Linda Liukas: A delightful way to teach kids about computers
Linda Liukas: Smagus būdas vaikus mokyti kompiuterių
Linda Liukas wants to create a more diverse and colorful world of technology, starting with the poetry of code. Full bio
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that drove the whole generation.
buvo pankrokas.
to our imagination and our world.
su mūsų vaizduote ir mūsų pasauliu.
more diverse set of people
and lonely and boring and magic,
ir liūdnais, nuobodžiais ir magiškais,
žaisti ir darbuotis,
that they can tinker
and so forth.
of programming and technology
ir technologijų pasaulį
on an older man,
vyresnio amžiaus vyrą,
just happened to be
vyresnio amžiaus žmogus
of the United States, Mr. Al Gore.
viceprezidentas Al Gore.
teenage girl would want to do.
kiekviena paauglė.
express all of this love,
visą tą meilę
jis čia.
there was no Pinterest.
all of this longing and loving.
ir meilę.
started for me.
I would use crayons and legos.
kreidelėmis ar Lego.
guitar lessons and theater plays.
gitaros pamokomis ir teatro vaidinimais.
to get excited about,
kitais dalykais,
prancūzų kalboje,
are boring and technical and lonely.
techniški ir vieniši.
are not supposed to like computers.
turėtų nepatikti kompiuteriai.
at concentrating on things
į ką nors susitelkti
amazing questions like,
puikius klausimus:
and "How?" and "What if?"
ir „o kas jeigu?“
are not supposed to like computers.
turėtų nepatikti kompiuteriai.
is this esoteric, weird science discipline
tokia ezoteriška ir keista mokslo sritis,
from everyday life
and controls and data structures
ir duomenų struktūrų,
we've made computers smaller and smaller.
darėme mažesniais ir mažesniais.
of abstraction on top of each other
abstrakcijos sluoksnių,
have any idea how computers work
kaip kompiuteriai veikia
how the human body works,
žmogaus kūnas,
the combustion engine functions
vidaus degimo variklis
that if you want to really be an astronaut
tapti astronautais,
what happens when I press 'play,'
kai paspaudžiu „groti“,
really, really, really fast.
these amazing, beautiful machines,
šiuos puikius gražius įrenginius,
very, very foreign to us,
to the computers
su kompiuteriais,
how to speak to the computers anymore
French irregular verbs,
prancūziškus veiksmažodžius
my pattern recognition skills.
a sequence of symbolic commands
simbolinių komandų sekas,
gyvenimo užduotis,
between English and mathematics
ir matematikos,
bet to niekas nesuprato.
and pinch their way through the world.
kelią per pasaulį.
to build with computers,
kurti su kompiuteriais,
instead of creators.
o ne kūrėjus.
led me to this little girl.
iki šios mažos mergaitės.
imaginative and a little bit bossy.
ir kiek valdinga.
I would run into a problem
myself programming like,
programavimą, pav.,
or what is garbage collection?",
dizainas ar kas yra šiukšlių surinktuvas?“
little girl would explain the problem.
šešiametė mergaitė.
and I illustrated it
Ruby taught me go like this.
not supposed to be afraid
stuck together.
sudėta į viena.
me to her friends,
su savo draugais,
to play with the other kids.
su kitais vaikais.
that are really friendly but super messy.
kurie draugiški, bet baisiai netvarkingi.
but somewhat hard to understand.
bet jį sunku suprasti.
technology through play.
are really good at repeating stuff,
puikiai sekasi ką nors kartoti,
loops goes like this.
it goes, "Clap, clap, stomp, stomp
Ploti, ploti, trypti, trypti,
by repeating that four times.
by repeating that sequence
kartodamas tą veiksmų seką,
by repeating that sequence
that there are no ready answers.
išankstinių atsakymų.
for Ruby's world,
how they see the world
kaip jie mato pasaulį
play testing sessions.
these four pictures.
šiuos keturis paveikslėlius.
do you think is a computer?"
yra kompiuteris?“
very conservative and go,
ir sakydavo:
spends way too much time."
praleidžia per daug laiko.“
that actually, a car is a computer,
mašina yra kompiuteris,
might not be a computer,
a computer inside of it.
so many different kinds of computers,
skirtingų kompiuterių,
and the burglar alarms.
with an on/off button on them.
su mygtuku „įjungta-išjungta“.
"Today you have this magic ability
„Šiandien turite stebuklingą progą
into a computer."
paversti kompiuteriu.“
I don't know the right answer for this."
nežinau teisingo atsakymo.“
the right answer, either.
to hear about this thing
you are going to be the ones
where everything is a computer."
kur viskas yra kompiuteris.“
who came to me
atėjo prie manęs,
if it were a computer,
jeigu ji būtų kompiuteris,
what else could it do?"
ką dar ji galėtų daryti?“
were a computer,
with my father
could also be a movie projector."
kino projektorius.“
is definitely not ready yet,
of making the world more ready
can be a part of that change.
gali būti tų pokyčių dalis.
mes sukūrėme kompiuterį.
and the helpful RAM and ROM
ir naudingaisiais RAM ir ROM,
viską prisiminti.
our computer together,
yra apie šį berniuką,
is to be an astronaut.
yra būti astronautu.
these huge headphones on
in his tiny paper computer
popierinį kompiuterį,
navigation application.
in the Martian orbit,
Marso orbitoje
safely back to earth.
a profoundly different view of the world
suvokimą apie pasaulį,
per technologijas.
the more inclusive,
labiau priimantį
we make the world of technology,
the world will look like.
bus pasaulis.
su manimi
don't only include
turės ne tik
Silicon Valley boys,
and Norwegian librarians.
ir Norvegijos bibliotekininkus.
the little Ada Lovelaces of tomorrow,
mažieji ir mažosios Ada Lovelace,
reality of 1s and 0s,
and brave about technology.
optimistiškai ir drąsiai.
and the opportunities
that is wonderful, whimsical
kuris yra nuostabus, žaismingas
in Moominvalley.
I would roam around the Tatooines.
I would go to sleep in Narnia.
to be the perfect profession for me.
puikiausia profesija.
šią nuostabią galią
and paradigms and practices.
paradigmomis ir metodais.
with the pure power of logic.
naudojantis vien logikos galiomis.
Linda Liukas - Programmer, storyteller and illustratorLinda Liukas wants to create a more diverse and colorful world of technology, starting with the poetry of code.
Why you should listen
Linda Liukas is a programmer, storyteller and illustrator. Her children's book, Hello Ruby, is the "world’s most whimsical way to learn about technology, computing and coding.” Liukas founded Rails Girls, which has organized workshops in over 230 cities, teaching the basics of programming to more than 10,000 women. Linda worked at Codeacademy, which she left to write stories that teach children about software and programming. She won the 2013 Ruby Hero prize and was named the Digital Champion of Finland by the EU Commissioner for Digital Agenda.
Linda Liukas | Speaker |