Sam Kass: Want kids to learn well? Feed them well
Sem Kes (Sam Kass): Želite da deca dobro uče? Hranite ih dobro
Sam Kass's work connects nutrition and education in an effort to make sure future generations thrive. Full bio
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family of teachers.
za decu sa posebnim potrebama u Čikagu.
teacher in Chicago.
after 25 years teaching fifth grade.
kao nastavnik petog razreda.
nastavnici osim mene.
teaches except for me.
da se dođe do pravih odgovora
to get the right answers
rezultata obrazovanja naše dece?
the educational outcomes for our children?
many important questions,
mnoga važna pitanja,
is a good place to start:
dobro pitanje za početak -
da će naša deca naučiti
and empty of nutrients?
puna šećera i beskorisnih materija?
are literally going hungry?
that we are pouring into schools,
koja se ulažu u školstvo,
up for success?
našu decu za uspeh?
competition called "Chopped."
pod nazivom „Iseckan“.
with mystery ingredients
koristeći zagonetne sastojke
it was a very special one.
trying to break into the limelight --
koji pokušavaju da se proslave -
nothing about --
to call "lunch ladies,"
„tete iz kuhinje“,
we call "school chefs."
da zovemo školske kuvarice.
these women --
for thousands of kids,
with only $2.68 per lunch,
za samo 2,68 dolara po ručku,
actually going to the food.
zaista troši na hranu.
ingredient was quinoa.
za glavno jelo je bila kinoa.
od kada je većina vas jela ručak u školi,
of progress on nutrition,
in most school cafeterias.
veliki napredak u ishrani,
u većini školskih kuhinja.
was cooked by a woman
neću zaboraviti je pripremila žena
in Connecticut.
u našoj zajednici“ u Konektikatu.
italijanskom kobasicom,
restaurant-quality good, except --
i u rangu jela iz restorana,
pretty much uncooked,
skoro skroz presna zrna kinoe u jelo.
that you're supposed to do,
koji optužuje, a što se od mene očekivalo,
I don't know what quinoa is."
ne znam šta je kinoa.“
at High School in the Community,
'Srednjoj školi u našoj zajednici',
that for many of her kids,
da većina njene dece
because she wanted to make sure
jer je želela da bude sigurna
her children would eat.
što je znala da će njena deca jesti.
stick to their ribs, she said.
što će im se zalepiti za kosti.“
to think about learning.
bili toliko jaki
o kojoj su razmišljali.
they tell the same story.
into the context of a child.
of the day, breakfast.
u toku dana - doručak.
when she grows up.
that serves a nutritious breakfast
hranljiv doručak,
one lower in sugar and salt,
of obesity than the average kid.
da bude gojazna nego prosečno dete.
of anxiety and depression.
and she'll show up on time more often.
i češće će dolaziti na vreme.
waiting for her at school.
breakfast waiting for him?
uspeh u matematici.
to have repeated a grade.
već morao da ponavlja jedan razred.
who do not have consistent nourishment,
koja nemaju redovne obroke,
ends of the issue,
of the same coin.
na suprotnim stranama ovog problema,
dve strane istog novčića.
almost 20 percent --
nema dovoljno hrane,
skoro 20 posto -
face hunger every year.
sa glađu svake godine.
of preventable death and disease
smrtnosti i bolesti koje se mogu sprečiti
that we've been talking about tonight
in their lifetime.
nekada u životu.
to put together but is true
these are the same children.
ali je istinito,
and cheap calories
and that their families can afford.
a koje njihove porodice mogu da priušte.
or hours get cut at work,
to cover the basic cost of food.
ili se radno vreme skrati,
za osnovne namirnice.
to solve this problem, right?
da rešimo ovaj problem, zar ne?
we instituted a program
je bio osnivanje programa
40 percent more low-income kids,
to every kid in that school
40 ili više posto siromašne dece
svakom detetu u toj školi.
incredibly successful,
a very difficult barrier
a nutritious breakfast.
jednu veoma tešku prepreku
hranljivog doručka za decu,
breakfast before school,
for the poor kids.
and who needed government help.
samo siromašnoj deci.
or how little their parents make,
i kome je bila potrebna pomoć države.
ili malo njihovi roditelji zarađuju,
implemented this program
scores by 17.5 percent.
iz matematike i čitanja od 17,5 posto.
have a consistent, nutritious breakfast,
increase by 20 percent.
imaju hranljiv doručak,
se povećavaju za 20 posto.
the nourishment they need,
koja im je potrebna,
director at Burke County
sa Donom Martin.
direktor ishrane u okrugu Berk
is one of the poorest districts
od najsiromašnijih okruga
live at or below the poverty line.
na granici siromaštva ili ispod nje.
of the new standards that were coming,
nove standarde koji su se očekivali
fruit and vegetables and whole grains.
svoje standarde o ishrani.
to all of her kids.
i proizvode od celog zrna.
u učionici za svu decu.
dinner when they went home.
večeru kod kuće.
from an unexpected place.
se pojavila sa neočekivanog mesta.
for the Burke County Bears.
mediocre teams for years.
iz okruga Berk.
in the middle of the pack --
trenirao osrednje timove.
of the most passionate football states
na sredini tabele,
najzagriženijih za ragbi u Americi.
kada je Dona promenila jelovnik
the state championship,
da su osvojili svoju ligu,
to Donna Martin.
tog prvenstva Doni Martin.
the basic nourishment,
to the Cheryl Barbaras
is just the starting point.
zdravu hranu je tek početak.
issues that we face.
of properly nourishing ourselves,
sa kojima se srećemo.
da se pravilno hranimo,
that is more stable and secure;
our economic productivity;
koji je stabilniji i bezbedniji,
našu ekonomsku produktivnost,
našu zdravstvenu zaštitu
for generations to come.
where our collective efforts
za generacije koje dolaze.
naši zajednički napori
What is the right question?
more sustainably grown food?
šta je pravo pitanje?
i proizvedena na samoodrživiji način?
Sam Kass - Food entrepreneurSam Kass's work connects nutrition and education in an effort to make sure future generations thrive.
Why you should listen
Food entrepreneur Sam Kass is a former White House Chef and Senior Policy Advisor for Nutrition. He is the founder of TROVE and a partner in Acre Venture Partners.
Kass joined the White House kitchen staff in 2009 as Assistant Chef and, in 2010, became Food Initiative Coordinator. During his White House tenure, he took on several additional roles including Executive Director of First Lady Michelle Obama's "Let’s Move!" campaign and senior White House Policy Advisor for Nutrition. Kass is the first person in the history of the White House to have a position in the Executive Office of the President and the Residence. As one of the First Lady’s longest-serving advisors, he served as Senior Policy Advisor for Healthy Food Initiatives and he helped the First Lady create the first major vegetable garden at the White House since Eleanor Roosevelt’s victory garden.
In 2011, Fast Company included Sam in their list of "100 Most Creative People," and in 2012, he helped create the American Chef Corps, which is dedicated to promoting diplomacy through culinary initiatives. He is also an MIT Media lab fellow, entrepreneur and advisor.
Sam Kass | Speaker |