Juan Enriquez: What will humans look like in 100 years?
Juan Enriquez: Com seran els humans de dins de 100 anys?
Juan Enriquez thinks and writes about the profound changes that genomics and other life sciences will bring in business, technology, politics and society. Full bio
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the tools together to evolve ourselves.
amb les eines per fer-ho.
and we can evolve plants
bactèries i també plantes
where we really have to ask,
en el qual ens hem de preguntar,
and do we want to evolve human beings?
evolucionar éssers humans?
in the context of prosthetics,
en el context dels prostètics,
in one of these battles.
el braç a una batalla.
una nova armadura,
of ruling with an iron fist comes from.
"governar amb mà de ferro".
have been getting more and more useful,
són cada vegada més funcionals,
and as you're thinking about that,
i mentre penseu en això,
com Hugh Herr
absolutely extraordinary prosthetics.
protèsis extraordinàries.
will go out and say,
un dia qualsevol pot dir,
do I want to climb?
penya-segat escalaré avui?
or does somebody want to ballroom dance?
o algú vol anar a ballar?
is they've been coming inside the body.
introduïnt-se dins del cos.
have now become artificial knees.
s'han convertit en genolls artificials.
about a heart pacemaker as a prosthetic,
com a prostètic,
that isn't just, "I'm missing my leg,"
"em falta una cama",
becomes a symbiotic relationship
entra en una relació simbiòtica
that I've ever met --
més intel·ligents que conec --
Joe Jacobson, Bob Lander --
Joe Jacobson, Bob Lander --
for Extreme Bionics.
de Biònica Extrema.
of what you're seeing here is
aquest projecte
now get integrated into the bone.
s'intengren dins de l'òs.
en la que treballa Ed
about how to connect the brain
de connectar el cervell
o altres mecanismes
fundamental aspects of humanity.
fonamentals de la humanitat.
depends on the diameter of a nerve.
depén del diàmetre del nervi.
that are external or prosthetic,
eixe diàmetre
theoretically to the point where,
fins al punt en que,
you could step out of the way of a bullet.
podries esquivar la bala.
of changes you're talking about.
dels canvis de què parlem.
sort of level of prosthetics.
quart nivell de pròtesis.
why these are so interesting
from where prosthetics are something
les pròtesis com una cosa
that somebody who is "normal"
que una persona "normal"
which is really interesting,
pròtesi i que és molt interessant,
going on over there.
You can have white noise.
Podries sentir soroll blanc.
they also put a phone into this.
també porten telèfon.
and also as your phone.
d'audiòfon i de telèfon.
want to have a prosthetic voluntarily.
posar-se una pròtesi voluntàriament.
of loosely connected little pieces
amb gairebé cap relació
over the next century or two?
l'ésser humà en els segles vinents?
to a great philosopher
despite being a Yankee fan.
malgrat ser fan dels Yankees.
that it's very tough to make predictions,
és que costa molt fer prediccions,
about the future to begin with,
fent una predicció del futur,
with people like Tony Atala,
al present amb gent com Tony Atala,
uns 30 òrgans.
isn't having something external, titanium.
no siga un aparell extern de titani.
is take your own gene code,
prendre el teu codi genètic,
than any kind of a prosthetic.
que qualsevol pròtesi.
the work of Craig Venter and Ham Smith.
el treball de Craig Venter i Ham Smith.
that we've been doing
que han estat fent
how to reprogram cells.
com reprogramar cèl·lules.
reprogramar una cèl·lula,
in those organs.
les cèl·lules dels órgans.
the cells in those organs,
eixes cèl·lules,
more radiation-resistant.
resistents a la radiació.
absorbiren més oxígen.
that you don't want in your body.
que no volem al cos.
George Church has been in the news a lot
ha eixit molt a les notícies
one of these programmable cells
d'eixes cèl·lules programables
an entire human genome into a cell,
to enhance any of that genome?
part d'aquest genoma?
to enhance a human body?
el cos humà?
to enhance a human body
un cos humà
to enhance a human body?
millorar un cos humà?
multidimensional chess board
tauler d'escacs multidimensional
human genetics by using viruses
humana amb l'ajuda de virus
through gene therapy
mitjançant teràpia genètica
d'enfermetats hereditàries,
of those genes in the epigenome
d'eixos gens a l'epigenoma
it's not just one little bit,
d'una part xicoteta,
parts una damunt l'altra
to take little portions of it
porcions menudes
that's very different.
are very scared by this stuff.
and there are risks to this stuff.
i correm molts riscos amb açò.
ever want to do this stuff?
clavar-nos a fer açò?
to alter the human body
alterar el cos humà
is the universe is 100 percent malevolent.
l'univers és 100 per cent malèvol.
any one of your bodies at random,
qualsevol dels vostres cossos,
part de l'univers,
de Mercuri, morim.
of Mercury, you die.
about 80 percent effective.
es compleix en un 80 per cent.
upstream eddies of biology
in this rapid torrent of entropy.
torrent de l'entropia.
dissipa l'energia,
that create biological order.
when the Earth becomes very hot,
o s'escalfa molt,
when you have supervolcanoes,
o quan tenim supervolcans,
extinction-level events
que amenacen amb l'extinció
you can have periodic extinctions.
amb extincions periòdiques.
five times on Earth,
cinc vegades a la Terra,
is going to go extinct someday.
desapareixi un dia.
but maybe 10,000 years after that.
però pot ser d'ací 10,000 anys.
