Jill Heinerth: The mysterious world of underwater caves
Джыл Хайнэрт: Загадкавы свет падводных пячор
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when I was a little kid,
that wasn't really available to me.
такі варыянт не праходзіў.
што нам больш вядома пра космас,
we know a lot more about space
якія бягуць па жылах планеты, —
coursing through our planet,
that was even more remarkable.
гэтай значна больш выключнай справай.
падводнай марской прасторы.
the wonders of inner space.
one of the most dangerous endeavors.
самых небяспечных заняткаў.
here in this room,
plunged into blackness,
скрозь шырокія прасветы,
through these large spaces,
crawling beneath the seats,
to provide your very next breath.
каб зрабіць наступны ўдых.
is not one big solid rock.
нашай губкі-Зямлі,
in our earth's sponge,
працягваюць сваю вандроўку без мяне.
can make that journey without me.
that's going to teach you
to cave dive inside Antarctic icebergs.
які нырнуў у пячоры айсбергаў Антарктыды.
аб'ектам на Зямлі, які рухаўся.
moving object on the planet.
шэльфавага ледніка Роса,
экалогіі лядовага бар'еру
to explore ice edge ecology
[ізалюючымі дыхальнымі апаратамі].
that is used for space walks.
як для выйсця ў адкрыты космас.
нам пагружацца глыбей,
even 10 years ago.
нават 10 год таму.
even up to 20 hours long underwater.
могуць цягнуцца да 20 гадзін.
are repositories of amazing life-forms,
сховішчы дзіўных форм жыцця,
мы ніколі і не ведалі.
live in unusual ways.
and no eyes in many cases,
are also extremely long-lived.
in these caves today
гэтыя пячоры сёння,
of the dinosaurs.
like little swimming dinosaurs.
які плавае.
about evolution and survival?
аб эвалюцыі і выжыванні?
like this remipede swimming in the jar,
40 times his size and kill it.
ў 40 раз большую за яго і забіць яе.
самым небяспечным відам на планеце.
thing on our planet.
у надзвычай прыгожых мясцінах,
in remarkably beautiful places,
caves like this, that are very young,
зусім маладых,
in global climate change.
глабальных зменаў клімату.
and look at the layers within with rocks,
ў розныя гістарычныя эпохі.
at very different times.
blown across the Atlantic Ocean.
перасёк увесь Атлантычны акіян.
на востраве Абака на Багамах.
on the island of Abaco in the Bahamas.
in the rocks within these caves.
мы можам адшукаць перыяды,
of these rocks, we can find times
was very, very dry on earth,
many hundreds of thousands of years.
at other times on earth.
ў розныя перыяды часу.
я і мая каманда здзейснілі
прадпрынятае чалавекам у гэтым рэгіёне.
ever conducted in the region,
супадаў з узроўнем берагавой лініі,
used to lap up against the shoreline,
за сучасны ўзровень.
below current levels.
з палеантолагамі і археолагамі.
and archaeologists.
in the Bahamas, and even in Cuba,
Багамскіх выспаў і нават Кубы
and also human remains in caves,
inhabitants of these regions.
was over 15 years ago,
які мы ладзілі 15 год таму,
that made the very first
трохвымерную мапу падземнай паверхні.
of a subterranean surface.
driving through the cave
якую я вяду па пячоры,
a three-dimensional model as we drove it.
стварала трохвымерную мадэль.
на ўльтранізкіх частотах
our exact position within the cave.
пра наша дакладнае становішча ў пячоры.
кегельбанамі і палямі для гольфу,
and bowling alleys and golf courses,
і навучыла мяне таму,
on the surface of our earth
rivers, lakes and oceans,
гэта не толькі рэкі, вазёры і акіяны,
якая звязвае нас усіх.
that knits us all together.
from which we all drink.
нашу сувязь з падземнымі водамі
our human connections with our groundwater
on this planet,
issue of this century.
гэтага стагоддзя.
як я марыла,
that I always wanted to be,
designed by Dr. Bill Stone, will be.
створанай Білам Стоўнам, давядзецца.
выправіцца на спадарожнік Юпіцера, Эўропу,
is to go to Jupiter's moon Europa
пад змёрзлай паверхняй нябеснага цела.
the frozen surface of that body.
Jill Heinerth - Cave diverJill Heinerth explores underwater caves deep inside the earth.
Why you should listen
More people have walked on the moon than have been to some of the places that Jill's exploration has taken her right here on the earth. From the most dangerous technical dives deep inside underwater caves, to searching for never-before-seen ecosystems inside giant Antarctic icebergs, to the lawless desert border area between Egypt and Libya while a civil war raged around her, Jill's curiosity and passion about our watery planet is the driving force in her life.
Jill’s accolades include induction into the Explorer's Club and the inaugural class of the Women Diver's Hall of Fame. She received the Wyland ICON Award, an honor she shares with several of her underwater heroes including Jacques Cousteau, Robert Ballard and Dr. Sylvia Earle. She was named a "Living Legend" by Sport Diver Magazine and selected as Scuba Diving Magazine's "Sea Hero of the Year 2012."
In recognition of her lifetime achievement, Jill was awarded the inaugural Sir Christopher Ondaatje Medal for Exploration. Established by the Royal Canadian Geographical Society in 2013, the medal recognizes singular achievements and the pursuit of excellence by an outstanding Canadian explorer.
Jill Heinerth | Speaker | TED.com