Sue Klebold: My son was a Columbine shooter. This is my story
Sue Klebold: Môj syn bol strelec z Columbine. Toto je môj príbeh.
Sue Klebold has become a passionate agent working to advance mental health awareness and intervention. Full bio
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at Columbine High School,
na strednej škole v Columbine
before taking their own lives.
než si sami siahli na život.
in a state of grief and trauma.
a traumatizovaných blízkych.
and permanent disability.
of deaths and injuries that took place.
iba počtom úmrtí a zranení.
the psychological damage
in rescue or cleanup efforts.
na záchranných prácach či opravách škôd.
the magnitude of a tragedy like Columbine,
Columbine, nemožno presne posúdiť,
to commit atrocities of their own.
plánujúcich vlastné zverstvá.
for the community and for society
i spoločnosti celé roky,
to try to accept my son's legacy.
pochopiť synov odkaz.
that defined the end of his life
definovalo koniec jeho života,
different person from the one I knew.
iným človekom, než akého som poznala.
I thought of myself as a good mom.
považovala za dobrú mamu.
aby sa stali starostlivými,
that I failed as a parent,
že ako rodič som zlyhala,
that brings me here today.
dôvodom, prečo tu dnes stojím.
who knew and loved Dylan the most.
poznal a miloval najviac.
what was happening,
of someone who kills and hurts.
kto zabíja a ubližuje.
I combed through memories,
som sa prehrabávala spomienkami
exactly where I failed as a parent.
som ako rodič zlyhala.
who didn't know me before the shootings,
ktorí ma pred streľbou nepoznali,
has experienced loss
z prítomných neutrpel stratu
caused by a member of my family
spôsobené členom mojej rodiny,
môj syn spôsobil bolesť.
and even compassion
my son's death as a suicide.
ako o samovražde.
so he could end his life.
aby mohol ukončiť svoj život.
until months after his death.
až niekoľko mesiacov po jeho smrti.
ako o samovražde,
he showed at the end of his life.
ktorú preukázal pred smrťou.
and talking with experts,
a po mnohých rozhovoroch s expertmi
was rooted not in his desire to kill
nepramenila z túžby zabiť,
when I talk about my son's murder-suicide
o synových vraždách a samovražde,
because it's more concrete.
o zdraví mozgu, čo je konkrétnejší pojem.
I'm talking about violence.
hovorím aj o násilí.
is to contribute to the misunderstanding
ešte viac zvýšiť nepochopenie,
obklopené už teraz.
who have a mental illness
ktorí trpia duševnou poruchou,
ktorí spáchali samovraždu,
to maybe more than 90 percent
75 až možno vyše 90 percent
mental health condition of some kind.
is not equipped to help everyone,
schopný pomôcť každému
only if they reach a behavioral crisis.
až keď dospejú do krízy správania.
to two percent of all suicides
všetkých samovrážd
as they are rising for some populations,
keďže v istých skupinách ich počet rastie,
will rise as well.
spojených s vraždou.
in Dylan's mind prior to his death,
v Dylanovej mysli pred jeho smrťou
from other survivors of suicide loss.
ktorí tiež zažili samovraždu blízkeho.
to help with fund-raising events,
pomáhala pri dobročinných zbierkach.
survived their own suicidal crisis
svoju vlastnú samovražednú krízu
conversations I had
rozprávam s niekým iným.
that Dylan could not have loved me
že Dylan ma nemohol milovať,
as horrible as he did.
that conversation,
a young, single mother
mladou slobodnou matkou
and was hospitalized to keep her safe.
byť pre vlastné bezpečie hospitalizovaná.
would be better off if she died,
was the strongest bond on Earth,
je to najsilnejšie puto na Zemi
more than anything in the world,
než čokoľvek iné na svete.
would be better off without her.
že bez nej im bude lepšie.
