Michael Kimmel: Why gender equality is good for everyone — men included
Michael Kimmel: Por que a igualdade de xénero é boa para todos - homes inclusive
The author of "Angry White Men," Michael Kimmel is a pre-eminent scholar of men and masculinity. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
que apoien a igualdade de xénero.
to support gender equality.
coa igualdade de xénero?
with gender equality?
é cousa de mulleres.
un home branco de clase media.
as a middle class white man.
a middle class white man.
un home branco de clase media.
when I was in graduate school,
cando estaba na universidade.
got together one day,
saímos un día
there's an explosion
Hai unha morea
sobre teoría feminista,
in feminist theory,
typically do in a situation like that.
estudante faría nesa situación.
un grupo de estudo.
11 women and me got together.
11 mulleres e mais eu.
e conversabamos sobre el.
and have a conversation about it.
que cambiou a miña vida para sempre.
that changed my life forever.
entre dúas mulleres.
and one was black.
e a outra era negra.
very anachronistic now --
face the same oppression as women.
sofren a mesma opresión como mulleres.
situated in patriarchy,
o mesmo patriarcado
unha irmandade instintiva."
of intuitive solidarity or sisterhood."
"I'm not so sure.
"Non estou tan segura.
says to the white woman,
dille á muller branca:
and you look in the mirror,
e te miras no espello,
"Vexo unha muller."
"You see, that's the problem for me.
"Ves? Ese é o problema que teño eu.
e me miro no espello
and I look in the mirror," she said,
race is invisible. You don't see it."
a raza é invisible. Ti non a ves."
something really startling.
to those who have it."
para quen o ten."
to the white people sitting in this room,
que está nesta sala,
cada segundo das nosas vidas.
every split second of our lives.
to those who have it.
para quen o ten.
the only man in this group,
o único home neste grupo,
pensei: "Oh, non."
"Que foi esa reacción?"
"Well what was that reaction?"
pola mañá e me miro no espello,
in the morning and I look in the mirror,
I have no race, no class, no gender.
Non teño raza, nin clase, nin xénero.
I became a middle class white man,
nun home branco de clase media
were not about other people,
xa non eran cousas doutras persoas,
kept it invisible to me for so long.
invisible durante tanto tempo.
que esa historia acabou hai 30 anos
this story ends 30 years ago
at my university where I teach.
na universidade onde ensino.
both teach the sociology of gender course
a socioloxía do curso de xénero
for me when I teach.
cando eu dou clases.
cando ela dá clases.
for her when she teaches.
para dar a charla,
to give a guest lecture,
300 estudantes na sala,
mira e di:
looks up and says,
que a miña colega abría a boca,
my colleague opened her mouth,
era unha muller.
aos meus estudantes:
based on gender in the United States,"
baseada no xénero nos EE. UU."
you'd say that.
"Wow, is that interesting.
"Uau, que interesante.
Como se escribe 'estrutural'?"
How do you spell 'structural'?"
a obxectividade.
men so often wear ties.
creo que os homes levan gravata.
a racionalidade occidental incorpórea,
disembodied Western rationality,
racionalidade occidental incorpórea
of disembodied Western rationality
é un nó e no outro apunta aos xenitais?
and the other end points to the genitals?
o xénero aos homes
to support gender equality.
que apoien a igualdade de xénero.
a oír sobre a igualdade
about gender equality,
that's fair, that's just,
the lightning bolt goes off,
--acéndeselles a lámpada--
si, igualdade de xénero,"
yes, gender equality,"
a túa propia opresión.
to mansplain to you your oppression.
something akin to the cavalry,
como unha chamada á cabalaría,
por facernos reflexionar sobre isto,
to our attention, ladies,
to call 'premature self-congratulation.'
denomino "autocomplacencia prematura."
that actively resists gender equality,
activamente á igualdade de xénero,
as something that is detrimental to men.
como algo que vai en detrimento dos homes.
opposite four white men.
en fronte de catro homes brancos.
que escribín, Angry White Men.
I wrote, 'Angry White Men.'
white men in America,
homes brancos en América,
in the workplace.
no traballo.
estaban cualificados para traballos,
about how they were qualified for jobs,
they were really angry.
estaban moi anoxados.
que oiades o título
is I want you to hear the title
e ascensos,
qualified for promotions,
moi irados.
just one question for you guys,
pregunta para vós,
roubou o meu traballo.'
one word in the title.
palabra do título.
palabra meu.
it was your job?
de que era o voso traballo?
'A Black Woman Got the Job?'
'Unha muller negra conseguiu o traballo?'
un traballo'?
men's sense of entitlement,
dos homes de 'teren dereito',
homes se resisten á igualdade de xénero.
why so many men resist gender equality.
is a level playing field,
un terreo de xogo equilibrado
que o incline un pouco,
even a little bit,
"Deus, a auga vai cara a arriba.
water's rushing uphill.
do único gran programa de acción positiva
greatest affirmative action program
some of the obstacles to engaging men,
algúns dos atrancos para atraer homes,
a igualdade de xénero?
it's right and it's just.
nos interesa como homes.
in our interest as men.
about what they want in their lives,
sobre o que queren nas súas vidas,
un xeito de acadar as vidas que queremos.
for us to get the lives we want to live.
