Julian Treasure: How to speak so that people want to listen
Julian Treasure: Cum să vorbeşti ca lumea să te asculte
Julian Treasure studies sound and advises businesses on how best to use it. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
oamenii nu-i ascultă.
pe cineva care nu-i de faţă.
după 5 minute,
şi e greu de ascultat.
„Ştiu, nu-i aşa că e îngrozitor?"
atât de negativist.
complain about the weather,
Ne plângem de vreme,
and lightness in the world.
acţiunilor lor.
somebody who is being like that.
şi nu dorim să ascultăm oameni
with their opinions as if they were true.
personale ca şi cum ar fi adevărate,
a acestui subiect?
alcătuiesc un acronim „hail".
a great definition as well.
iar coincidenţa e bine-venită.
pe cineva.
cuvintele noastre
aceste patru principii.
să fii direct şi clar.
adică să fii tu însuţi.
şi se referă la
oamenii să aibă încredere.
din două motive.
cred că onestitatea absolută
honesty is a great thing.
onestitatea e fantastică.
few people have ever opened.
exprimării voastre.
be very useful most of the time,
în majoritatea cazurilor,
you can hear the difference.
remarcaţi diferenţa.
speak from most of the time.
ca să transmitem înţelesul.
pare o întrebare /?/
doar cu înălţimea sunetului.
să te asculte
Nu e frumos.
sau vorbim la o ceremonie.
dacă e important,
să verifici cutia cu unelte
six vocal warmup exercises
de încălzire a vocii
anybody important, do these.
cu cineva important.
Începeţi cu ,,ui" şi ajungeţi la ,,au".
about noise and bad acoustics.
Julian Treasure - Sound consultantJulian Treasure studies sound and advises businesses on how best to use it.
Why you should listen
Julian Treasure is the chair of the Sound Agency, a firm that advises worldwide businesses -- offices, retailers, airports -- on how to design sound in their physical spaces and communication. He asks us to pay attention to the sounds that surround us. How do they make us feel: productive, stressed, energized, acquisitive?
Treasure is the author of the book Sound Business, a manual for effective sound use in every aspect of business. His most recent book, How to be Heard: Secrets for Powerful Speaking and Listening, based on his TED Talk, offers practical exercises to improve communication skills and an inspiring vision for a sonorous world of effective speaking, conscious listening and understanding. He speaks globally on this topic.
Julian Treasure | Speaker | TED.com