I've learned from others
som sa naučila aj od iných
the so-called decision or choice
„rozhodnutie“ či „voľbu“
that we choose what car to drive
akým si vyberáme auto
in an extremely suicidal state,
samovražednom stave,
medical health emergency.
zdravotnej pohotovosti.
lost access to tools of self-governance.
schopnosť sebaovládania.
make a plan and act with logic,
a konať premyslene,
is distorted by a filter of pain
je skreslený bolesťou,
interpret their reality.
at hiding this state,
tento stav veľmi dobre skrývať
good reasons for doing that.
suicidal thoughts at some point,
myslia na samovraždu,
ongoing thoughts of suicide
samovražedné myšlienky
spôsobmi ich uskutočnenia
recognized and treated
was not purely a suicide.
nebola iba samovraždou,
suicidal thinking became homicidal.
správanie zmenilo na vražedné.
and there are no simple answers.
a jednoduché odpovede neexistujú.
that was perfectionistic and self-reliant,
a spoliehal sa sám na seba,
to seek help from others.
že vyhľadá pomoc u iných.
triggering events at the school
debased and humiliated and mad.
pokorenia, poníženia a hnevu.
of rage and alienation,
jeho pocity zúrivosti a odcudzenia
owned any in our home.
nikdy žiadne nemali.
for a 17-year-old boy to buy guns,
17-ročný chlapec kúpiť zbraň,
without my permission or knowledge.
bez môjho dovolenia alebo vedomia.
and many school shootings later,
a niekoľko školských strelieb neskôr,
vykonal, mi zlomilo srdce.
I got breast cancer,
ochorela na rakovinu prsníka.
I began to have mental health problems.
začala mať psychické problémy.
into a family member
že stretnem príbuzného niekoho,
a terrible parent or a disgusting person.
za strašného rodiča či odpudivú osobu.
four years after the shootings,
štyri roky po streľbe,
for the depositions
na svedecké výpovede
the victims' families face to face.
osobne čeliť rodinám obetí.
six years after the shootings,
to speak publicly about murder-suicide
na svoje prvé verejné vystúpenie
čítaní knihy v posteli.
into this spinning cycle of terror
v akomsi vírivom cykle hrôzy
ako veľmi som sa snažila
or reason my way out of it,
was trying to kill me,
sa ma môj mozog pokúšal zabiť
to have a malfunctioning mind,
became a brain health advocate.
obhajkyňou zdravého mozgu.
as normal under the circumstances.
možné považovať za normálny.
on all that had happened,
na všetko, čo sa udialo,
spiral into dysfunction
postupný úpadok do choroby
over a period of about two years,
počas asi dvojročného obdobia,
that he needed help
and taps into my feelings of guilt
a napája sa na môj pocit viny,
so sklonom k samovražde,
how much we want to believe we can,
ako veľmi chceme veriť, že to dokážeme,
myslia alebo cítia.
that we are somehow different,
práve my sme v niečom iní,
would never think of hurting themselves
by nikdy nenapadlo ublížiť sebe
to máme priamo pred očami.
do come to pass,
to forgive ourselves for not knowing
sami sebe nevedomosť
to what the other families lost.
so stratou ostatných rodín.
doesn't make theirs any easier.
nijako neuľahčuje ten ich.
I don't have the right to any pain,
ktorí si myslia,
všetko, čo viem, zhrnúť do tohto:
the most vigilant and responsible of us
najostražitejší a najzodpovednejší z nás
Sue Klebold - ActivistSue Klebold has become a passionate agent working to advance mental health awareness and intervention.
Why you should listen
Sue Klebold is the mother of Dylan Klebold, one of the two shooters at Columbine High School in 1999. Since the massacre, Sue has spent years excavating every detail of her family life, and trying to understand what she could have done to prevent it. In 2016, after years of evading public scrutiny, Klebold published A Mother's Reckoning: Living In the Aftermath of Tragedy, a powerful memoir in which she explores the crucial intersection between mental health and violence. As a passionate advocate for brain health awareness and intervention, she is donating any profits from the book to mental health charities, research and suicide prevention, hoping for solutions that will help parents and professionals spot and thwart signs of trouble.
Sue Klebold | Speaker |