica.
that damn stroller.
koristila za čačkanje telefona.
were filled with phone time.
dok sam čekala kafu s mlekom.
while I waited for my latte.
dok sam sedela na kauču.
while I was sitting on the couch.
svojim kolegama i dragom mužu
and my dear husband
još jedan savršen kauč
another perfect couch
samo dosadni ljudi?
boring people get bored?
kada nam je dosadno?“
when we get bored?
ako nam nikada nije dosadno?
if we never get bored?
otarasili ovog ljudskog osećanja?“
this human emotion entirely?
i kognitivnim psiholozima,
and cognitive psychologists,
called the "default mode."
tzv. „standardnog režima rada“.
dok slažemo veš
while we're folding the laundry
postaje prilično aktivan.
gets really busy.
koji proučava dosadu.
Kada počnete da maštate
Once you start daydreaming
malčice van svesnog,
beyond the conscious,
malo drugačijih veza.
connections to take place.
na magnetnoj rezonanci,
povezujemo nesrodne ideje,
is when we connect disparate ideas,
nagging problems,
„autobiografsko planiranje“.
"autobiographical planning."
stvaramo lični narativ,
we create a personal narrative,
kako bismo ih ostvarili.
we need to take to reach them.
i dok ažuriramo Gugl dokumenta
also while updating a Google Doc
dr Daniel Levitin, kaže da zapravo radimo.
Dr. Daniel Levitin says
Svaki put kada preusmerite pažnju
Every time you shift your attention
neurohemijski prekidač
a neurochemical switch
da bi to ostvario.
to accomplish that.
više stvari istovremeno,
or five things at once,
četiri ili pet stvari odjednom
four or five things at once,
sa jedne stvari na drugu,
from one thing to the next,
you're using glucose, glucose, glucose.
to se više troši glukoza?
ograničene zalihe te materije.
a limited supply of that stuff.
preusmeravali smo na svaka tri minuta.
our attention at work
74 puta dnevno
74 times a day,
u razgovoru sa profesorkom informatike,
talking to professor of informatics,
da, kada su ljudi pod stresom,
that when people are stressed,
preusmeravaju pažnju.
their attention more rapidly.
that a person gets,
to check Facebook.
začaranom krugu, krugu navike.
prekinuli taj začarani krug?
if we broke this vicious cycle?
da mi pomognu da saznam.
sav taj prazan hod u toku dana,
those cracks in our day?
da probudimo svoju kreativnost?
jump-start our creativity?
„Smoreni i blistavi“.
"Bored and Brilliant."
nekoliko stotina ljudi,
a couple hundred people to play along,
počele da se prijavljuju.
started signing up.
they were doing it
da je njihov odnos sa telefonima
that their relationship with their phone
u „međuzavisnost“, da kažemo.
"codependent," shall we say.
između bebe i medvedića
between a baby and its teddy bear
by a stranger --
mene i mog telefona.
between me and my phone.
kao električni alat -
like a power tool:
ako njime ne rukujem pravilno.
if I'm not handling it properly.
Ako strogo ne vodim računa,
If I don't pay close attention,
da sam izgubila sat vremena
that I've lost an hour of time
izmerili poboljšanje
any improvement,
rešili da izmerimo koliko vremena
that would measure how much time
da preuzmu drugu aplikaciju
to download another app
provodili uz svoje telefone,
less time on their phones:
njihovim oružjem.
where they are.
koristili telefone
a day on our phones
da li mi je stigao novi imejl.
did I get a new email?
at Bard College,
on my phone per day,
na svom telefonu,
70 do 100 puta dnevno.
70 to 100 times per day.
mogla da potrošim
that I could have spent
nešto više za sebe,
more creative, more towards myself,
ne radim ništa važno.
I'm not doing anything important.
da posmatraju svoje ponašanje.
to observe their own behavior.
for challenge week.
to instructions in their inbox,
u prijemnom sandučetu,
da ga po ceo dan proveravaš,
to check it all day long,
Kao da imam žmarce po celom telu.
I am absolutely itching.
that I pick up my phone
from one room to another,
that I am really embarrassed
zapravo nije njena krivica.
is not actually her fault.
i predviđena da izaziva.
that the technology is built to trigger.
iz Gugla, Tristan Haris.
