Michael Patrick Lynch: How to see past your own perspective and find truth
Michael Patrick Lynch: Kako nadići vlastitu perspektivu i pronaći istinu
Michael Patrick Lynch examines truth, democracy, public discourse and the ethics of technology in the age of big data. Full bio
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your smartphone miniaturized
svoj pametni telefon smanjiti
and download to the internet
i preuzimati s interneta
would be a lot like --
ili Wikipediji bilo bi vrlo slično,
and as intimate as thinking.
i intimno kao razmišljanje.
for you to know what's true?
znati što je istina?
of accessing information is faster
način pristupanja informacijama brži,
reliable, of course,
protumačili na isti način.
interpret it the same way.
any better at evaluating it.
išta bolji u procjenjivanju.
znači manje vremena za procjenu.
less time for evaluation.
happening to us right now.
around in our pockets,
podataka u svojim džepovima,
we share and access online,
dijelimo i dobivamo na internetu,
to tell the difference
but understand less.
of modern life, I suppose,
jedna od odlika modernog života,
live in isolated information bubbles.
živi u izoliranim balonima informacija.
but over the facts.
vrijednosti, nego i činjenica.
analytics that drive the internet
podataka koja pokreće internet
our Facebook feed
pojavljuju na Facebooku,
reflecting ourselves
odražava nas same,
rather than bursting them.
u paradoksalnoj situaciji,
a paradoxical situation,
on what it is we know.
polarizacije znanja?
this problem of knowledge polarization?
to fix our technology,
je pokušati popraviti tehnologiju,
susceptible to polarization.
podložnima polarizaciji.
and Facebook are working on just that.
i Facebooka rade samo na tome.
is obviously really important,
popravljanje tehnologije vrlo važno,
fixing it, is going to solve the problem
tehnologije riješiti problem
at the end of the day,
ne smatram da je to
and what we value.
kako razmišljamo i što cijenimo.
kako bismo ga riješili.
we're going to need help.
psihologije i politologije.
from psychology and political science.
I think, from philosophy.
trebati i pomoć filozofije.
of knowledge polarization,
polarizacije znanja,
is like, I suppose,
ista je kao, pretpostavljam,
to put into practice.
predstavlja izazov.
ima problematičan odnos
something of a troubled relationship
razilazimo u mišljenju,
jedan politički komentator,
put it not long ago,
više ni ne postoje.
of argument that's in the air.
koja visi u zraku.
of our own perspectives;
od vlastitih perspektiva;
od vlastite pristranosti.
from our perspective.
iz naše perspektive.
that objective truth is an illusion,
kako je objektivna istina iluzija,
know what it is,
as some of you know,
kao što neki od vas znaju, bila je
academic circles.
akademskim krugovima.
to the Greek philosopher Protagoras,
grčkog filozofa Protagore,
truth was an illusion
objektivna istina iluzija,
of all things."
of realpolitik to people,
temeljnim dijelom realpolitike,
da otkrivamo ili stvaramo vlastitu istinu.
to discover or make our own truth.
of self-serving rationalization
racionalizacijom kojom si podilazimo,
of being certain
to be certain about anything;
oko ičega biti siguran;
on all sorts of facts.
oko raznih činjenica.
your arms and fly.
zamahnuti rukama i poletjeti.
možemo naštetiti.
about truth can be tempting,
može biti primamljiva
away our own biases.
vlastitu pristranost.
the guy in the movie
kao onaj tip u filmu
svejedno sviđa.
want feels good.
dobiti ono što želiš.
information bubbles,
balone informacija,
as the measure of reality.
this bad faith gets into our action
licemjerje utječe na naše djelovanje
to the phenomenon of fake news.
presidential election of 2016
predsjedničkih izbora 2016.
da hrane našu pristranost,
so many people.
što su zavarale toliko ljudi.
about fake news,
po pitanju lažnih vijesti,
the subject of knowledge polarization;
subjektom polarizacije znanja,
the very term -- "fake news"
"vijest koja mi se ne sviđa".
towards the truth that I'm talking about.
prema istini o kojoj govorim.
da je uistinu opasna stvar
is the measure of all things."
