Julian Treasure: How to speak so that people want to listen
Жулиан Трэшүр: Хүмүүс таныг сонсохыг хүстэл ярих урлаг
Julian Treasure studies sound and advises businesses on how best to use it. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
сонсох маш хэцүү.
нэг хэлбэр бол гомдоллох.
хамгийн сайн чаддаг.
complain about the weather,
and lightness in the world.
somebody who is being like that.
with their opinions as if they were true.
бөмбөгдөж эхлэнэ.
a great definition as well.
унаж ирдэг зүйл биш юм.
байх ёстой гэсэн утга биш шүү.
их муухай харагдаж байна."
honesty is a great thing.
бараг бүтэшгүй зүйл.
few people have ever opened.
be very useful most of the time,
дунд өнгө гэж байдаг.
тохируулж чадна.
you can hear the difference.
та ялгааг нь сонсож чадна.
хоолойн угаар ярьж болно.
speak from most of the time.
цээжний гүнээсээ ярьж болно.
эрх мэдлийг илтгэдэг.
ойлгоход бэрх байдаг.
яриа гэдэг үг төрсөн.
миний сэтгэл маш их догдолдог.
авиагаар дүүргэх хэрэггүй.
Түлхүүр хаана байна?
хуримын нээлтийн үг ч байж болох юм.
six vocal warmup exercises
anybody important, do these.
үүнийг хийгээрэй.
хэлэхийг зөвшөөрнө үү.
about noise and bad acoustics.
(Алга ташилт)
Julian Treasure - Sound consultantJulian Treasure studies sound and advises businesses on how best to use it.
Why you should listen
Julian Treasure is the chair of the Sound Agency, a firm that advises worldwide businesses -- offices, retailers, airports -- on how to design sound in their physical spaces and communication. He asks us to pay attention to the sounds that surround us. How do they make us feel: productive, stressed, energized, acquisitive?
Treasure is the author of the book Sound Business, a manual for effective sound use in every aspect of business. His most recent book, How to be Heard: Secrets for Powerful Speaking and Listening, based on his TED Talk, offers practical exercises to improve communication skills and an inspiring vision for a sonorous world of effective speaking, conscious listening and understanding. He speaks globally on this topic.
Julian Treasure | Speaker | TED.com