Sue Klebold: My son was a Columbine shooter. This is my story
Sue Klebold: El meu fill va ser un dels assassins de Columbine. Aquesta és la meva història.
Sue Klebold has become a passionate agent working to advance mental health awareness and intervention. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
sentir la veu del meu fill
per la porta de casa
una sola paraula:
at Columbine High School,
before taking their own lives.
abans de suicidar-se.
van ser assassinades,
in a state of grief and trauma.
el dolor i el trauma.
and permanent disability.
en discapacitat permanent.
of deaths and injuries that took place.
de morts i ferides.
the psychological damage
el mal psicològic
que es trobàven a l'institut,
in rescue or cleanup efforts.
de rescat o neteja.
the magnitude of a tragedy like Columbine,
d'una tragèdia com la de Columbine,
to commit atrocities of their own.
les seues pròpies atrocitats.
va ser un sisme,
for the community and for society
els costaria anys
to try to accept my son's legacy.
acceptar el llegat del meu fill.
that defined the end of his life
va definir el final de la seua vida
different person from the one I knew.
totalmente diferent a la que coneixia.
I thought of myself as a good mom.
pensava que era una bona mare.
fills persones afectuoses,
a la meua vida.
that I failed as a parent,
de que havia fracassat com a mare,
that brings me here today.
fracàs el que m'ha fet vindre aquí avui.
who knew and loved Dylan the most.
que més coneixia i estimava Dylan.
what was happening,
saber el que passava,
of someone who kills and hurts.
que ha matat i ha fet mal.
I combed through memories,
repassava els records
exactly where I failed as a parent.
havia fracassat com a mare.
who didn't know me before the shootings,
no em coneixien abans de la matança,
una sala com aquesta,
has experienced loss
alguna pèrdua
caused by a member of my family
el patiment causat per un familiar meu
us ha causat dolor.
and even compassion
comprensió i fins i tot compassió
my son's death as a suicide.
del meu fill com un suïcidi.
so he could end his life.
per a acabar amb la seua vida.
until months after his death.
fins mesos després de la seva mort.
com a un suïcidi,
he showed at the end of his life.
que va mostrar al final de la seva vida.
and talking with experts,
i parlar amb experts,
was rooted not in his desire to kill
no es deu al seu desig de matar
when I talk about my son's murder-suicide
al parlar d'aquest assassinat-suïcidi
la salut mental --
la salut mental --
because it's more concrete.
prefereixo per ser més concret.
I'm talking about violence.
parlo de violència.
is to contribute to the misunderstanding
manera al malentés
de la malaltia mental.
who have a mental illness
de les persones amb malalties mentals
to maybe more than 90 percent
fins més d'un 90 per cent
mental health condition of some kind.
diagnosticable d'alguna mena.
is not equipped to help everyone,
és deficitari en quant a salut mental,
pensaments destructius
pensaments recurrents
only if they reach a behavioral crisis.
si arriben a una crisi de comportament.
to two percent of all suicides
per cent dels suïcidis
as they are rising for some populations,
com ho fa per algunes poblacions,
will rise as well.
també en pujarà.
in Dylan's mind prior to his death,
al cap de Dylan abans de la seva mort,
from other survivors of suicide loss.
d'altres supervivents de suïcidi.
to help with fund-raising events,
per ajudar amb events de recaudació,
survived their own suicidal crisis
més útils que vaig tindre
conversations I had
company de feina
amb una altra persona
that Dylan could not have loved me
no m'estimava
as horrible as he did.
tan dolenta com aquella.
em va trobar a soles,
that conversation,
escoltar la conversa,
que m'equivocava.
a young, single mother
una mare jove i soltera
and was hospitalized to keep her safe.
i va ser hospitalitzada.
would be better off if she died,
estarien millor si ella moria,
acabar amb la seva vida.
was the strongest bond on Earth,
és el vincle més fort que existeix,
more than anything in the world,
més que res en aquest món,
would be better off without her.
millor sense ella.