Tristan Harris.
ili Netfliks, ili Snepčet,
or I'm Netflix or I'm Snapchat,
more attention from you.
of Netflix recently said,
su Fejsbuk, Jutjub i san.“
are Facebook, YouTube and sleep."
koja vam odvlače pažnju
to spend your attention,
of "Transparent" ends,
još budan da pogledam i nju.“
I'll just stay up and watch it.
vam pokazuje da ste veoma blizu
says you are this close
ličnih informacija.
personal information.
dizajner UX-a rekao,
nazivaju „korisnicima“
to their customers as "users"
vrede puno para.
are worth a lot of money.
i kreator proizvoda u Fejsbuku,
product manager and author,
Izreka kaže - ako je nešto džabe,
The saying is, if any product is free
vaša pažnja je proizvod.
your attention is the product.
kada se učita stranica,
you load a page,
ili nekoj aplikaciji,
milijardu puta dnevno,
billions of times a day,
that one ad impression cost.
dve godine svog života na Fejsbuku.
will spend two years of their life
da se rodila i neka kreativnost.
some creativity kick in.
Bilo mi je valjda dosadno.
koje je vodilo ka vrhu stanice
that went up to the top of the station,
ali mogla bih da se vratim nazad
but I could go back up
i malo odradim vežbe.
and get a little cardio.
pa sam to ponovila,
so I did it again and I did it again,
osećajući se pomalo iscrpljeno,
kind of exhausted,
kako se ranije nisam toga setila.
that had never occurred to me.
ne podrazumeva isto za svakoga.
different things to different people.
je svima bio najteži.
day three's challenge the hardest.
it sucks you in --
i umalo zaplakala.
and nearly cried.
znaju o čemu pričam.
know what I'm talking about.
Ja sam Lijam iz Los Anđelesa
in Los Angeles,
Instagram, Tamblr, Snepčet i Vajn
Instagram, Tumblr, Snapchat and Vine
emotivno iskustvo.
emotional experience at first.
kada pogledam
to look at that lock screen
bez novih obaveštenja,
to što sam odlučujem
društvene mreže ili da ih posećujem,
my social networks,
da odlučuje umesto mene.
to decide that for me.
je bilo veoma tužno
was very sad,
poslednje godine na Tviteru
when I've been on Twitter,
me je zaista naterao da to shvatim.
has really made me realize it.
osećaja odvikavanja,
withdrawal feeling,
da koristim ove moćne alatke.
of these powerful tools.
Nemam onaj osećaj griže savesti
that guilty gut feeling
da dangubim na telefonu.
I'm wasting time on my phone.
ovakve izazove i podsetnike svako jutro.
challenges and reminders like this
what the numbers said
pomalo nezadovoljna,
feeling kind of low,
changing people's behavior
daleko više od onoga što su očekivali,
is far beyond what we thought possible.
mnogo važnije bile priče ljudi.
were the people's stories.
bilo mi je najzanimljivije.
the young people said most intriguing.
some of the emotions
život bez internet veze,
without connectivity,
oni proučavaju tinejdžere
they're studying teenagers
dok pričaju sa prijateljima
while they're talking to their friends
oni su manje kreativni i maštoviti
they are less creative and imaginative
poput nasilja u komšiluku.
like violence in their neighborhoods.
da ta naredna generacija
na neke krupne probleme:
u jednoj IBM-ovoj anketi
kao najvažniju lidersku veštinu.
leadership competency.
odradilo izazov „Smoreni i blistavi“,
did "Bored and Brilliant" that week.
koji je rekao da se osećao
who said he felt like he was waking up
da malo više budemo oflajn,
to be offline a little bit more,
nam je pomalo pojasnilo stvari
gave us some clarity
da odredimo neke ciljeve.
podučavanje ljudi, posebno dece,
especially kids,
da unaprede svoje živote
to improve their lives
da proverite telefon
to check your phone,
kako ćete koristiti tehnologiju,
how you're going to use the technology,
okej, proverite i završite s tim,
that's fine -- do it and be done.
da se razonodite od napornog posla
from doing the hard work
your most productive and creative self.
malo čudno i neprijatno,
and uncomfortable at first,
dovesti do blistavosti.
Manoush Zomorodi - Tech podcasterEvery week on her podcast "Note to Self," Manoush Zomorodi searches for answers to life’s digital quandaries.
Why you should listen
Manoush Zomorodi is the host and managing editor of Note to Self, “the tech show about being human,” from WNYC Studios. Through experiments and conversations with listeners and experts, she examines the new questions tech has brought into our lives. Topics include information overload, digital clutter, sexting “scandals" and the eavesdropping capabilities of our gadgets.
In January 2017, Manoush and Note to Self launched "The Privacy Paradox," a 5-part plan to help people take back control over their digital identity. Tens of thousands of listeners have completed the 5-part plan so far, which Fast Company calls Manoush's "challenge to us to stick up for our internet rights." Her book exploring how boredom can ignite original thinking, Bored and Brilliant: Rediscovering the Lost Art of Spacing Out, comes out in September 2017.
Manoush Zomorodi | Speaker |