é boa para os países.
coa maioría de estudos,
maior igualdade de xénero
that are the most gender equal
na escala da felicidade.
on the happiness scale.
they're all in Europe.
estean todos en Europa.
que teñen máis igualdade de xénero
that are more gender equal
máis altos de felicidade.
has shown conclusively
e outros amosaron de xeito conclusivo
hai nas empresas
e menos niveis de abandono.
They have lower levels of attrition.
e o grao de satisfacción maior,
higher job satisfaction,
a miúdo:
in companies is,
vai ser moi caro, non?"
that's really going to be expensive, huh?"
o que tes que comezar a calcular
what you have to start calculating
a desigualdade de xénero.
is already costing you.
we want to live,
que queremos vivir,
cambiaron moitísimo,
have changed enormously,
that are animated
with their children.
cos seus fillos.
esposas, mulleres,
their spouses, their wives,
to their careers as they are.
coa súa carreira coma eles.
mostra deste cambio,
an illustration of this change --
adoitaban propoñernos unha adiviña.
there was a riddle that was posed to us.
ao lembrar a adiviña.
to remember this riddle.
are driving on the freeway,
van conducindo pola autovía
to the hospital emergency room,
a un hospital,
en urxencias,
into the hospital emergency room,
do servizo médico ve o rapaz e di
sees the boy and says,
co meu fillo de 16 anos.
with my 16-year old son.
hanging out at the house
expoñerlles esta adiviña,
this riddle to them,
o nivel de cambio.
"É a súa nai, non?"
and said, "It's his mom." Right?
"Ben, podía ter dous pais."
"Well, he could have two dads."
of how things have changed.
de como as cousas mudaron.
poder equilibrar traballo e familia.
to be able to balance work and family.
no traballo e na familia.
dual-carer couples.
traballo e familia coas súas parellas.
work and family with their partners.
our relationships,
son as nosas relacións,
os membros da parella.
are quite persuasive here.
son bastante convincentes.
información, para probarlles aos homes
the data, to prove to men
senón de gañar sempre
is not a zero-sum game, but a win-win.
o proceso de equilibrar
the process of engaging
a miúdo para describir o que facemos.
that we use to describe what we do.
un pouco máis radical,
something a little bit more radical,
e coidado dos fillos,
of absenteeism,
diagnosticados de TDAH.
to be diagnosed with ADHD.
un psiquiatra infantil.
to see a child psychiatrist.
to be put on medication.
tarefas e coidado dos fillos,
no fogar e coidan dos fillos
están máis sas.
de ir a terapia,
to see a therapist,
de diagnose de depresión,
with depression,
máis probabilidades de ir ao ximnasio,
more likely to go to the gym,
of marital satisfaction.
de satisfacción conxugal.
tarefas e coidado dos fillos,
tamén queren isto.
e coidado dos fillos,
take recreational drugs less often.
con menos frecuencia.
de ir a urxencias
for routine screenings.
por exames de rutina.
dunha diagnose de depresión,
with depression,
prescription medication.
tarefas e coidado dos fillos
e están máis sans.
tarefas e coidado dos fillos,
fascinantes descubrimentos,
a revista Men's Health na portada?
Men's Health magazine put on its cover?
fai que ela se excite.
durante un longo período de tempo,
over a really long period of time,
os pratos esta noite."
I'll do the dishes tonight."
over a really long period of time.
durante un longo período de tempo.
put it on their cover,
o puxo na portada,
"Tarefas preliminares."
you'll love this, "Choreplay."
is something really important,
é algo moi importante,
non é un xogo todo ou nada.
is not a zero-sum game.
totalmente as mulleres e as nenas
aos rapaces e aos homes.
que as mulleres descubriron
that women have identified
que din que queren vivir,
they say they want to live
que dicimos que queremos vivir.
that we say we want to live.
of the great suffrage demonstrations
das grandes manifestacións sufraxistas
escribiu nunha revista,
wrote an article in a magazine,
of that article:
for the first time for men to be free."
que os homes sexan libres."
Michael Kimmel - SociologistThe author of "Angry White Men," Michael Kimmel is a pre-eminent scholar of men and masculinity.
Why you should listen
Sociologist Michael Kimmel is among the leading researchers and writers on men and masculinity in the world. He's the executive director of the Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities at Stony Brook University, where he is also Distinguished University Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies.
He is the author of many books, including Manhood in America, Angry White Men, and the best seller Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men. An activist for gender equality for more than 30 years, he was recently called "the world's preeminent male feminist" by the Guardian.
Michael Kimmel | Speaker | TED.com