Michael Kimmel: Why gender equality is good for everyone — men included
Michael Kimmel: Mengapa kesetaraan gender baik untuk semua orang -- termasuk pria
The author of "Angry White Men," Michael Kimmel is a pre-eminent scholar of men and masculinity. Full bio
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to support gender equality.
untuk mendukung kesetaraan gender.
with gender equality?
kesetaraan gender?
kata gender identik dengan wanita.
as a middle class white man.
pria kulit putih dari kelas menengah.
a middle class white man.
pria kulit putih kelas menengah.
when I was in graduate school,
saat saya masih di sekolah pascasarjana,
got together one day,
mahsiswa pascasarjana berkumpul,
there's an explosion
sedang ada (ledakan) tulisan
in feminist theory,
typically do in a situation like that.
kebanyakan di situasi macam itu,
kelompok belajar
11 women and me got together.
saya dan 11 perempuan berkumpul.
and have a conversation about it.
lalu membicarakannya.
that changed my life forever.
yang mengubah hidup saya selamanya.
antara dua perempuan.
and one was black.
satunya berkulit hitam.
very anachronistic now --
menyalahi jaman --
face the same oppression as women.
mengalami opresi yang sama sebagai wanita.
situated in patriarchy,
dalam patriarki,
of intuitive solidarity or sisterhood."
solidaritas atau persaudaraan intuitif."
"I'm not so sure.
"Saya tidak begitu yakin.
says to the white woman,
pada si wanita kulit putih
and you look in the mirror,
apa yang kau lihat?"
"Seorang perempuan."
"You see, that's the problem for me.
"Itu masalahnya.
and I look in the mirror," she said,
race is invisible. You don't see it."
Tapi untukmu tidak."
something really startling.
amat mengejutkan.
to those who have it."
bagi yang memilikinya."
to the white people sitting in this room,
yang ada di sini,
every split second of our lives.
setiap waktu.
to those who have it.
bagi yang memilikinya.
the only man in this group,
saya berpikir, "Oh, tidak."
"Well what was that reaction?"
"Reaksi macam apa itu?"
in the morning and I look in the mirror,
dan melihat ke kaca,
I have no race, no class, no gender.
Tanpa ras, kelas, gender.
secara universal."
I became a middle class white man,
menjadi pria kulit putih kelas menengah,
were not about other people,
bukan tentang orang lain,
kept it invisible to me for so long.
menjadikan hal itu tak tampak.
this story ends 30 years ago
berakhir 30 tahun lalu
at my university where I teach.
di universitas tampat saya mengajar.
both teach the sociology of gender course
mengajar kuliah gender sosiologi
for me when I teach.
for her when she teaches.
to give a guest lecture,
untuk memberi kuliah tamu,
looks up and says,
dari mereka berkata,
my colleague opened her mouth,
kolega saya membuka mulut,
seorang perempuan.
based on gender in the United States,"
gender di Amerika Serikat,"
you'd say that.
menurutmu begitu.
"Wow, is that interesting.
"Wow, menarik ya.
How do you spell 'structural'?"
Bagaimana cara mengeja 'struktural'?"
men so often wear ties.
sering sekali mengenakan dasi.
disembodied Western rationality,
rasionalitas barat yang tak berwujud,
of disembodied Western rationality
rasionalitas Barat yang tak berwujud
and the other end points to the genitals?
dan ujung lainnya menunjuk ke kelamin?
bagi para pria
to support gender equality.
untuk mendukung kesetaraan gender.
about gender equality,
kesetaraan gender,
banyak pria yang berpikir,
that's fair, that's just,
seperti itulah seharusnya
the lightning bolt goes off,
seperti tersambar petir,
yes, gender equality,"
to mansplain to you your oppression.
tentang opresi dari sudut pandang mereka.
something akin to the cavalry,
kesetaraan gender sama dengan kavaleri,
to our attention, ladies,
menyadarkan kami tentang ini,
saya sebut 'penghargaan diri prematur.'
to call 'premature self-congratulation.'
that actively resists gender equality,
menolak kesetaraan gender,
as something that is detrimental to men.
yang merugikan bagi pria.
opposite four white men.
di TV bersama empat pria kulit putih.
I wrote, 'Angry White Men.'
'Amarah Pria Kulit Putih.'
white men in America,
pria kulit putih di Amerika,
in the workplace.
di tempat kerja.
about how they were qualified for jobs,
cukup berkualitas untuk bekerja,
they were really angry.
mereka marah betul.
is I want you to hear the title
saya ingin kalian mendengar
salah satu dari mereka,
qualified for promotions,
naik pangkat,
just one question for you guys,
pertanyaan untuk kalian,
one word in the title.
judul itu.
it was your job?
'A Black Woman Got the Job?'
