Sue Klebold: My son was a Columbine shooter. This is my story
Sue Klebold: Mano sūnus – Columbine žudikas. Štai mano istorija.
Sue Klebold has become a passionate agent working to advance mental health awareness and intervention. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
savo sūnaus balsą
at Columbine High School,
before taking their own lives.
prieš nusižudydami patys.
in a state of grief and trauma.
and permanent disability.
of deaths and injuries that took place.
aukų ir sužalotųjų skaičiumi.
the psychological damage
in rescue or cleanup efforts.
the magnitude of a tragedy like Columbine,
Columbine tragedijos dydžio
to commit atrocities of their own.
siekiantiems padaryti kažką baisaus.
for the community and for society
to try to accept my son's legacy.
susitaikyti su sūnaus poelgiu.
that defined the end of his life
different person from the one I knew.
ne toks, kokį aš pažinojau.
I thought of myself as a good mom.
that I failed as a parent,
kad man nepasisekė
that brings me here today.
šiandien esu čia.
who knew and loved Dylan the most.
ir labiausiai mylėjęs Dylan.
what was happening,
kas vyksta,
of someone who kills and hurts.
kuris žudė ir skaudino.
I combed through memories,
kuičiausi prisiminimuose
exactly where I failed as a parent.
ką auklėjime padariau ne taip.
who didn't know me before the shootings,
kurie manęs nepažinojo prieš šaudynes,
has experienced loss
prarado artimąjį
caused by a member of my family
kurį sukėlė mano šeimos narys,
sukėlė jums skausmą.
and even compassion
ir užuojautos,
my son's death as a suicide.
kaip apie savižudybę.
so he could end his life.
kad galėtų nusišauti.
until months after his death.
po jo mirties.
kaip savižudybę,
he showed at the end of his life.
kurį jis rodė gyvenimo pabaigoje.
and talking with experts,
ir pokalbių su ekspertais,
was rooted not in his desire to kill
ne troškime žudyti
when I talk about my son's murder-suicide
apie sūnaus žmogžudystę-savižudybę
psichinę sveikatą –
because it's more concrete.
nes taip konkrečiau.
I'm talking about violence.
is to contribute to the misunderstanding
prie nežinojimo,
who have a mental illness
kurie serga psichikos ligomis
to maybe more than 90 percent
kurie nusižudo
mental health condition of some kind.
psichikos liga.
is not equipped to help everyone,
negali visiems padėti,
destruktyvių minčių,
ir negydomi.
only if they reach a behavioral crisis.
tik kai jie patiria krizę.
to two percent of all suicides
as they are rising for some populations,
kyla savižudybių skaičius,
will rise as well.
in Dylan's mind prior to his death,
Dylan galvoje prieš jo mirtį
from other survivors of suicide loss.
susidūrusius su savižudybe.
to help with fund-raising events,
labdaros renginiuose,
survived their own suicidal crisis
išgyveno savižudikiškas mintis
conversations I had
man padėjusių pokalbių
that Dylan could not have loved me
jog Dylan manęs nemylėjo,
as horrible as he did.
that conversation,
a young, single mother
jauna, vieniša mama
and was hospitalized to keep her safe.
savo saugumo buvo paguldyta į ligoninę.
would be better off if she died,
bus daug geriau jei ji mirs,
was the strongest bond on Earth,
yra stipriausias ryšys pasaulyje
more than anything in the world,
labiau nei bet ką kita,
would be better off without her.
kad vaikams bus geriau be jos.
I've learned from others
ir ką sužinojau iš kitų
the so-called decision or choice
that we choose what car to drive
kokį automobilį vairuoti
in an extremely suicidal state,
itin linkęs į savižudybę,
medical health emergency.
skubi medicinos pagalba.
lost access to tools of self-governance.
pašlijusi savikontrolė.
make a plan and act with logic,
ir elgtis logiškai,
is distorted by a filter of pain
interpret their reality.
savo realybę.
at hiding this state,
sugeba visa tai nuslėpti
good reasons for doing that.
suicidal thoughts at some point,
apie savižudybę,
ongoing thoughts of suicide
mintys apie tai,
recognized and treated
ir gydoma,
was not purely a suicide.
nebuvo vien savižudybė.
suicidal thinking became homicidal.
mąstymas tapo žmogžudišku.
and there are no simple answers.
nėra paprastų atsakymų.
nuolatinė depresija.
that was perfectionistic and self-reliant,
ir pasitikėjo tik savimi,
to seek help from others.
prašyti kitų pagalbos.
triggering events at the school
debased and humiliated and mad.
pažemintu ir kėlė pyktį.
of rage and alienation,
jo pyktį ir atsiskyrimą,
linkęs žudyti.
owned any in our home.
jų niekada neturėjome.
for a 17-year-old boy to buy guns,
17-mečiui nusipirkti ginklą,
without my permission or knowledge.
be mano žinios ar leidimo.
and many school shootings later,
ir daug kitų šaudynių mokyklose,
sudaužė man širdį
I got breast cancer,
susirgau krūties vėžiu,
I began to have mental health problems.
mane aplankė psichikos problemos.
begalinio sielvarto,
into a family member
a terrible parent or a disgusting person.
siaubinga mama ar bjauriu žmogumi.
four years after the shootings,
ketveriems metams po tragedijos,
for the depositions
the victims' families face to face.
su aukų šeimomis akis į akį.
six years after the shootings,
praėjus šešeriems metams po visko,
to speak publicly about murder-suicide
apie savi-žmogžudystę.
into this spinning cycle of terror
or reason my way out of it,
was trying to kill me,
norėjo mane nužudyti,
to have a malfunctioning mind,
became a brain health advocate.
už smegenų sveikatą.
ir rūpinantis savimi,
as normal under the circumstances.
žinant aplinkybes.
on all that had happened,
spiral into dysfunction
nuopuolis į šią disfunkciją
over a period of about two years,
per dvejų metų laikotarpį –
that he needed help
kad jam jos reikia,
and taps into my feelings of guilt
jis žadina mano kaltės jausmą,
how much we want to believe we can,
kaip labai norėtume tuo tikėti,
that we are somehow different,
kad mes kažkuo kitokie,
would never think of hurting themselves
tikrai nežada žaloti savęs
do come to pass,
blogiausias galimas dalykas,
to forgive ourselves for not knowing
už nežinojimą,
su šia tragedija,
to what the other families lost.
ką prarado tos kitos šeimos.
doesn't make theirs any easier.
nepalengvina jų sunkumų.
I don't have the right to any pain,
jog aš neturiu teisės į jokį skausmą
the most vigilant and responsible of us
jog net patys akyliausi ir atsakingiausi
Sue Klebold - ActivistSue Klebold has become a passionate agent working to advance mental health awareness and intervention.
Why you should listen
Sue Klebold is the mother of Dylan Klebold, one of the two shooters at Columbine High School in 1999. Since the massacre, Sue has spent years excavating every detail of her family life, and trying to understand what she could have done to prevent it. In 2016, after years of evading public scrutiny, Klebold published A Mother's Reckoning: Living In the Aftermath of Tragedy, a powerful memoir in which she explores the crucial intersection between mental health and violence. As a passionate advocate for brain health awareness and intervention, she is donating any profits from the book to mental health charities, research and suicide prevention, hoping for solutions that will help parents and professionals spot and thwart signs of trouble.
Sue Klebold | Speaker |