"TAJ čovjek je mjerilo svih stvari".
"only the strong survive."
"samo snažni opstaju".
the protagonist Winston Smith
protagonistu Winstona Smitha
dva plus dva jednako pet.
that whatever the party says is the truth,
da što god partija kaže jest istina,
is that once this thought is accepted,
čim ta misao bude prihvaćena,
prkositi vlasti,
that we really live in a common reality,
uistinu živimo u zajedničkoj stvarnosti,
uzeo kao moto prosvjetiteljstva:
as the motto for the Enlightenment:
"to dare to know for yourself."
"usudi se znati sâm".
was always going to make it easier
more and more a part of our lives,
postaje dijelom naših života,
znamo zbog Googlea.
the assembly line of social media.
društvenih mreža.
intelektualnog outsourcing-a.
a sort of intellectual outsourcing.
of others and algorithms.
na mrežu drugih i na algoritme.
to not clutter our minds
da umove ne zatrpavamo
when we need them.
preuzeti kada ih trebamo.
between downloading a set of facts
preuzimanja seta činjenica
those facts are as they are.
ili zašto te činjenice jesu to što jesu.
a particular disease spreads,
that we should stop Google-knowing.
prestati stjecati Google znanje.
forms of knowing that are more active,
oblike znanja koji su aktivniji
our effort into our bubble.
trud prebacujemo na naš balon.
is that too often it ends up
što ono prečesto ispadne
always being right.
da smo uvijek u pravu.
that you could be wrong.
da možemo biti u krivu.
are different things.
dvije različite stvari.
that I think we need to do
koju mislim da moramo činiti,
in a common reality.
da živimo u zajedničkoj stvarnosti.
have a little humility.
epistemičku skromnost,
epistemic humility,
more than that.
as open to improvement
kao otvorenog prema poboljšanju
as open to improvement
kroz dokaze i iskustva drugih.
prema promjenama.
being open to change.
prema samonapretku.
to self-improvement.
može biti poboljšano
as capable of enhancing
by what others contribute.
of a stretch to say
u poboljšavanju ili poticanju
at enhancing or encouraging
arrogance and confidence.
aroganciju i samopouzdanje.
as knowing it all.
as having it all figured out.
da smo sve shvatili.
of the bad faith towards the truth
licemjerja prema istini
if their citizens don't strive,
ako njezini građani ne teže,
ideas back and forth
nastanjujete taj prostor
that you live in the same reality.
da živite u istoj stvarnosti.
moramo vjerovati u istinu
to believe in truth,
more active ways of knowing.
the measure of all things.
and not terrifying,
oslobađajuće, a ne zastrašujuće,
naše razumijevanje
Michael Patrick Lynch - PhilosopherMichael Patrick Lynch examines truth, democracy, public discourse and the ethics of technology in the age of big data.
Why you should listen
What is truth and why does it matter? Does information technology help or hinder its pursuit? And how do we encourage more productive public discourse? These are some of the questions that animate Michael Lynch's work as a philosopher.
Lynch is a writer and professor of philosophy at the University of Connecticut, where he directs the Humanities Institute. His work concerns truth, democracy, public discourse and the ethics of technology. Lynch is the author or editor of seven books, including The Internet of Us: Knowing More and Understanding Less in the Age of Big Data, In Praise of Reason: Why Rationality Matters for Democracy, Truth as One and Many and the New York Times Sunday Book Review Editor’s pick, True to Life.
The recipient of the Medal for Research Excellence from the University of Connecticut’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, he is The Principal Investigator for Humility & Conviction in Public Life, a $7 million project aimed at understanding and encouraging meaningful public discourse funded by the John Templeton Foundation and the University of Connecticut. He's a frequent contributor to the New York Times "The Stone" blog.
Michael Patrick Lynch | Speaker | TED.com