'Wanita Kulit Hitam Dapat Pekerjaan Itu?'
men's sense of entitlement,
yang dimiliki lelaki,
why so many men resist gender equality.
alasan pria menolak kesetaraan gender.
is a level playing field,
medan bermainnya,
even a little bit,
sedikit saja,
water's rushing uphill.
air mengalir ke atas.
dan Amerika Serikat
greatest affirmative action program
yang paling besar
some of the obstacles to engaging men,
sebagian rintangan dalam mengajak pria,
kesetaraan gender?
it's right and it's just.
dan memang seperti itu seharusnya.
in our interest as men.
kepentingan kita sebagai pria.
about what they want in their lives,
pria tentang keinginan mereka,
for us to get the lives we want to live.
cara meraih kehidupan yang kita inginkan.
that are the most gender equal
on the happiness scale.
they're all in Europe.
negara-negara itu di Eropa.
that are more gender equal
memiliki kesetaraan gender
yang paling tinggi.
has shown conclusively
telah memastikan bahwa
dalam sebuah perusahaan,
They have lower levels of attrition.
dan pengurangan yang rendah.
higher job satisfaction,
kepuasan kerja yang tinggi,
in companies is,
di perusahaan yaitu,
that's really going to be expensive, huh?"
menghabiskan uang, ya?"
what you have to start calculating
mulai Anda hitung adalah
is already costing you.
telah merugikan Anda.
we want to live,
have changed enormously,
sudah banyak yang berubah,
that are animated
dengan anak mereka.
with their children.
their spouses, their wives,
pasangan mereka, istri mereka, untuk
to their careers as they are.
yang sama besarnya dengan mereka.
an illustration of this change --
tentang perubahan ini --
masih ingat.
there was a riddle that was posed to us.
yang diberikan pada kami.
to remember this riddle.
teka-teki ini.
are driving on the freeway,
berkendara di jalan raya,
to the hospital emergency room,
into the hospital emergency room,
ke ruang gawat darurat,
sees the boy and says,
lalu berkata,
dia anak saya."
with my 16-year old son.
putera saya yang berusia 16 tahun.
hanging out at the house
beberapa temannya
this riddle to them,
pada mereka,
tingkat perubahan yang ada.
and said, "It's his mom." Right?
"Dokter itu ibunya." Ya 'kan?
"Well, he could have two dads."
"Yah, bisa saja dia punya dua ayah."
of how things have changed.
seberapa banyak perubahan telah terjadi.
to be able to balance work and family.
menyeimbangkan pekerjaan dan keluarga.
dual-carer couples.
sama-sama bekerja.
work and family with their partners.
pekerjaan dan keluarga dengan pasangan.
our relationships,
are quite persuasive here.
tentang hal ini cukup meyakinkan.
the data, to prove to men
dalam data, untuk membuktikan pada pria
is not a zero-sum game, but a win-win.
menang-kalah, tapi kemenangan bersama.
the process of engaging
menyeimbangkan pekerjaan dan keluarga,
menyebutkan apa yang kami lakukan.
that we use to describe what we do.
something a little bit more radical,
agak lebih radikal, satu kata: "berbagi."
urusan anak,
di sekolah.
of absenteeism,
to be diagnosed with ADHD.
lebih rendah.
to see a child psychiatrist.
dan obat-obatan juga lebih rendah.
to be put on medication.
urusan anak,
dan lebih sehat,
dan urusan anak,
lebih sehat.
to see a therapist,
with depression,
lebih rendah,
more likely to go to the gym,
cenderung sering pergi ke gym,
of marital satisfaction.
lebih tinggi.
urusan anak,
urusan anak,
take recreational drugs less often.
mengonsumsi plasebo.
ruang gawat darurat
for routine screenings.
pemeriksaan rutin.
with depression,
prescription medication.
anak dibagi
dan urusan anak,
Men's Health magazine put on its cover?
Men's Health di sampulnya?
(Saat Bukan Dia yang Mengerjakan.)"
para penonton pria di sini,
over a really long period of time,
yang amat panjang,
yang berkata,
I'll do the dishes tonight."
mencuci piring malam ini."
over a really long period of time.
yang amat panjang.
put it on their cover,
data ini di sampulnya,
you'll love this, "Choreplay."
suka, "Choreplay."
is something really important,
amat penting,
is not a zero-sum game.
menang atau kalah.
semua orang.
memberi kuasa pada para wanita dan pemudi
dan pria.
that women have identified
they say they want to live
mereka inginkan
that we say we want to live.
kita inginkan.
of the great suffrage demonstrations
demonstrasi besar untuk hak pilih
wrote an article in a magazine,
sebuah artikel di majalah,
of that article:
for the first time for men to be free."
para pria untuk pertama kalinya."
Michael Kimmel - SociologistThe author of "Angry White Men," Michael Kimmel is a pre-eminent scholar of men and masculinity.
Why you should listen
Sociologist Michael Kimmel is among the leading researchers and writers on men and masculinity in the world. He's the executive director of the Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities at Stony Brook University, where he is also Distinguished University Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies.
He is the author of many books, including Manhood in America, Angry White Men, and the best seller Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men. An activist for gender equality for more than 30 years, he was recently called "the world's preeminent male feminist" by the Guardian.
Michael Kimmel | Speaker | TED.com