of the consequence of that,
les consequències d'açò,
are common and natural
són fets comuns i naturals
to diversify our species.
diversificar la nostra espècie.
really hard to live on Mars
modify the human body.
els fonaments del cos humà.
to make one cell,
per fer una cèl·lula,
10 bilions de cèl·lules.
the gravity substantially,
la gravetat de forma substancial,
to create your body.
quan creem un cos.
our bodies as they currently are
el nostre cos tal com es troba
you have to really redesign things
és precís redissenyar les coses
of Neptune or Jupiter.
de Neptú o Júpiter.
com una sèrie d'escales.
in a series of scales.
to alter his or her looks.
la seua aparença.
for thousands of years.
durant milers d'anys.
and you've got this and you've got that.
i tal i qual.
i pel que tinc entés
take place for medical reasons.
es deuen a raons mèdiques.
is a different civilization.
és diferent a la primera.
fundamental aspects of the body.
fonamentals del cos.
the person grows taller,
i la persona és més alta,
gets fatter or loses metabolism
es fa més grossa o perd metabolisme
in a fundamental way.
les funcions a nivell fonamental.
una civilització intrasolar,
a Life Three civilization,
una civilització de tercer nivell,
from what we've got here.
en res al que veieu ací.
Deinococcus radiodurans
en Deinococcus radiodurans
after a lot of exposure to radiation.
quan s'exposen a molta radiació.
flow through your blood
passa per la sang
really radical redesigns,
that's happened in the last decade
que han passat esta última dècada
a whole lot of planets out there.
un bon garbó de planetes.
ser similars a la Terra.
want to get to these planets,
si volem arribar a ells,
més ràpids --
and the rest of this stuff --
i la resta d'aparells --
to the nearest solar system.
solar més proper.
beaches somewhere else,
platges en altres llocs,
capvespres de dos sols,
about something that is very different,
quelcom totalment diferent,
the timescale and the body of humans
l'escala temporal i el nostre cos
absolutely unrecognizable.
civilització de quart nivell.
to imagine what that might look like,
quin aspecte tindria,
take us even that far.
portar-nos allà.
that Floyd's been doing
Floyd ha estat fent
with the basic chemistry of life.
bàsica de la vida.
is made in ATCGs, the four letters of DNA.
està feta de ATCG, les lletres de l'ADN.
all animals, all humans, all cows,
els animals, els humans, les vaques,
two of those base pairs,
canviar dos de les parelles bàsiques,
a parallel system to make life,
un sistema paral·lel per fer vida,
amb la majoria de coses de la Terra
with most things on Earth
del que hi ha a la Terra.
that are immune to all bacteria.
immunes a les bactèries.
that are immune to all viruses.
are not a unique solution.
una solució única.
alternate chemistries to us
químiques alternatives a la nostra
adaptable to a very different planet
a un planeta diferent
of this experiment,
d'aquest experiment,
is based on 20 amino acids.
està basat en 20 amino àcids.
if you say ATCG + XY,
si diem ATCG + XY,
20 building blocks to 172,
20 blocs de construcció a 172,
172 building blocks of amino acids
blocs d'amino àcids
in very different shapes.
d'aspectes molt diferents.
is a really weird experiment
tenir en compte és molt estrany
hundreds of mouse heads.
centenars de caps de ratolí.
heart transplants.
transplants de cor.
the wife or the daughter of the donor
o la filla del donant
li preguntaven al receptor,
Do you love this person?
T'estimes esta persona?
the heart is a muscle,
que el cor és un múscul,
or tens of thousands of years,
o desenes de milers d'anys deiem,
She took my heart. She broke my heart."
were transplanted with the heart. Nope.
transplantar-se amb el cor. Però no.
és una pissarra en blanc.
remembers what it's afraid of,
les coses que li fan por,
memory and consciousness.
la memòria i la consciència.
interesting question is,
interessant és,
is the only input-output mechanism
significa que l'únic mecanisme
that consciousness into something
eixa consciència
tens of thousands of years,
desenes de milers d'anys,
completament redissenyat
for a long, long period of time?
durant un llarg període de temps?
a sis mil milions de kilòmetres,
all of humanity goes.
l'humanitat sencera també.
ens interessa alterar el cos humà
to alter the human body
want a picture that says,
voldrem tenir una foto que diga,
survives long-term extinction.
sobreviurà l'extinció.
not to evolve the human body
a evolucionar el cos humà
even though it can be challenging,
encara que siga un repte,
to allow us to explore, live
explorar i viure
we can't even dream of today,
encara no podem ni somiar,
grandchildren might someday.
pels nostres re-re-re-rebesnets.
Juan Enriquez - FuturistJuan Enriquez thinks and writes about the profound changes that genomics and other life sciences will bring in business, technology, politics and society.
Why you should listen
A broad thinker who studies the intersections of these fields, Enriquez has a talent for bridging disciplines to build a coherent look ahead. He is the managing director of Excel Venture Management, a life sciences VC firm. He recently published (with Steve Gullans) Evolving Ourselves: How Unnatural Selection and Nonrandom Mutation Are Shaping Life on Earth. The book describes a world where humans increasingly shape their environment, themselves and other species.
Enriquez is a member of the board of Synthetic Genomics, which recently introduced the smallest synthetic living cell. Called “JCVI-syn 3.0,” it has 473 genes (about half the previous smallest cell). The organism would die if one of the genes is removed. In other words, this is the minimum genetic instruction set for a living organism.
Juan Enriquez | Speaker | TED.com