I've learned from others
vaig aprendre d'altres
the so-called decision or choice
prenem la decisió
that we choose what car to drive
in an extremely suicidal state,
en un estat extrem suïcida,
medical health emergency.
d'una emergència mèdica.
lost access to tools of self-governance.
i perden l'accés a l'autogovernament.
make a plan and act with logic,
i guiar-se per la lògica,
is distorted by a filter of pain
distorssionat per un filtre de dolor
interpret their reality.
interpreten la realitat.
at hiding this state,
amagant aquest estat,
good reasons for doing that.
raons per fer-ho.
suicidal thoughts at some point,
pensaments suïcides,
ongoing thoughts of suicide
formes de morir
recognized and treated
reconeguda i tractada
was not purely a suicide.
no va ser només un suïcidi.
suicidal thinking became homicidal.
suïcida va passar a homicida.
and there are no simple answers.
cap respota simple.
una depressió permanent.
that was perfectionistic and self-reliant,
perfeccionista i independent,
to seek help from others.
demanar ajuda als demés.
triggering events at the school
traumàtics a l'institut
debased and humiliated and mad.
menyspreat, humiliat i enfadat.
of rage and alienation,
sentiments de ràbia i alienació,
vulnerabilitat i fragilitat,
owned any in our home.
tingut a casa.
for a 17-year-old boy to buy guns,
de 17 anys comprés armes,
without my permission or knowledge.
sense el meu permís o coneixement.
and many school shootings later,
i moltes matances després,
em trencà el cor,
al cos com a la ment.
I got breast cancer,
càncer de mama,
I began to have mental health problems.
a tindre problemes mentals.
into a family member
amb algun familiar
a terrible parent or a disgusting person.
o que sóc una persona horrible.
four years after the shootings,
quatre anys després del tiroteig,
for the depositions
per les deposicions
amb els familiars de les víctimes.
the victims' families face to face.
six years after the shootings,
to speak publicly about murder-suicide
en públic sobre l'assassinat-suïcidi
into this spinning cycle of terror
en un cercle de terror
or reason my way out of it,
was trying to kill me,
intentara matar-me,
to have a malfunctioning mind,
que no funciona bé,
became a brain health advocate.
en defensora de la salut mental.
la medicació i al cuidar-me,
as normal under the circumstances.
donades les circunstàncies.
on all that had happened,
tot el que va passar,
spiral into dysfunction
la caiguda en la disfunció del meu fill
over a period of about two years,
en un període de dos anys,
rebés ajuda,
that he needed help
de que necessitava ajuda
and taps into my feelings of guilt
colpeja els meus sentiments de culpa
plans de suïcidi
how much we want to believe we can,
que creiem que podem,
els nostres éssers estimats.
that we are somehow different,
de que nosaltres serem diferents,
would never think of hurting themselves
mai pensarien en fer-se mal
a simple vista.
do come to pass,
arriba a passar,
to forgive ourselves for not knowing
a perdonar-nos per no saber
preguntes adequades
tractament adequat.
ser capaços d'assumir
pot estar sofrint,
el que diguen
els nostres instints,
to what the other families lost.
comparar a la resta de famílies.
doesn't make theirs any easier.
no alleugera la seva.
I don't have the right to any pain,
que no tinc dret a sentir dolor,
es pot resumir així:
the most vigilant and responsible of us
el més alerta i responsable de nosaltres
resulta d'ajuda,
Sue Klebold - ActivistSue Klebold has become a passionate agent working to advance mental health awareness and intervention.
Why you should listen
Sue Klebold is the mother of Dylan Klebold, one of the two shooters at Columbine High School in 1999. Since the massacre, Sue has spent years excavating every detail of her family life, and trying to understand what she could have done to prevent it. In 2016, after years of evading public scrutiny, Klebold published A Mother's Reckoning: Living In the Aftermath of Tragedy, a powerful memoir in which she explores the crucial intersection between mental health and violence. As a passionate advocate for brain health awareness and intervention, she is donating any profits from the book to mental health charities, research and suicide prevention, hoping for solutions that will help parents and professionals spot and thwart signs of trouble.
Sue Klebold | Speaker |