Michael Kimmel: Why gender equality is good for everyone — men included
Michael Kimmel: Zašto je ravnopravnost spolova dobra za sve - pa i za muškarce
The author of "Angry White Men," Michael Kimmel is a pre-eminent scholar of men and masculinity. Full bio
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to support gender equality.
za podršku ravnopravnosti spolova.
with gender equality?
s ravnopravnosti spolova?
as a middle class white man.
kao bijelac srednje klase.
a middle class white man.
when I was in graduate school,
tridesetak godina kad sam bio na studiju
got together one day,
jednog smo se dana okupili
there's an explosion
in feminist theory,
o feminističkoj teoriji,
typically do in a situation like that.
u takvoj situaciji.
grupu za učenje.
svatko donijeti ponešto.
11 women and me got together.
i ja sastajali.
and have a conversation about it.
i razgovarali o tome.
that changed my life forever.
zauvijek promijenila život.
and one was black.
very anachronistic now --
face the same oppression as women.
s istim ugnjetavanjima kao žene.
situated in patriarchy,
u patrijarhiji
of intuitive solidarity or sisterhood."
solidarnost ili sestrinstvo."
"I'm not so sure.
"Ja ne bih baš rekla.
says to the white woman,
and you look in the mirror,
"You see, that's the problem for me.
u tome je moj problem.
and I look in the mirror," she said,
race is invisible. You don't see it."
Ti ju ne vidiš."
something really startling.
nešto zaista iznenađujuće:
to those who have it."
to the white people sitting in this room,
every split second of our lives.
svake sekunde svog postojanja.
to those who have it.
onima koji je imaju.
the only man in this group,
"Well what was that reaction?"
"Kakva je to reakcija bila?"
in the morning and I look in the mirror,
i pogledam u ogledalo,
I have no race, no class, no gender.
Nemam ni rase ni klase ni spola.
I became a middle class white man,
postao bijelac srednje klase,
were not about other people,
i spol ne tiču drugih ljudi,
kept it invisible to me for so long.
privilegija meni nevidljiva.
this story ends 30 years ago
ta priča završila prije 30 g.
at my university where I teach.
na sveučilištu na kojem predajem.
both teach the sociology of gender course
kolegij sociologije spola
for me when I teach.
kad ja predajem,
for her when she teaches.
kad ona predaje.
to give a guest lecture,
kao gost predavač,
looks up and says,
podigne glavu i kaže:
my colleague opened her mouth,
moja kolegica otvorila usta,
based on gender in the United States,"
neravnopravnost na temelju spola,
you'd say that.
"Wow, is that interesting.
How do you spell 'structural'?"
Kako se piše 'strukturalno'?"
men so often wear ties.
zbog toga muškarci nose kravate.
disembodied Western rationality,
zapadnjačku racionalnost,
of disembodied Western rationality
bestjelesne zapadnjačke racionalnosti
and the other end points to the genitals?
a s druge ukazuje na genitalije.
to support gender equality.
u podržavanje ravnopravnosti spolova.
about gender equality,
za ravnopravnost spolova,
that's fair, that's just,
the lightning bolt goes off,
yes, gender equality,"
Ravnopravnost spolova"
to mansplain to you your oppression.
krivo tumačiti vaše ugnjetavanje.
something akin to the cavalry,
slična mučeništvu:
to our attention, ladies,
na ovaj problem,
to call 'premature self-congratulation.'
"preuranjenom samohvalom".
that actively resists gender equality,
aktivno odupiru ravnopravnosti spolova
as something that is detrimental to men.
štetno za muški rod.
opposite four white men.
četvorice bijelih muškaraca.
I wrote, 'Angry White Men.'
"Ljuti bijeli muškarci".
white men in America,
kao bijeli Amerikanci
in the workplace.
na radnom mjestu.
about how they were qualified for jobs,
kvalificirani za poslove,
they were really angry.
pa su bili strašno ljuti.
is I want you to hear the title
da čujete naziv
qualified for promotions,
za poslove i promaknuća,
naljutili se.
just one question for you guys,
za vas imam samo jedno pitanje,
one word in the title.
it was your job?
'A Black Woman Got the Job?'
