Emily Esfahani Smith: There's more to life than being happy
Emily Esfahani Smith: Życie to coś więcej niż poszukiwanie szczęścia
In her book "The Power of Meaning," Emily Esfahani Smith rounds up the latest research -- and the stories of fascinating people she interviewed -- to argue that the search for meaning is far more fulfilling than the pursuit of personal happiness. Full bio
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was pursuing happiness.
to happiness was success,
that beautiful apartment.
mieli ten sam problem.
they struggled with this, too.
studia psychologii pozytywnej
to graduate school for positive psychology
zmieniło moje życie.
changed my life.
co pokazują badania.
can make people unhappy.
around the world,
a 30-year high in America.
obiektywnie się polepsza,
objectively better
gnawing away at people,
żeby tego doświadczyć.
clinically depressed to feel it.
wszyscy zastanawiamy się:
what predicts this despair
niż bycie szczęśliwym?
między byciem szczęśliwym
between being happy
jako stan wygody, komfortu
as a state of comfort and ease,
Martin Seligman says
i służenia czemuś poza sobą
and serving something beyond yourself
na punkcie szczęścia,
jest bardziej znaczące.
is the more fulfilling path.
którzy mają w życiu sens,
who have meaning in life,
robiłam wywiady z setkami ludzi,
interviewing hundreds of people
of pages of psychology,
four pillars of a meaningful life.
czterema filarami życia z sensem.
z tych filarów do swojego życia.
of these pillars in our lives.
from being in relationships
for who you are intrinsically
takimi, jakimi jesteśmy,
dają tanie poczucie przynależności,
deliver a cheap form of belonging;
czy dbać o poczucie przynależności.
to cultivate belonging with others.
buys a newspaper
a transaction, though.
żeby zwolnić, porozmawiać,
didn't have the right change,
i kupił coś niepotrzebnego,
and bought something he didn't need
bezwiednie odrzucamy innych.
like this without realizing it.
i ledwo go zauważę.
and barely acknowledge them.
when someone's talking to me.
kiedy ktoś ze mną rozmawia.
niewidzialni i bezwartościowi.
invisible and unworthy.
tworzymy więź,
you create a bond
to najważniejsze źródło sensu,
is the most essential source of meaning,
is the second pillar: purpose.
is not the same thing
than about what you give.
że jej celem jest leczenie chorych.
her purpose is healing sick people.
is using your strengths to serve others.
swoje zalety, żeby pomagać innym.
that happens through work.
dzięki któremu czujemy się potrzebni.
that issues like disengagement at work,
ale także egzystencjalne.
they're existential ones, too.
purpose at work,
something to live for,
jest wyjście poza własne "ja",
is also about stepping beyond yourself,
ponad zgiełkiem codzienności.
the hustle and bustle of daily life,
to a higher reality.
z wyższą rzeczywistością.
transcendence came from seeing art.
dzieje się to dzięki pisaniu.
and it happens through writing.
zatracając poczucie czasu i miejsca.
that I lose all sense of time and place.
experiences can change you.
at 200-feet-tall eucalyptus trees
mieli patrzeć na 60-metrowe eukaliptusy
they felt less self-centered,
of meaning, I've found,
about yourself.
przynosi jasność.
of your life brings clarity.
how you became you.
że jesteśmy autorami opowieści,
that we're the authors of our stories
i na nowo opowiadać naszą opowieść,
and retell your story,
podczas gry w futbol.
who'd been paralyzed playing football.
i cierpią na depresję.
to weave a different story.
my life was purposeless.
a pretty selfish guy.
że mogę być lepszym człowiekiem".
I could be a better man."
changed Emeka's life.
nazywa to "opowieścią odkupienia",
calls this a "redemptive story,"
lives, he's found,
change their stories?
on your life thoughtfully,
i zmagamy się z tym.
and we all struggle.
przyczynia się do poszerzenia wiedzy,
can lead to new insights and wisdom,
transcendencja, opowiadanie.
transcendence, storytelling:
bo otaczały mnie cztery filary.
by all of the pillars.
organizowali spotkania sufich.
from our home in Montreal.
kojarzony z wirującymi derwiszami
associated with the whirling dervishes
przychodzili do nas sufi,
i wymieniać się opowieściami.
and share stories.
służenia wszystkim stworzeniom
serving all of creation
nawet gdy ktoś ich skrzywdzi.
even when people wronged you.
to reign in the ego.
of Sufism in my life,
that make life worth living.
had a real culture of meaning.
helped us all live more deeply.
that use the pillars
dla czego warto żyć i umrzeć.
something to live and die for.
musi dać lepsze alternatywy.
do naszych rodzin i instytucji,
within our families and our institutions
we're constantly creating our lives,
wyjątkowe doświadczenie z ojcem.
I had with my father.
I graduated from college,
that should have killed him.
który mógł go zabić.
co się działo w jego umyśle,
what was going through his mind
was needing to live
for my brother and me,
to fight for life.
for emergency surgery,
wypowiedzianymi przez niego słowami,
the last words he spoke on earth
miał powód, żeby żyć:
he had a reason to live:
powtarzanie naszych imion,
repeating our names --
why he survived.
jest największym wsparciem.
something to hold on to.
Emily Esfahani Smith - Journalist, authorIn her book "The Power of Meaning," Emily Esfahani Smith rounds up the latest research -- and the stories of fascinating people she interviewed -- to argue that the search for meaning is far more fulfilling than the pursuit of personal happiness.
Why you should listen
Emily Esfahani Smith is the author of The Power of Meaning: Finding Fulfillment in a World Obsessed With Happiness. In her book and TED Talk, she argues that we're chasing the wrong goal -- a life of meaning, not happiness, should be our aim.
Our culture is obsessed with happiness. Even though we devote vast amounts of time and resources trying to be happier, many of us feel aimless and alienated nonetheless. With depression and loneliness trending upward for decades and the suicide rate rising around the world -- recently reaching a 30-year high in the United States -- it's clear that something is wrong. In recent years, social scientists have been trying to understand what exactly the problem is. What they've found is striking. What predicts the rising tide of despair sweeping across society is not a lack of happiness. It's a lack of something else -- a lack of having meaning in life. In fact, chasing and valuing happiness, the way our culture encourages us to do, can actually make people unhappy.
This set Smith on a journey to understand what constitutes a meaningful life. After extensive research and reporting, she came to see that there are four pillars of a meaningful life -- and she lays them out in her TED Talk. Ultimately, she discovered that the search for meaning is far more fulfilling than the pursuit of personal happiness -- and we all have the power to build more meaning in our lives.
Smith's articles and essays have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and The Atlantic. The former managing editor of The New Criterion, Smith is also an editor at the Stanford University's Hoover Institution, where she advises the Ben Franklin Circles project, a collaboration with the 92nd Street Y and Citizen University to build meaning in local communities.
Emily Esfahani Smith | Speaker | TED.com