'Crnkinja je dobila taj posao'?
men's sense of entitlement,
bogomdanih prava,
why so many men resist gender equality.
muškarci odupiru ravnopravnosti spolova.
is a level playing field,
even a little bit,
u bilo kojem smjeru,
water's rushing uphill.
greatest affirmative action program
afirmativnog akcijskog programa
some of the obstacles to engaging men,
u uključivanju muškaraca,
ravnopravnost spolova?
it's right and it's just.
in our interest as men.
u interesu.
about what they want in their lives,
da žele u životu, shvatit ćete
for us to get the lives we want to live.
da dođemo do života koje želimo živjeti.
that are the most gender equal
ravnopravnosti spolova
on the happiness scale.
they're all in Europe.
sve one u Europi.
that are more gender equal
imaju višu razinu ravnopravnosti spolova
has shown conclusively
uvjerljivo je dokazalo
ravnopravnosti spolova,
They have lower levels of attrition.
manje su sklone slabljenju,
higher job satisfaction,
zadovoljstva poslom,
in companies is,
that's really going to be expensive, huh?"
biti skupa, zar ne?"
what you have to start calculating
trebate početi računati
is already costing you.
već sad košta.
we want to live,
have changed enormously,
znatno promijenili
that are animated
with their children.
their spouses, their wives,
odnosno žene
obiteljskog doma
to their careers as they are.
svojim karijerama kao i oni sami.
an illustration of this change --
there was a riddle that was posed to us.
zagonetka koja nam je postavljana.
to remember this riddle.
kad je čuju.
are driving on the freeway,
to the hospital emergency room,
into the hospital emergency room,
sees the boy and says,
with my 16-year old son.
sa svojim 16-ogodišnjim sinom.
hanging out at the house
kod nas dolazili
this riddle to them,
and said, "It's his mom." Right?
"Well, he could have two dads."
"Pa možda ima dva oca."
of how things have changed.
koliko se toga promijenilo.
to be able to balance work and family.
održavanja ravnoteže između braka i obitelji.
dual-carer couples.
work and family with their partners.
posao i obitelj sa svojim partnerima.
u odgoj djece.
our relationships,
are quite persuasive here.
ovdje su prilično uvjerljivi.
the data, to prove to men
podatke, koji će muškarcima dokazati
is not a zero-sum game, but a win-win.
na rezultat, već je to pobjeda za sve.
the process of engaging
that we use to describe what we do.
opisujemo što činimo.
something a little bit more radical,
i brigu o djeci,
of absenteeism,
to be diagnosed with ADHD.
to see a child psychiatrist.
to be put on medication.
kućne poslove i brigu o djeci,
i brigu o djeci,
to see a therapist,
with depression,
more likely to go to the gym,
češće idu u teretanu
of marital satisfaction.
i brigu o djeci,
take recreational drugs less often.
rjeđe koriste rekreacijske droge.
for routine screenings.
na rutinske preglede.
with depression,
prescription medication.
Men's Health magazine put on its cover?
staviti na naslovnicu?
u publici,
over a really long period of time,
tijekom dugog vremenskog perioda,
I'll do the dishes tonight."
večeras oprati suđe."
over a really long period of time.
dugog vremenskog perioda,
put it on their cover,
ovo stavio na naslovnicu,
you'll love this, "Choreplay."
obvezna predigra.
is something really important,
is not a zero-sum game.
nije igra na rezultat.
i gubitnika.
osnažiti žene i djevojke
i dječake i muškarce.
that women have identified
they say they want to live
navodno žele živjeti
that we say we want to live.
navodno želimo živjeti.
of the great suffrage demonstrations
od najvećih sufražetskih demonstracija
wrote an article in a magazine,
članak za časopis
of that article:
for the first time for men to be free."
da po prvi put budu slobodni."
Michael Kimmel - SociologistThe author of "Angry White Men," Michael Kimmel is a pre-eminent scholar of men and masculinity.
Why you should listen
Sociologist Michael Kimmel is among the leading researchers and writers on men and masculinity in the world. He's the executive director of the Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities at Stony Brook University, where he is also Distinguished University Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies.
He is the author of many books, including Manhood in America, Angry White Men, and the best seller Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men. An activist for gender equality for more than 30 years, he was recently called "the world's preeminent male feminist" by the Guardian.
Michael Kimmel | Speaker | TED.com